It’s been 15 days now since the birth of our twins. We had a Girl and a Boy. The girl is fine and she is back home with the mother. But our son had to stay at the hospital since he was under weight (1.75kg) On day 5 he was detected with neonatal meningitis. He is in the NICU at the moment. Doctors did all the test and has started on with the antibiotics straight away. He gets fever now and then, otherwise he is doing okay. Feeding is done properly, and he is gradually gaining some weight now. If you have any advice or thoughts, please do share! Thanks.
Our 15 days old son is detected with neonat... - Meningitis Now
Our 15 days old son is detected with neonatal meningitis

Hi my son was only 20 days old when he got neonatal meningitis with no explanation as to where it came from. He spent 5 days in high dependence’s and a further 6 weeks receiving antibiotic therapy.
It’s a scary time and it’s great that he’s starting to gain weight, you must have a lot to deal with having a newborn baby girl too. My son has done really well, he’s 16 months Janie and he is hitting his milestones and the only residual issues are he has a tympanic flatline in his right ear which is being monitored, (so not so good hearing responses in that ear) and the scarring from his picc line that ran from his foot to his heart. Your son will
Have lots of follow up, so try not to worry and soldier on. ❤️❤️❤️Lots of love xxxx
Hi! My daughter was diagnosed with meningitis at her 40 days. We never found out with which bacteria. She as you son was in antibiotics and thankfully she recovered and at the age of 4 months she came home! Since then, she in an active little girl full of curiosity and personal opinion! She was until recently being watched by a neurologist and a gastrenterologist. The first was for observing her development and the second was to help with the fact that my daughter had some issues with eating, drinking and digesting which was probably due to the powerfull antibiotics.
I hope your boy is as lucky as my little girl! Stay strong for your little guy and your wife. My thoughts are with you.
My son contracted Viral Meningitis at 4 days old and his only symptom was a slight fever also along with only waking for feedings for a few days. He was discharged from the NICU after 6 days and we just had a follow up (now 7 weeks old) with a neurologist who said that he is physically and mentally on track and will not need to be seen again. I hope the same outcome for your baby boy! Only advice I can think of is to love, talk, snuggle him as often as possible! I also stuck with breast milk which I believe helped because our doctor said he most likely caught his virus (Enterovirus) from me through the placenta. If Mom had it, her milk should be making antibodies to protect against that virus and help him get better. All the best!