I have a son with none verbal Autism challenging behaviour and severe learning difficulties. I haven't done dutyship because I wasn't sure how to fill the forms .
But because of the restrictions placed on my son who is 35yrs I sort legal aid to to get help from lawstop but they dont do legal aid for dutyship.
To cut a love story short .
My son has live in this residential home since he was 18years .In December both the manager and duty manager.
Were away .
My son was so happy during that time .
But once they came back they put so many restrictions one him that he he started attacking staff and banging his head now he is sadated and sleeps ,his behaviour had become so bad they mentioned sectioning him.
They stopped taking him out for.
I 5weeks once he was allowed out the started banging his head then they put a padlock on his snacks ,then I brought up his favorite books which were locked away.
After months of me asking for his rights I lost my cool in the meeting and my solicitor is now investigating me and blaming me for causing a bad atmosphere.
I never loss it but I couldn't take the lies
Is anyone able to help my son