I have to go into hospital - I live in Scotland -I asked social services for help and was informed my daughter would be added to a list , but they couldn’t help,I’ve tried to get private care, I’ve been ghosted on my first attempt. I don’t have family , there is just the two of us. My friends are like my self in their seventies and are unable to help. I don’t know what to do.
advice: I have to go into hospital - I live in... - Mencap
Im so sorry to read this . I am a full time carer for my adult son and also 70 yrs old . Its very worrying when you need to go into hospitol with no back up. I really feel you should get back to social services , maybe speak to a Manager or even your MP , your situation needs answers from people who are supposed to care about carers . I know im not much help but I wanted to show you some empathy , I really hope you get some help and good luck with your hospital appointment .
Hello Abigailmay , thank you for reaching out. As you're based in Scotland unfortunately Mencap's helpline won't be able to offer any advice. But our sister charity Enable does work there, so it might be worth giving them a call to see if they can offer any support or advice.
You can get in touch with them on 0300 0200 101 or by email at enabledirect@enable.org.uk.
Hope that helps.
I am based in Scotland and care for 2 disabled siblings. I am ssuming that you don't have any close or extended family members who can help. If not, most definitely get back on the phone to social services and request that an allocated social worker contact you to discuss options for care during this difficult but temporary period of need . If you continue to meet resistance ask to speak to the Senior for the learning disability social work team. Definitely reach out to the Enable Scotland team, they are so very helpful and will point you in the right direction. Another option is your local Councillor who will have more contact with the local social work team than your MSP. Also, contact your local Carers team.