About a year ago my daughter started hating pants and socks and tights and certain clothing! She is now 5 and this is getting worse to the point I wake up with a knot in my stomach every morning because I’m dreading putting her shoes and socks / tights on for school (and shoes) she screams and cries and says nasty things to me and has once even bit herself 🙈 she says they don’t feel right! I’ve tried everything! The kind talking way! The playful way! The shouting way! I literally have to sit on her to put them on! And practically drag her out of the house and we are usually late to school! I’ve ordered socks from bamboo! She just struggles so bad! She has also become funny about foods! There’s a lot she used to eat that she now says she doesn’t like and tells me she has belly ache after eating (not sure if this is because she doesn’t want to finish her dinners)
took her to the doctors and he wasn’t much help to be fair
she can be so up and down with her 9 year old brother! One minute she’s playing with him and within a split second she’s fuming with him and crying! My son and me are walking on eggshells because she can just flip for no reason!
She is so smart! And caring and kind and loving! And very forward for her age
I just want her to be happy 🥲 and I’m not sure if this is bahavioural or something more! I just don’t know what to do