Hi can anyone tell me financially how supported living works please my son has been accepted for supported living but nobody so far has told me how we pay the bills rent how it's all worked out I'm worrying about it all as I'm nearly 71 myself!!
Help with supported living : Hi can anyone tell me... - Mencap
Help with supported living

My son lives in supported living and as I manage his finances I give an amount of money each month to cover food/bills/activities and petrol .The care provider will work out the cost.
You can ask to look at the bills and receipts if needed.
My sons care bill is posted to me from the local council and I pay that out of his money
Hope this helps
My son has a supported living flat in a converted care home. There are 10 flats and each tenant has allocated 1:1 support hours and core hours which they all share. There is staff on site 24/7. His rent is covered by Housing Benefit and is paid direct to the landlord, his care is paid for the council direct to the care company and he just has to pay a contribution towards his care back to the council. I am his DWP appointee and that has been sufficient for me to manage his finances. From his benefits I pay his contents insurance, his broadband (social tariff), TV Licence (concessionary rate of £7.50 a year)and landlord bill for things which aren’t covered by Housing benefit, and his day centre he goes to twice a week. He is exempt from council tax. My son has a prepaid debit card which I top up every week so he can buy his groceries and pay for activities like swimming and trampolining. I can see where he is spending his money and query it with the care provider if something doesn’t look right and they send me a photo of the receipt. He has a motability car which staff drive. He gets ESA and higher rate PIP. When he goes over to Universal Credit it might not be the same but at the moment he has sufficient money to live on.
Can you tell me how long it took for your council to ok the supported living request?
It is stressful but please don’t worry. You probably need to talk to those who have agreed to your son going to supported living- his social worker and care provider. I would ask about the tenancy agreement, housing benefit, rent and how bills such as for food, energy, repairs etc will be organised.
Thank you all for your replies we are waiting for contact from the agency re our son going to view so hopefully shouldn't be too long I guess until we do this I won't know what all the costs involved are I didn't realise I could get social tariff for Internet either so that's a help as well. We are based in Essex so probably not too different from Sussex. Thanks for all the help appreciate it.