Hello everyone
We reeling with the bad news that my son has a third local recurrence of melanoma . He has had Taf/mek, radiation and Nivo and still
has a recurrence. The docs are suggesting a clinical Trial. He needs something to boost his response to the immunotherapy , possibly a
drug injected into the tumor, a vaccine , something to turn a cold tumor hot? I am lost. I spent all day looking at trials and am
more confused than ever. I need an advisor to help me evaluate the trials
so that we can figure out which one to apply for. I have used services ( through AIM and Belong ) give me lists of possibly appropriate trails but I am having a hard time evaluating the trials
and knowing which ones would be best in his situation. If anyone knows of a resource ( even if there is a fee for that service) or has a strategy that works, please, please please
share. Many thanks and good wishes to all of you.