Can an infant be free from disability after being treated of meningitis?
A Case of Meningitis: Can an infant be free... - Meningitis Now
A Case of Meningitis
Hi There! Its a lot of struggle for an infant to survive on Meningitis, same what happen for my son. Indeed , they're Fighter!
My son is 10months old when he got Bacterial Meningitis and had a lots of after effect. He got late of growth development, visual impairement and had diabetes insipidus.
Now he is 5yrs old and his diabetes insipidus was gone. He is active and can able to play but cannot able to walk yet as he has problem with imbalance. And his vision shows good signs as now he got reacted with lights.
Unfortunately, my son also got another sickness last 2020 and it was Skin LCH and he is taking chemotherapy. I'm keeping my faith that he will be better soon in God's grace.
The side effects will be difficult to handle for everyone specially to us, parent -with prayers nothing will be possible 🙏.
My son ( now 31yrs) contracted b.m. at birth. Today he has bad memory and anxiety problems . He is also slow generally.
Hi, I think it just depends a few things. Like the type of bacteria, how fast they were treated and probably a host of individual things including genetics. My daughter has had bacterial meningitis twice (and viral twice - we're non a bit of a journey finding out why). She, now age 2, is unbelievably fine. Hitting all milestones and is a very early talker with no hearing loss of heart problems. Her memory seems great. Much better than mine! her recent (4weeks ago) bacterial meningitis can cause epilepsy so it's a watch this space in that one. This is not to say over time things may become different. Kids are quite incredible at healing and bouncing back. Incidentally her dad had bacterial meningitis as a baby and also didn't have any life lasting impact. Hope your little one is ok.