Not wise, not sensible.... but done ... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Not wise, not sensible.... but done ! Better Late than never?

Oldfloss profile image
51 Replies

“ The road was long but I ran it... “

There's a fire in my heart and I fan it...

If there's a fool for running, then I am it...

Just one thing to say and this is it...

I am a Runner

(Rocky Horror Lyrics... apologies)

Well... after the reference to me and odes, in the Pompom post, I just had to, didn't I :)

Which, I must say is odd, me being so light hearted and frivolous, when in reality, that 10K Virtual run today, was the hardest 10K, possibly the hardest run, I have ever, ever, run !

I have been in two minds whether to post this run or not... I felt that the whole post may be too self pitying and depressing, but a couple of fairly, decent night's sleep, and knowing I am amongst friends here, here I am.

On Sunday, I ran the Virtual Spitfire Run...10K. An iconic run if you are lucky enough to get to do it at an RAF station... and the potential for the same, virtually, I had planned my route a while ago and was looking forward to the run with anticipation. Running for a young airman, and for Mr OF's father and stepfather.

Life had other plans...issues with my lovely Mr OF, his increasing frailty, battles for appointments changes, upsets and the latest round of tests, throwing up a whole load of new unexpected worry. I am not going to lay my worries down here, suffice it to say, the anticipation had disappeared in a blink !

My NRC 10K plan, begun as a new shake up plan, just for fun, ( I have always, on 10K comebacks used Ju Ju's plan. ), had to be tweaked , adjusted and eventually cast aside. I was not getting the runs in, short ones here and there, 5Ks too and the odd speed run... but no consistency at all and only up to 7K... mentally, trying to stay positive...daily routines of exercise carried out... sometimes at very odd times... and I odd places...arm workout with my resistance bands whilst sitting in the GP waiting room with Mr OF was interesting !

Long story short; under-prepared, and over-tired, I had to run this run, the last day for submitting results. Despite an horrendous fiasco on a hospital appointment for Mr OF, late Saturday afternoon, I still felt I had a choice. Run or No run.

As I said to someone today, if anyone on C25K or Bridge had listed such a tale of woe, I would have been oh so wise and said. the runs wait...but did I say that to me... no... silly old snail.. I put my gear out the night before, I pinned the Airman's name to my T shirt, checked my route and knew that I would do it.

Sunday dawned, bright and clear, the wind had dropped and the sun shone. I had slept really badly, but, did that stop me, did it heck... I geared up, I warmed up, normal routines and out. Up my favourite hill... you know I love my hills... Sunday? I think it was testing me.. ( understatement... ) ! Why would I even want to go up the hill !

But, up I went, lead legs, toxic 10 turning into something longer... breathing laboured and feet like lead. That hill has a twist in the tale... and that twist? Yes, I did give in... I jeffed the last little bit at the top...but on reaching the top, although I was already regretting the unwise choice of not changing my route plan... along the level I went... past the windmill, latterly, saved by the Community from demolishing... and along a way until/ turning and retracing , and then down Windmill Hill... down was a relief... my breathing was a tad easier, I was getting warmer... and did a quick strip off... light jacket tucked away as I turned across the Common. Site of my youth, and long summer days, sandstone outcrop and pond to dip in.. the tree, rediscovered on the Spring 10K....and across to the lane. The going was not getting easier... even the slight incline up the sandy path to the lane, felt steep...

CB's voice in my ear, hardly registered...although I seemed to hear the word grateful...I was not feeling grateful at all.

On again and the homeward 5; just thinking of that helped...momentarily, as the first spots of rain hit me, gentle at first and then heavier. Jacket back on!

On now, down towards the familiar territory of the aerodrome estate ...the known routes, the small ways between the closes and the crescents, the deserted playground, all of which I know so well, but today seemed to pass, unseen. I was really only conscious of my breathing and my tiredness.

Rain stopped and I was too hot, jacket off, laces tied tighter, an excuse to slow down even more...I felt at this point that I really was not going to be able to continue...the downhill so welcome at other times, felt equally hard.. (Coach Bennett himself admits, some runs never get easier !)

I had a quick photo stop at a planned point... the commemorative bench to all the pilots from the area... and then on across what would have been the taxi way to the main runway...My legs now? Well, they were working alone...they literally just kept moving... the rest of me seemed disconnected until suddenly CB's voice was in my ear...and I heard the word. Hope.

