has anyone had a recurrence of atypical meningioma and if so how long after first surgery
atypical meningioma 2 aggressive - Meningioma Support
atypical meningioma 2 aggressive

Yes, I was diagnosed with Atypical meningioma Grade 2. In May 2020. It was 5.7 cm in size. Done craniotomy and steriotactic redio surgery immediately. Now in August 2023 it's recurred again along with enhanced cystic encephalomalacia and vasogenic edema.
I am taking steroids now.
Again repeated MRI is planned by neurosurgeon after three months to observe the growth pattern. It's located in parito-occipital lobe.
Ah I’m so sorry to hear that it’s scary and haven’t to go trough it all again is very tough , I’m suffering serious headaches the just drain me I read your story and see you have suffered many years with headaches it’s hard for family and friend to understand me that I have these headaches every single day so it’s nice to relate to you that does, what we’re your symptoms of reccurrence how are you coping I have a lump now inside head just below we’re stitches are is hard and doesn’t move I don’t know if it’s anything to worry about I’m getting mri Tuesday you always have a fear of what results may be there’s a limited amount of information on internet about recurrence my tumour was 8.8cm I feel like it’s changed my life completely to not being able to drive to not going hairdressers cos headaches and noise boys work drains me just don’t have the energy I used to have
Yes, I was diagnosed with the same meningioma Grade 2. on 26th July and I have my appoinment with Neurocirujano on 31th October.
I now have my 2nd meningioma. First was on my spine, now head. Neurosurgeon wants me to have a genetics test. Scheduled to have another scan and watching. Yes scary. I try not to think about it to much but sometimes you can't help it.