Hi you don’t know me my name is Rebecca Hoyle I’m a vulnerable adult with learning disabilities and I have anxiety and depression I’ve been waiting for 3 years too get into supported living accommodation and it’s not happened for me yet I’m unhappy at home and because I’m unhappy my mum and dad are unhappy and my parents are alcoholics and they argue quite a lot this makes me sad and depressed and it plays on my mental health and plays on my anxiety my social worker she’s not very good I’m 29 now and I will be 30 in July I just want too move on and have a flat top call my own
Need some help for supported living : Hi you don’t... - Mencap
Need some help for supported living

Hello unicorndiva210
What a great username you have chosen - I love it.
It sounds like you are having a difficult time. I can completely understand that you want a home of your own, particularly if things are hard with your parents.
It is good that you are a waiting list for accommodation - do you have somewhere specific in mind? Would you be able to see where you are on the waiting list? I know this wouldn't speed it up, but you might like to know what is going on.
You can get in touch with Mencap's helpline on 0808 808 1111 or email helpline@mencap.org.uk.
They may be able to offer more advice about supported living and other support that might help you.
If you need help with your mental health your GP would be the right person to talk to. They will listen and understand. It might be a bit tricky to get an appointment with a GP at the moment, because of the coronavirus, but do try to see one as soon as you can.
If you need to talk to someone, you can call the Samaritans at anytime on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org. They would want to hear from you. They have people trained to help you and they are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Our helpline also suggested Mind, you can call them on 0300 123 3393
It is a shame that your social worker isn't helping out as much as you want. It would be worth talking to them again and seeing if there are any other housing options you could look at. They should also be aware about how your housing is making you feel.
Best wishes
Thankyou so much I don’t know whether I’m on the waiting list for supported living you can understand my frustration I just want a flat too call my own and that’s all I want is too have a flat too call my own I feel like adult care services have let me down the system is wrong i don’t enjoy living with my mum and dad I’m very unhappy living with them and because I’m unhappy my mum and dad are unhappy
Thankyou very much i don’t even know if I’m on the waiting list for supported living my social worker isn’t very good thankyou for understanding me I just want a flat too call my own I feel like I’ve been let down by the system at adult care it’s been a nightmare for my parents constantly fighting and arguing with the social worker about why I need supported living accommodation I am having a hard and bad time at home I just want my own flat with support
Maybe not even supported living accommodation but I do need some nice female friends and I would like my own flat with support
Hi again.
It can be hard to make new friends. Do you do any social activities or go to any clubs? That can be a good way to meet new people.
Are there any groups for people with a learning disability near you, this may be a local Mencap group or another charity? If you call Mencap's helpline they may be able to find some groups near you.
Best wishes
Hi Rebecca welcome to our online community, If you need any support please contact our helpline on 0808 808 1111 or you could email them on helpline@mencap.org.uk. Also see attach is a link to our Mencap website if you need advice and support. bit.ly/2UmS4v1
I just need some help into getting in supported living accommodation or just a flat with support my social worker isn’t very good I need as much help as possible
Perhaps if you ring our helpline, and ask that you're looking to get into Supported Living accommodation and from there they will kindly help you on what to do next. All our team on our helpline are always happy to help and hopefully they will advise you what to do next.
I keep my fingers cross for you!