“ Hope. This is what gets us from the last finish line to each and every new starting line “

Hackneyed Maybe... but maybe, what I needed to hear...and the words began to resonate...Hope for all... the words went on until... I heard CB say, hope for humanity... for us all.

Now, I am not at all sure whether at this point, I was not quite with it,. ( and yes, I was really well hydrated ), but... I felt my legs strengthen, my breathing easier, and as I paused at the Spitfire bench... I took some deep , deep breaths.... crossing the road, I had 2K to go...steps lighter and my eyes on the sky... the sun tipping the clouds with silver... the beginning of a brand new day...and okay, now this does sound very dramatic... I did feel grateful .

Grateful, that I had the strength to run... hard as it was, I was grateful for my family, for my friends far and near, and yes, I was grateful to all those souls who had given their everything, in the name of humanity, so I am able to run free and unhindered across a grassy field, and back home to someone, who was waiting for me.

The last two K... ? I would love to say, that I flew, light of heart and fleet of foot. Not so.... the weather had one last trick to play. The heavens opened and within seconds I was drenched., soggy grass, soggy feet, wet through and legs on automatic pilot...literally. They carried me, all the way home and, even as if to convince me even more of the fact that they were a separate entity to the rest of me, speeded up on the last kilometer.

Home at last... water consumed, stretches completed and a large lime and lemon marmalade sandwich. Normal service would be resumed... but it took a while. A long while.

Moral of this long ramble? I am , maybe not as sensible as one of my years should be. But, as Christopher Robin, famously said, to Winnie the Pooh;

"You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, (and smarter than you think" )

I don't know about smarter, but I do know, that the incredible support here, from friends, old and new, helps make me strong and helps make me the runner I am today.

Thank you.

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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51 Replies
Granspeed profile image

Ever onward, Oldfloss! You have been - and remain - an inspiration to so many. Feel the love down the aether. 💕💕

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toGranspeed

I can feel it... I really can.

Onwards , but, not upward right now... I have had enough hill work, for a while...gentle inclines maybe?

Thank you so much. x

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

Great post from you Oldfloss, very inspiring indeed, you got that run done despite the rain and the hills, regards to you and Mr OF , congratulations on that virtual spitfire 10K ✅🏃🏅

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toAlMorr

Thanks Al.... it was a toughie... and I really do love my hills, usually! Just a hard time and a hared run... bit for that one, there will be so many that feel good... and I will, when I am recovered, be ready fir them !

Thank you for your good wishes, my friend x

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon in reply toOldfloss

Good morning Oldfloss, I am just back from my mid week Wednesday run, this morning it was a 8K in a time of just over a hour, to be exact 1:00:51 , my cadence was 164 beats a minute, stride is very important on those runs as just 5 weeks ago I also ran 8K with the same 164 cadence but in a time of 1:04:14, although my speed this morning was about the same my stride was bigger hence the quicker time this morning.

Annieapple profile image

🍏🤗🤗 A very brave run I would say… for many reasons but particularly because you finished it in spite of not feeling up for it! You did it and in the same way you will get through the tough things you are experiencing at the moment. You are a rock to your family & friends & to our teams on HU A great run from a legendary lady! Well done Oldfloss!! 🌷🌻🍂🏃‍♀️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toAnnieapple

A beautiful rose from, truly , a very brave lady x

You show us what strength is.... but for your kind, kind words, thank you x

misswobble profile image

The road is long with many a winding turn ……… 🎶🎵🙂

I downloaded that tune to run to today, along with Coach and Eliud. I was feeling a bit reflective today too 🙂

Your run sounds wonderful OF, apart from getting very wet, but even that seems par for the course 🙂

You ran your race, and thought about those who served, those who came back and those who didn’t 😔 We are lucky aren’t we that we can run and enjoy the freedom it brings 🏃‍♀️

I’m sorry you’re having tough times OF but I hope we can give you a lift when you feel your shoulders sagging 🙂😘👍

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply tomisswobble

You can indeed always give me a lift... and reading your HM run post too, gave me a real lift.

I hope you know, the part that you play, and have played in my running, over the years. Motivation, inspiration and a few really good giggles... and who got me through my very first HM?

