So I had VM back in September 2018. I was off work for 6 months and only returned in March. I have been a phased return but the last week I am doing my full 9/10 hour shifts. My job involves looking at four computer screens for prolonged periods of time. My work have been extremely supportive and got me anti glare screens ect. However since returning my head is really sore and I am feeling sick again in the mornings and last thing at night. I have made an appointment to see my GP however I don't want her to think I am wasting her time. I have reduced my medication down to the lower dosages but not sure if they would increase it again. I have tried natural remedies also but they haven't made much difference either. Has anyone experienced this, did you find a solution? Thanks in advance.
Returning to work and experiencing severe h... - Meningitis Now
Returning to work and experiencing severe headaches again.

U were off 6 months!! Wow! My husband has had it 5 times. He usually goes back the following week. Hes already been off 2 weeks an not even sure if he going back then. we can't figure out why he keeps getting it. drs around here cant either.
I've been really struggling with the headache since diagnosis 6 weeks ago. My case was severe enough to cause 60% hearing loss in my right ear, I still have a stiff neck, facial numbness and the headache. As my Neurologist puts it, I am not a typical VM case. I have no advice but I'd be interested in hearing what medication helped you. I am back at work doing half of my regular 12 hour shifts and honestly its killing me but I don't get paid otherwise so it's got to be done.
I'd be interested to know exactly what your neurologist considers to be a 'typical case'.
There appears to be no universal pattern according to every neurologist and victims of meningitis I have spoken to.
He reckons the majority get better in the first 14 days, it's very uncommon for the hearing loss to occur. I think that's what he means.
Hi Emilyylime,
I would strongly disagree that everyone gets better in the following two weeks after contracting meningitis, and I think most people on this site would also disagree. This is what doctors and neurologists have been trained to tell patients when in fact it is absolute nonsense. With respect to him, so is his comment about hearing problems. Hearing problems, including tinnitus are extremely common as you will see from the posts here and from the advice sheets from Meningitis Now on this site. Unfortunately very, very few doctors or neurologists have any real understanding of the after effects of Meningitis. The symptoms are normally reasonably obvious; the after effects are a totally different matter. Regardless! I hope you start feeling better and improving soon.
Hi, I too had 6 months off work and had a very slow phased return to work that took 6 months to build up to working a full day without fatigue, headpain, numbness and nausea all being triggered. If you are back to full days everyday it may still be too much for your body. I work 3 days and after 16 months I still find that a struggle. My employer let me spread my hours over 5 shorter data.
If there is any way of making your day shorter, working from home one day or having more rest breaks worth asking occupational health.
Well done for getting back to work but be super kind to yourself your body still needs more time to heal. Listen to your body and if your employer can be flexible for a few months longer I would definately ask your GP if they can support this. I've been told I now have lost viral fatigue as my body still trying to adjust to daily life. Take care x
Hi, i was diagnosed with VM in late january this yr, was 10days in hospital and offwork for 2weeks. In the beginning dr told me just to take it easy w/o mentioning that this could take some time and start with 20% for 2weeks, later i upgraded it to 50%. After 2days with 50% i got headache (inflamation feeling in my lower backhead) for several daya w/o any special trigger. My dr told me to take it easy but still i was really optimistic that this will soon gone. After that i reduced to 40% for 2weeks and asked for upgrade to 60%. But then i was a big mistake because then after 1day i got intence headace for the next 5days. My dr said i should take it back from20%. Now after 3weeks i’m on 30%. I talk with neurologist, and she mentioned that a good and long nite sleep is really important. She finally also mentioned that this will take some time and i need to realize that to push our head to limit will make recovery slower. And i do realize that is very true. If i manage to sleep like 8hrs good sleep then i manage to work longer and better.
For me things that trigger headache are:
-work with screen
- head get exposed to sun
- noise: headache come at once i hear screaming (i hv 2 small kids). Dr said this factor even can make recovery even longer
- jumping: for now walking is the only trainibg for me
I finally accepted that i hv this limition to work 2weeks ago. And this mindset help a lot to go through the days.
Neurologist told me that we will be recovered but it takes time.
I hope you will be better.
Keep on praying, He is in controll.
God bless!
Hi..i had meningoencephalitis on may 2017 and almost 2 years count. Im still in recovery phase and yet still unable to get back to work. Sometimes my body feel floating if im get tired.