my daughter who is 19 now was diagnosed with learning disabilities. She has petite mal and when she was 14 was diagnosed with Global Development Delay. This was a very late diagnosis by her school for GDD. She goes to college but really struggles because there are some very difficult characters in her small class. Before college her previous school, which was a specialist school, failed her terribly. Whilst there she was bullied by 2 other girls who are now at her college. She is such a lovely person and my wife and I worry so much. She does not make friends easily so has no one she can talk to. We have tried joining groups for persons with learning disabilities but she says that the people who attend have disabilities that everyone can see and she does not fit in. When you see her in the street you would not know that she has a disability until you talk to her. She is nervous and lacks confidence. She often says that she feels left out because of her hidden disability.
This is my question, are there groups in Suffolk/Norfolk that we could join that have activities for young people with hidden disability?