Hi im looking too see if anyone else has had a young child with this form of meningitis and if your child suffered any side effects?? My son was rushed too hospital on the 19/07/2015 and diagnosed with meningitis, he was lifeless for 4 days, but now he is recovering well but seems too have severe excessive sweating ans persistent headaches. does anyone now if this is common?? And will it go away?? Thanks in advancex
22 month old son with pneumococcal meningi... - Meningitis Now
22 month old son with pneumococcal meningitis, still in hospital.
Hi Braydens Mummy
You have been through such a terrifying time with your little son so seriously ill with pneumococcal meningitis. It will have been such a difficult time for you seeing your son so ill but thankfully he is recovering well now. I am an adult who had BM & S. From what I understand about Meningitis is that it is still early days, even for a child, and you have to take each day as it comes and rejoice in every improvement however tiny that you see. Your son will continue to need to sleep much more than before and that is good for his body to be able to recover from being infected by the nasty bugs. He is likely to need much more comfort and cuddles for a while and may be more prone to tears and upsets. This will all lessen with time but it is possibly going to be months rather than weeks or days. Having said that children are very resilliant where illness is concerned and often improve far better and quicker than us adults!!! The sweats and headaches are to be expected for a while as the brain will still be overcoming the meningitis. As to how long this will continue it is impossible to say because everyones recovery is different. One thing you do need to do is make sure that a hearing test is done because Meningitis can damage the hearing and although you would probably be realizing it had resulted in profound deafness sometimes there is a degree of hearing loss which is not so obvious. The sooner that can be either ruled out or acknowledged the better. Because he is young he is still developing his speech and language skills and any difficulty needs to be recognized so it can be helped.
Have you been in contact with the Meningitis Now helpline? If not I would suggest you do because they have helpful info they can send you and are a great support. Even if you just need to talk through what has happened they are there to listen, support, and help. Just poor it all out and let the emotions flow if you need to as they are there for you and your family. They also offer other kinds of support that you may wish to have as well.
Best wishes x
I am truly sorry to hear about you son.He seems as if he is recovering well and out of danger thank god .If I was you I would keep at the doctors and ask every question you are worried about don't let them fob you of .dont let anything run on and don't think you are a bother to anyone he is your son and you want everything right for him .Children pick up very quickly so hopefully the symptoms he has will go soon. When my daughter was 7months old she had meningitis and was not to live the night but she did this was 43years ago but unfortunately she lost her hearing as the GP failed to diagnose she had meningitis had she been diagnosed when first called we believe she would be able to hear. What I am trying to say a mother knows her child so don't hesitate if you are concerned about him in any way.i had viral meningitis last June and I am still recovering i believe it's my age children bounce right back like my daughter and never ailed anything since been a very healthy and happy person. I could not believe was diagnosed with meningitis so I understand your concerns. My advice is if you are worried in anyway seek the professional help you need for your son you should not have to come on this site for help.I came on this site as the doctors never gave me the after care I should have had.I had to complain which I did not want to do I know they are stretched but I felt I was not coping and that's not me.Since my complaint I seem to have there help that I should have got in the first place.They made me feel as if I was having to beg for help which no one should have to do that I know some people put it on that's not who I am I am the opposite to that . Hang in there it's early days yet he will be running about and getting into mischief ha ha. XX Jean viral meningitis
Hi ... YOu are doing a great job so firstly hang in there and be strong... We nearly lost our little girl to meningitis inDecember... She was so sick... she also lay around for 4 days and it was only on 4 th day the dr's were happy to finally say they were pleased with her progress.. she also suffered headaches, and she got thrush and mouth ulsers she was on calpol and ibprofen and the rest... my heart broke sitting there not being able to help her... but you must rejoice in every small milestone ... he is alive and there are so many who's story was so different to ours.... but we all felt and feel the same .. so hang in there... im still hurting really badly from what happened so finding this websit has been a life saver... take each day as it comes ... don't think too far ahead and please know I am praying for your little one.... Lilly's mumxxxxxxx