Has anyone had more than 1 menigioma? I had 1 surgically removed from spine and now have 1 in my head. Dr. Is watching for now.
Multiple menigioma : Has anyone had more... - Meningioma Support
Multiple menigioma

hello lovely, yes I had one in the brain, removed 2012. I’m not just a week from having surgery to remove a cervical spine m
Yes, One big one and three small ones removed from occipital-parietal area in brain in Jan 22. Had radiation . Now the main one is regrowing and there is a new one on the left precentral gyrus. I am on 3monthly MRIs to “watch and wait” as the tumours are in an area that Dr is reluctant to operate.
What does your surgeon say about me menigiomas? Best of luck!
hi lovely I have had two meningeoma removed sep 24 1 optical perinatal and one left pericentral I am in recovery but doing really well next step surveillance for 5 yrs chin up and good luck x
I had one meningioma removed jan 23 cos it was causing problems, but have one left that is just under 3cm and doesn’t seem to be causing many symptoms at moment. I am on watch and wait with yearly scans. If symptoms get worse/it grows over 3cm then neurosurgeon will look at removing it.
Hello, I have three, all skull based. One which has grown and is now pressing on my optic nerve. This is to be surgically removed in a couple of months, plus two tiny ones which I’m told are of ‘no concern’. They were all found incidentally following a routine scan following a fall and a huge black eye (as I came out of the optician’s 😂).
I’m told it’s unusual to have more than one meningioma and that it can be an indicator of a genetic condition called NF2. I was tested for this a few months ago but I don’t have it. So I remain ‘unusual’!
Try not to be concerned as I’m sure your medical team will continue to monitor them.
hello I had surgery in April to remove a meningioma and just had my 6 month post surgery appointment with neurosurgeon only to be informed there is another one at the base of the scull, different spot than previous one. This was very deflating news as I have been recovering and feeling great since surgery. I have been told the new tumour is very small and not a concern and they will continue with annual MRIs to keep an eye on it.
I wish you well and hope your tumours aren’t causing you to many complications