Query re whether Oxycodone has made w... - Myalgic Encephalo...

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Query re whether Oxycodone has made worse or caused CF for anyone

smilingjane profile image
β€’6 Replies

Hi all

I have Sevear Chronic fatigue. I can only get out of bed for around an hour each day. I take 30 MLS of Oxycodone per day for Restless legs. I am wondering whether anyone on here had found Oxycodone to cause or worsen restless legs?

Not sure if it's not to late to edit this, Would you believe it that I've only just seen on re-reading this post that I have worded it wrongly. What I meant to say was has anyone any experience of oxycodone worsening or causing chronic fatigue? SORRY FOR THE MISTAKE

I would be very greatfull to hear anyone experience or gain any advice.

Jane πŸ€”

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6 Replies

Many here, including myself, get great relief from opiods including Oxycodone. It is highly unlikely that its the cause of your problem.

Are you taking any other drugs or have you been trying anything else to help with RLS symptoms?

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to

Hi Raffs

Thanks for that. I feel that that's prob not the case too.

I take a small dose of Chlonazepam, (0.5) daily. I dont find this particularly effects me. Helps relax a little in the evenings. Used to take much higher dose for sevear anxiety. Not that I suffer much from anxiety now.

Apart from that I take Thyroxin for Hypothyroidism and Estrogen and Progesterone. Also low dose Sertraline for depression.

That's the lot. Dont drink alcohol now. Gave up 9 months ago. Completely went off it. Couldn't bear the taste or smell.

Bit of a shame but my liver will thank me πŸ˜‰

I am currently being trialled with different Thyroid hormones/doses and Est and Prod with my new P. endo, blood tests in around 4 weeks. Saw him in May in desperation as was getting nowhere with the NHS and started B12 jabs. He spotted a deficiency from Blood test taken 3 years ago GP had missed

Not feeling much improvement from the above but I realise its early days with hormones.

Thanks for getting back up me.

Jane 😊

in reply to smilingjane

I just lost a big post I made and am too tired to write it all again so please excuse the sparse nature of the reply.

Sertraline could be making things worse - antidepressants are notorious at making RLS symptoms much worse except bupropion which isn't as bad - that could be part of your problem (*also look to the side-effects of antidepressants - they are a very toxic drug that 99 times of 100 make things worse and not better).Anxiety could be exacerbating things - it can be very tiring. Mindfulness, exercise, sex and intense focus are all much better at treating anxiety than any drug that is currently in use.

Vit D - deficiency can cause low mood, chronic fatigue, pain and a host of other issues. If you have sleep/mood issues you may not be out in the sun enough to get your Vit D needs so that may need addressing.

I think I remember you mentioning Lupus or Lymes disease - these are less likely than the above (I was badgered for years that I may have Lymes when I know, as did the consultant that diagnosed me, I had ME - the symptoms are pretty similar). Address the problems I have mentioned and the Thyroid issues and things should settle down.

If you are struggling with mood, be it depression or anxiety, there are plenty of ways to sort it out - I had very severe anxiety that developed with M.E. I was avoiding going out and spending long periods worrying. I started a course of concentrated focus and mindfulness along with improving diet and deliberately doing the opposite of what I was feeling - if I didn't want to go somewhere, even if I was really tired and didn't really need to go, but the anxiety was up I would go, just to counteract the unreasonable demands of my mind and with a little perseverance I have over come the anxiety.

If you ever need an ear, feel free to PM me.

Hope some of that helps.

Damn I nearly lost that one too - the universe is conspiring against us!!!

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smilingjane in reply to


Sorry you lost the first post .....that is so flipping frustrating ......

And thanks for this one.

You are so right about the toxicity of Adeps. As it happens I have started halving my pills this week with a view to stopping.

Mt Vit D was low a few years ago, am now using the spray and will be tested next month to check that one.

I absolutely agree with you about the positivity of mindfulness etc and social interaction, it is tricky with zero energy. I had to come out of an online art course just this week.

Couldn't focus, concentrate or summon up any of the creativity I am normally brimming with, well ideas anyway!

I have worked out that I can currently do 1 thing each week. A family visit or a friend visiting.

I have tried and tried to increase that. Doesn't work, just makes me feel worse and makes the gap longer until the next visit.

I am hoping the T3 (thyroid hormone) starts to kick in soon. I am going to think about the mindfulness again. I have done a session or two in the past. I find concentration tricky at the mo.

I havent watched TV for a long time - dont even know where the remote is. I find TV very 'noisy if you get what I mean, visually .... I listen to the odd Radio 4 programme.... but then they start to annoy me.

I need to make a plan ....

Thanks for the offer of a 'chat to help' that's really kind.

Jane 😊

in reply to smilingjane

Oh man, you sound just like me, even down to the TV and radio 4!

I have to contend with periods of a little energy, periods of a decent amount of energy (although nowhere near my old self's energy) and periods of absolutely none.

I have found through pacing that I can do more and function better - though there are days when I have energy and I say "F**k it" and work until I drop, it is satisfying if somewhat harmful (but I think it no worse than people going out and getting drunk/high - I get my buzz and my body takes a hit but its a fair trade... at the moment).

Pacing is a great boon as is as the meditative things and avoiding the likes of TV and other vexatious things.

I also find that when my pain is uncontrolled I am exhausted. The Targinact I take for RLS/pain doesn't last the 12 hours it's meant to and the couple of hours before my dose I am exhausted and not fit for much - once the pain meds kick in I brighten up, can think straight and function better, pretty much the opposite of people who take opioids recreationally. Getting pain under control if very important if the fatigue is to be properly addressed.

I also find cannabis helps alleviate my fatigue, so much so it is my no 1 drug for energy, again pretty much the opposite of those who use it recreationally. If you can access it safely (avoiding gangsters and cops) it may be of some use.

With regard to Vit D - really anyone at latitudes above say Barcelona or those with dark skin or indoors a lot needs supplementation. When the sun shines I strip off, expose as much of my skin as is legal (I may stray beyond public decency though :) ) and soak it all up. I feel much MUCH better in the sun due I believe in part to the extra Vit D. Then again it may be placebo but I don't care it works (although sun is not one of our main features here in Ireland).

Take care coming off the antidepressants - they can have quite the withdrawal syndrome. Keep a good eye on the mood that it doesn't spiral downward. I am not a fan of those drugs and I firmly believe they make things worse for most, but for some they are very important (in the early days - until they have changed their situation/learned the appropriate coping strategies).

If I am not being too presumptuous I am more than willing to lend a helping hand via PM where things can be sorted through and good coping strategies developed.

Take care.

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to

Thanks Raff

I'll PM you


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