What is the purpose of a capacity assessment for someone with learning disabilities. Are they necessary? My son is 47 with severe learning disabilities and was assessed by a psychologist in 2014 due to increased anxiety. He has good communication skills so consequently his abilities are always overestimated which was the cause of the anxiety. Would a Capacity Assessment help.Thankyou any advice greatly appreciated.
Capacity Assessment : What is the purpose of a... - Mencap
Capacity Assessment
I believe a mental capacity assessment is really important I would recommend you read up about it as it may help you to understand the importance of it and how it could help you son and you.
I have been trying to read up on it but It’s not straightforward, nothing ever is. Can you recommend a particular site? The social worker has said she would do it but she has only met Alan once and I don’t know if I trust them. I presume I should be present. It concerns me if they get it wrong as he has some capacity but not for finance and health I believe. Thanks
I understand your concern I really do, would you like a number for a consultant social worker who can advise you as I think you need some professional advice.
OK thankyou yes, is there a cost involved?
A capacity assessment is to determine if he has the mental capacity to make decisions for himself. If he doesn’t then others will help make those decisions in regard to health and finances.
My son doesn’t have capacity. At present he’s in a residential college. We are not his legal deputies and so far it’s been ok. All major decisions regarding health have been discussed with us and we still sign for consent to procedures. I deal with finances as I am his appointee with the DWP. This is sufficient as he only has his benefit money. After college we will apply to be deputy’s for health matters as I’m not sure the good relationship we have at the moment with college will continue and I dint want to ever be in a position where matters are taken out if our hands.