I’m new on here and would like some advice. How do I convince myself to do things? I know one of the basic symptoms of depression is a lack of motivation but I want to change that. I have spent so much time regretting and reflecting on what I should have done better but I never change. What do I do? I feel like I’m just watching my life go by and I want to stop feeling like I can’t do anything anymore
Motivation: I’m new on here and would... - Major Depressive ...
For me, meditation helps lower my resistence to other things. And meditation doesn't have to be complicated, it can just be closing your eyes and counting your breaths, or putting on a meditation track on youtube and tuning into the sound. Meditation helps to rewire the brain. Other than that, sometimes I think finding inspiration through music or through a video on YouTube can help. In my experience these are short term, so you have to do them consistently if you want to stay motivated. I wish there was something that worked for the long term but I'm pretty sure it would come naturally with healing depression itself and I know that's the much larger issue. I've gone through periods where my own inspiration and purpose have fueled me to make change but sometimes the energy fizzles out and it's like I end up convincing myself or realizing that the change I made wasn't right for some reason and it makes me feel more hopeless than before. So I struggle with being able to trust my decisions and decipher whether it's my worried mind or my deeper intuition guiding me. Seems like you do have the motivation kind of, but there is some blocks, so the short term solutions might help you get momentum going. When you just take small steps you'll at least gain some sort of knowledge of self or lesson about life which helps you in the long run, even if it's just a process of elimination. Bettering myself used to be my motivation but I'm struggling at this stuck point where I feel like I'm going to fail no matter what and that this life isn't worth living. Spiritually speaking, forgiving myself for my past is the only kind of feeling of freshness and renewal that is sustainable...but it has to be done every day.
I appreciate all that you said and I hope you can start feeling better too I’m going to try and take your advice into consideration
the only real advice I can offer about motivation to keep going is thinking about the people who will care if you’re gone (Or don’t listen to my advice do whatever works for you)
I hope it helps you in some way.
And thank you for your advice. I'm a bit past the point of living my life (or not living) for others, as I feel like I've denied myself freedom, respect, and worthiness because I was always living in accordance to others' expectations in the past. Since I've released that, I've tried to live with the intention of healing, not only for myself but also for the world, apart from my personal relationships. I feel like I've been so jaded about the meaning of community because I never really had a solid one. I went through a period of wanting to find that, but now I feel like I'm just a liability and I truly believe that healing one's own self is the best way to help the world. But obviously that is a long term feat. I think community can help somewhat so that's why I am using this platform. But I've made peace that I may not ever find community in my physical reality, though I don't think that's the case, I just want to know I have my own back. Also, I know it sounds cheesy but I have resorted to asking for help with motivation and strength and courage, and anything else that is needed from source / God/ the universe / angels / guiding spirits / ancestors. I find it does help... and like forgiveness, it must be done consistently...and I do find it helps...it's just really easy to forget as soon as it feels like you have motivation for a day. This is a good reminder for myself, because when it comes down to it, when we are depleted, we are allowed to ask for help from wherever it is that we come from or are a part of.
Get yourself on a schedule. Bedtime and wake time. Set your alarm. Get up and open your blinds. Let the day in. Set a list of things to do. Try to get one thing a day. Add another as your ready. I personally make every other one a required leave the house one. It's helped balance and sometimes I see a light at the tunnel.