New to This. Any advice.: I have recentley... - Meningitis Now

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New to This. Any advice.

Debra profile image
3 Replies

I have recentley left hospital after having Mengiococcal Meningitis (Y Strain) Dont worry i didnt write that, my spelling has gone to pot. I am really just wanting to know whats going to happen to me in the in the coming months. I am really scared, i have not really had any information from either my GP or the hospital.I have asked them if several things are normal but all i get told is everyone is diffrent. It would be great to mail some-one who's going through the same type of thing. I'd like to wish you all well with your recovery. Oh and i warn you I can chat for Britain f you reply, well sort of chat at the moment lol. Deb

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3 Replies

Hi Debra,

I had meningitis in Oct 2007 - so coming up to my 4th anniversary. Don't be too hard on your GP / Hospital because they are right, everyone is different. Personally the only left over symptoms is joint pain. My right hip and knee just give way on me periodically, going up stairs can be the most difficult. But I can go months being fine. When I first got out of hospital the skin on my hands and feet peeled off - bizarre! About 3 weeks after I got out of hospital I went to buy a birthday present for my sister and got a really bad headache and stiffness down the right side of my neck - I got home in floods of tears and terrified it was back. The fear of ever getting it again has never left me. But actually the most surprising thing for me was when the realisation of what had happened hit me. About 6 months after the 'OMG what if' question hit me. I had been focused on the getting better and the realisation of what could have been was a massive slap in the face. I really struggled with it, but I did work through it and I'm doing really well now.

So you think you can chat..... ha ha. I hope this helps, and I wish you well in getting better ( I don't like the word recovery, it makes me think I'm a victim and I'm not, just my personal view)

Look forward to hearing from you again.


MNClaireD profile image
MNClaireDPartnerMeningitis Now

Hello Debra

I am sorry to hear that you have recently been in hospital with meningococcal meningitis. Most people do make a good recovery from meningitis, though recovery can take time. You have had a serious illness and you need to allow yourself time to rest and recover. It is not unusual to feel very tired, worried and emotional once you are back home.

It is important that you have a follow up appointment with either your GP or the hospital doctor to see how you are getting on. You should also have an appointment for a hearing test (if you have not already done so).

It can really help to talk to others who have had meningitis. This forum is a great starting point for others to share their experience and help each other.

Please remember that we are also here to help. Our helpline (0800 028 18

28) is available 24hr/day for support and information. We can also provide

a home visit to answer your questions and concerns on a more personal level if required.

Best wishes,


Community Nurse Manager, Meningitis Trust

Debra profile image

Thank you both for your comments, it helps to feel i am not the only one. Later today i'm off to have my bloods taken, (oh joy) I have spoken to the help line and they are really good. If i could just get rid of my double vision i'd be ok and maybe not so wobbly on my feet (plus i have to look at my Hubby twice LOL,i dont mean that he's a star). Its s intresting now watching how people treat you because they cant see it, they just dont know what to make of it, lets face it Meningitus isnt really talked about its only when some-one contacts it that people wise up and then it becomes a eye opener. Anyway thank you for your comments once again.

Best wishes


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