my son has been to college for a year and was reviewed many times and on his EDHP it was stated that my son would need one to one because his learning disability is very bad with maths , handling money is not working for him he has to tap with his bank card, he left college with no maths or any qualification s and if anyone can give me advice how he can get employment as he has general learning disabilities. The college said they didn’t have the funds to give my son one to one tutoring in math s .
Employment for people who have learning disabilities - Mencap
Employment for people who have learning disabilities

can you be more specific is it access to employment speak to your local district council and your local voluntary services and also try the job centre as they should have a disibility advisor there specifically for those with difficulties and disabilities good luck
hi there. Depending on your sons age he may still be entitled to an EHCP and may get some funding to help him into employment. Ask the local authority education department that you must have had done contact with for some help.
my son attended a day centre where they work , he does gardening, delivering logs , working in a wood work department and cafe . They have full support from staff x
My understanding is EHCPs go to 25 years now so you may be able to get more help.
hi , thank you for your help, on my son’s EHCP is writing, last one, he has had two.
If it says in the EHCP that he get's 1:1 help in maths then that's a legal requirement. They can't ignore parts of the EHCP due to lack of funds. If he's ready to move on to the world of work then look into something like supported internships.

Hello! A idea in this case could be calling Mencap’s helpline at 0808 808 1111 or sending an email to if you prefer to write it all down, as they'll be able to give you tailored advice and send you in the direction of other organisations which could help.
Someone in my life with a learning disability works as a gardener and absolutely loves it, but there are many options out there, so I'm sure you'll find the right fit for him.
Wishing you both the best of luck!
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