Has anyone used any alternative methods to get rid of chronic headaches with any success? Someone has suggested peppermint oil but am not sure exactly how to use it and would love to hear others experience along with any other suggestions. Currently my boyfriend can only go about 5 hours without strong pain medication and anti inflamatories - he was diagnosed with tb meningitis a few weeks ago although not sure the diagnosis is correct...
Alternative suggestions to ease chronic hea... - Meningitis Now
Alternative suggestions to ease chronic headaches

I found ice packs very helpful either placed on head or at base of next . You can buy a wrap run ice mask kit . Or buy the soft gel ice packs and wrap a cloth round them Also just laying very still in a dark room .Then I had acupressure treatment which I found helped
If you get a diffuser, put the peppermint oil there. I found it helped but didn't eliminate the headaches. Also, Teavana sells a blend of teas they refer to as the migraine blend. I steep that and chill it and drink it throughout the day. Also going for craniosacral massage. The thing that helped the most was a change in the strength of my contacts. Tryeverything to see what works. Good luck!
I have a constant headache since having VM 14 years ago. I take lysine 1000mg and co-enzyme Q10 each day which does help but doesn't eliminate it completely. Paul McKenna's Relaxation self hypnosis cd works to ease stress to which triggers Mollaret's attacks with associated recurrent meningitis headache. Alternatively cold strips for migraines help too. Hope this helps
I have used peppermint oil and lavender oil for headaches. You muix about 5drops of peppermint oil in the palm of your hand with a small amount of massage oil. You can rub this in both hands and rub into his neck including sides and back also on his feet all over. I also use the lavender oul the same way. Peppermint seems to relax muscles while lavender relaxes the nerves. You can layer them. It does help me a lot. I use on my achy arms my back my legs the temples of my forehead and around my ears. I hope this helps. You can do this as often as necessary.
I have chronic migraine following viral meningitis. I take propanalol prescribed by neurologist and try to avoid all other medication. Botox has been the most helpful substance and has made the most difference to my lifestyle. I have had 2 daith ear piercings and they reduced the intensity of the pain. Acupuncture also helps relieve pain but didn't last. I find exercise also helps. I eat a very healthy diet of vegetables, green smoothies and super foods which make me feel so much better.
Hope this helps xx
I have had chronic headaches for almost 3 years since my VM. certain things help me. Taking naps. avoiding too much stimuli/places with lots of background noise etc. wearing sunglasses.
I also have been through a course of cranial osteopathy and this was unbelievable helpful. If you are in the UK talk to meningitis now for information about this.
I'm going through an elimination diet process to remove the common food triggers from what I eat. Then after two months doing that, I can add in a trigger food at a time over two weeks and see what happens to my symptoms. I'm still in the cleaning up what I eat stage so don't know but hopeful it will work. I also track my symptoms to figure out triggers.
I did a course in Nutritional Therapy to learn more about Nutrition...then changed my lifestyle to include more protein and omega oils. It seems to help. Take care xxx