In late December 2018 during the weekend everything seemed to be going smoothly.
I was actually out with the lads having a few beers.
I remember starting not feeling to great but kept pushing through it. At the time I thought it was just dehydration from a few to many drinks.
I remember waking up on Sunday feeling completely out of it.
Nearly everyone knows what a hangover is like.
This was different. I felt like I wasn't in my body. But I kept pushing through it thinking it would pass.
Come the following Wednesday I was at work when this horrible feeling came over me. My heart dropped and I started to feel extremely Ill.
As a few weeks went past my condition wasn't Improving. I was feeling more out of it than before.
It was 1 week after new years on a Friday. I finished up from gym (I'm a gym junky and had some goals I was aiming for. Regretting I Probably should of backed off).
Going Into gym I was already feeling extremely weak and out of it. Best way to describe it was feeling not my self. Something wasnt right. Unfortunately that was the tipping point that night. As I left the gym I felt weak at the legs, the world was spinning, uncoordination in my limbs. I believe I was cognitively Impaired too because I was making silly decisions like continuing to train.
I was rushed to ER. Did basic blood tests. All came back OK. Long story short I was released. the docs thought I was just having a panic attack. But I know what they feel like. I've had them in my life and have been symptom free for many many years and it wasn't from mental Illness. It was from substance abuse. This was completely different.
The physical symptoms manifested into anxiety. I was in a fight flight response because my body was literally in distress.
I was told to go home and rest. I was ln bed for 2 weeks with heart palpitations. Felt like my whole body was vibrating and felt like I was dying. I think I was in and out of consciousness. I actually don't have any memory recall of those few weeks.
Reading through stories on here I am almost 100% certain I have/had a form of meningitis. (Possibly after effects of it now since it's been awhile).
I would say the 3 worst things I'm dealing with still is anxiety/depression, neck stiffness/ head pressure/headaches and fatigue.
The anxiety is actually through the roof. I get panic attacks if I go out of my house now. I'm an extrovert and didn't have a single issue with social anxiety or any kind of anxiety I general. but since this has all happened all I want to do is sit in a dark room In silence. Social life and work has been dramatically affected.
Other symptoms are: blurred vision, memory problems, muscle twitches, tremors and strange neuropsychological manifestations.
I'm also unable to exercise. My head thumps whenever I do anything that raises my heart rate. Feel very faint and lightheaded.
I've put this down to some kind of blood pressure regulation problem with my nervous system. This has Improved though, which gives me hope.
To be optimistic and positive, looking back to how I was at my worse there has been remarkable Improvement. But I'm not where near functional.
I have a neurologist booked now..but I feel like it might be a waste of time. I was looking for a diagnosis but have read similar stories to mine where there was never a diagnosis made because of the late timing..I don't see the point In doing a lumbar puncture.. It might be good to rule out anything else though.
I'm confused and would like some guidance and definitely some reassurance.