On the 14th of August I was diagnosed with a meningioma it has been pushing on my optic nerve of my left eye leaving me practically bind in that eye. I suffer from headaches and sharp pains behind my eye. Am awaiting an appointment with neurosurgeon. What can I expect
Meningioma : On the 14th of August I was... - Meningioma Support

Hi there
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. In September 8th 2022 I was diagnosed with a large meningioma behind my left eye. Whilst I did not suffer vision problems, I began to experience confusion and what looked like dementia to those around me. My tumour caused extensive oedema which put my brain under great pressure so I needed to take steroids to reduce the swelling and have surgery urgently. I had my surgery a year ago tomorrow.
As my tumour was also pressing against my optic nerve I was warned that I may lose my sight in that eye. Craniotomy surgery took 16 hours and successfully removed a tumour that was the size of a satsuma. I was in icu for one day.
I came round well and pain was surprisingly very manageable with pain killers. I was in hospital for ten days, then a week after that had the staples removed. My scar is all in my hairline and not visible. I am left with numbness to the left side of my face but my sight is good. I was told that my tumour was a grade one and recurrence was possible but not as likely as grade two. I received two follow up MRIs in October and April this year and all clear. I will now get an annual scan for the next ten years.
A very worrying experience but all went well. Amazing nhs staff and expertise. I now look very differently on life.
Happy to give any further insights if needed. Thinking of you. ❤️
I had surgery just this week for a meningioma pressing on my right optic nerve. I am currently still in hospital having had apparently a trickier procedure than planned and spent the evening in recovery I currently am unable to open my right eye but have been told that is to be expected and when it is manipulated open the vision is or and I have double or triple vision. Which I’ve been assured will improve I’m hoping for a speedy recovery and hope you get the answers you are looking for too. If I can be of any assistance during this process please don’t hesitate to ask I know what a scary lonely place it can be. I’ve been travelling this path for a very long time.
I had suegery 3 month ago for an olfactory groove meningioma that was also pressing on my right optic nerve. I was downtown 15% vision on this eye. My surgeon was able to remove almost everything. I'm now back to almost 20/20 vision. Some nerve damage left but mainly affecting colour vision and a few blurry spots in my visual field.