My son has entitlement to UC for a 2 bedroom rate as I care for him too. I have found it impossible to get a flat for him privately as Landlords don’t want housing benefit tenants . Is there an organisation that helps with him . In the process he would be moving boroughs .
independent living : My son has entitlement to UC for... - Mencap
independent living

Are you in touch with your local CLDT? When I was looking to move I was assigned a social worker and they got into touch with the supported living officer (I forgot what their called) and they have a list of available properties or they know when a property becomes available. Supported living can be in a group home setting or individual flats on a complex with staff visiting often.
Hi ,
Thanks for your reply . He’s apparently living out of London and wants to move into London . His social worker or supported living team said they can only get him supported living in the tea he is currently in .
not sure about organisations but in the rent reform bill which should be enacted next year the right to refuse tenants because they’re on benefits will be removed. Not sure how that will work in practice for private arrangements but will have to be observed by landlords using a professional letting agency.
Hi I think it will still be very difficult for UC as landlords would be showing to quite a few prospective tenants . Also there is no rent guarantee with UC at the time being whereas you can get an insurance with private tenants .
I know you mentioned once before that you had managed to make your young person a buy to let property but would he have the tenancy of the property or ownership ?
Daisy chain help autistic people but without knowing his disability or disabilities I am not sure what the equivalent is, sorry. It might help to search for organisations that help with his disability and getting a house .
Does your son have capacity to understand and sign a tenancy agreement? If not you need to obtain Deputyship if you haven't already. Some letting agents are better than others. I found one which allowed me to address an email to the landlord, stating how my son would be a good tenant and the landlord accepted him. Unfortunately I couldn't go ahead because I didn't have Deputyship for him.
I found some links, I think one was Shelter, that say it's illegal to not offer a place on the basis of benefits. This is easier to enforce if you go via a letting agent. Checkout Shelter for further advice. They have template letters for agents. Sometimes it's the agent putting off the landlord. They should let you put your case to the landlord. Explain how his benefits will cover the rent, how you will support him to manage his finances. Include Council Tax exemption. Explain his outgoings eg if he has no loans/debts/credit cards, no car expenses, maybe doesn't go out much or want expensive gear or go on expensive holidays compared to others of similar age. Also if he is not having parties, doing drugs/drink etc and is mostly supervised that may help your case that he could actually be a better tenant than some other young people and may want the property longer term than some others.
Thank you so much , that is really useful. I was at the point of giving up . What the estate agent has been doing is having g a group viewing and then he sends all the applicants details over and that’s how the landlord picks the tenant . I will go via shelter and the template letter . He is currently renting a place and has always payed his rent on time . Even his current landlord was difficult to convince because the LA take along time to process and some people start working and their housing allowance gets affected . I will contact shelter .
Many thanks
Try some different agents and ask them to include your prepared case in the info they send over. If you can get a reference from his current landlord that should help. Some landlords and agents are setting earnings limits to exclude people on benefits. This is illegal, they have to take individual circumstances into account, outgoings as well as income. Good Luck.
have you tried Golden Lane Housing ?