My name is Brittany I have an almost 4 year old son. And live with his father who I have been with for over five years.
My story starts in the year 2000 I was ten at the time of the car accident which left me in the hospital for 9 months I had a spinal fluid leak and a broken neck. Fractures in my face which they thought had healed.
When I got out of the hospital everything mostly went back to normal I was never allowed to play sports and I had stipulations in gym class I did not attend gym class until high school and only because it was required. I had an iep and didn’t attend normal math class until the 9th grade when I finally caught back up to my peers.
Everything was normal until November of 2017 when I woke up at 4 am with the strangest worst headache I’ve ever had in my life. I chocked it up to the fact that I drank the night before and this was just from that so I took excedrine and went back to bed. When I woke back up around 8 or 9 am I felt the same but worse I could hardly walk to the bathroom my head hurt so bad so my boyfriend got me Tylenol and I laid back down until I had to get up to change my sons diaper and get him a drink. I texted my boyfriends mom I was positive I needed to go to the hospital but I didn’t have a license nor could I just take my son with me to the er without some sort of help. She explained she was a work and that my boyfriend would be home soon to take me to the hospital so I laid down on the couch waiting on my boyfriend. What happened after that I have no memory of for two weeks. From what I’ve been told when I stopped answering my texts and phone calls my boyfriends mom left work to come to me and when she got there my son let her in. Apparently I sat up she said my eyes where huge and I just looked at her I didn’t know who she was. She called an ambulance they were convinced I did drugs and overdosed they even counted all my prescriptions to make sure I hadn’t overdosed on those. So my son was given to my neighbor and I was taken to the hospital. My boyfriend went straight there when he heard so basically I was trashing around and going crazy it took several people to hold me down I pulled my picc line out all kinds of craziness. I was then put into induced coma for 13 days they kept trying to take me out of it but I couldn’t breathe on my own I was on so many medications. I remember seeing the dr and he asked told me I was in an accident which I’ve been so scared of car accidents I thought he meant that was what happened. He also asked me about my scars which he thought were scratches saying how’d I get the scratches on my head. I remember at one point sitting up and seeing my boyfriend sitting there he smiled at me but that’s all I remember. I had a strong dream during this coma I was absolutely convinced I escaped the hospital and went to my grandmas house who was in my dream divorced and somehow became a dr. This dream goes on and turns traumatic from there. So the dr woke me up again and asked me if I knew where I was which I did then I told him my escape story and he looked at me and said yea that never happened. I dont know how much later but I woke up completely I saw my aunt and I had a tube down my throat which I wanted to talk to my aunt so I held up my finger telling her to hold on a moment and i dont know how much time went by but she was gone and I have no memory of pulling my tube out but was told I did.
From there I had a terrible hallucination about the nurse putting iPads all over my room and pretty much making fun of me which was traumatizing. It went on for hours and hours every time I woke up the room looked different. So finally I was moved to a room out of the icu and I was fine until I fell asleep and woke back up and ipads were in my room again so I was just so tired I kept trying to reach it to put it down and never could so I put my pillow up to cover it and fell back asleep of course when I woke up no iPad was there.
So then I was sent to rehab center for a week and went home after with iv antibiotics which I was on at home for about a month.
I’m now in pill antibiotics and trying daily to get back to where I was but I don’t think it’s possible.
My hearing has decreased and I have permanent numbness in one hip.
I will be going to ent to discuss fixing my fracture in a few weeks as well as discussing my hearing but I’m pretty sure hearing cannot get better once it’s already declined. I have headaches almost everyday and get easily frustrated.
That’s all I have to say for right now