We been carers for 30:years,we are in desperate need of a holiday,family not interested in helping, we tried a friend,but daughter got violent so fell through,any one got any suggestions? Also is it hard getting independent living,care home sorted,this is future may be move.mark
Advice: We been carers for 30:years,we are in... - Mencap

I get respite for my daughter I get so many days per year allowed perhaps you could look into that social services arranged it for me Mencap would have advice on this I should think
Hi have you heard of shared lives ? Google them for yr area I am a shared lives full time carer and it is countrywide that is one way to look into for regular respite
Do you have a social worker if not contact your social services department and ask for one urgently tell them you are close to breaking and they should do something urgently. Demand a carers assessment as well as one for your daughter and this should then get you some respite care. They should then be able to help you organise long term support like Shared Lives.
Ok thanks we got mental health assesment next week,social worker said I'm on list to visit,rang them 4times,and they say we're on there list,can't give date.thanks mark