Thanks you so much and yes, my shoulders are not as droopy as they were, and I had a really good night's sleep last night... not waking until 6.30, late for me !

Times are tough, tougher than for some but nowhere near as tough as some others. But, slow and steady, and on we go !x

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply toOldfloss

Yes, on we go 😀💪

I was pleased to note - on checking the race results - that the over 70’s ladies were faster than my group. Grounds for optimism I’d say 😀🌪🏃‍♀️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply tomisswobble

Totally...I'm hoping for another 1st Female Vetean...only this time, in thr over 75 group next April, at MonsalTrail! X

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply toOldfloss

It’s great to have goals to keep us motivated 🤗. Good luck with your training for that OF 💪🙂 🏃‍♀️

I’ve not done Monsal for a bit. I seem to wear myself out or get some dratted niggle during my marathon 😤 I might just enter the half and hope I’m fit for it 🙂🤞 If fit after the November marathon I want a stab at a Lincs. ultra which would probably rule me out of Monsal —unless by some miracle I’m super fit by then 😁💪

It’s all just dreams and schemes at the moment. Who knows what will happen 🤷‍♀️

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles

You ran the run you could, you are definitely stronger than you think you are and quite amazing that you carried on to the end, that shows strength of character, well done Floss xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toSueAppleRun

Thank you so much.... keeping going is what we do, isn't it?

Somehow, from somewhere, that strength comes... often of its own volition.

You have had your fair share of finding inner strength and here you are ... out there and walking your way back to full health again !

It was, blinking hard, but it is done ! xxx

Bluebirdrunner profile image

I knew you were running Sunday morning Floss, but had no idea what you were undertaking. A 10k run with distance non-negotiable in your mind.

Your Spitfire run means so much to you, this year circumstances have left you underprepared, and carrying far too much weight on your shoulders, with so much concern and worry, little wonder your body was saying no as you headed up your hill.

What a tough run that was, your hardest ever you say. You felt alone, overwhelmed, at your limit, but with 2k to go, you reached out, found something, you carried on.

Hope is such a strong emotion, something we cling to, it's there to grasp, it can carry you onwards.

Sending you hugs and congratulations for completing that run. You are so much stronger than you think you are. Know that Hope is on your side.

I wish I could have been there with you on Sunday, but you were not alone, all of your forum friends and running family were there with you, and gave you strength and belief.

Always here for you, as you move onwards.


Had I known you were planning to run 10k, I would have suggested letting that wait, maybe doing a shorter headspace run instead.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toBluebirdrunner

You were there, you always are.... you know that. Who do you thing told me to tighten my glutes as we headed onwards ? We talked a lot en route, and I did think of us crossing that line at Monsal last April! x

You know how things are for me right now, and your words mean a great deal. I ran because I wanted to complete the challenge in the time frame, and although I knew it was a daft idea... I still did it !

Poor CB got ignored for so much of the run, I chose Grateful 8K, for the simple reason that when it finished, I knew I had only got two to do!!!

My head for the most part was so full of all sorts, but I got there...I am having an extra day's rest... yesterday's appointments, although they went well, took their emotional and physical toll, but all positive action..... and you do get a whole load of steps in, on these hospital jaunts! Thank you... just for being you xxx

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon

Oldfloss you've always been an inspiration and a great support to all of us here, you certainly are strong and determined and this really showed through in this run! Whatever life (and runs!)throw at you, you face it head on and are so much braver than you think. Very well done my friend 👏 😘xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toaliboo70

Ali... thank you... !

You too know a great deal about determination and being strong! One of my dearest friends, you have always been there, inspiring and motivating, me ! My little yellow snail makes me smile very time I look at her...:) xxx

Katnap profile image

You are definitely strong Oldfloss 💪💪

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toKatnap

Thank you my friend, You and the lovely TailChaser know all about strength xxx

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply toOldfloss

You are one of the strongest people we know Floss xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toTailChaser

Just like you then xxx

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Just reading your account of this run is exhausting Floss. I have only ever done one run which felt like that; knowing that you needed to do it and auto pilot legs keeping going, one foot in front of the other, until the end. There is no self pity there; just an honest account of how you felt. Some runs just have to be completed regardless; the usual rules and common sense don’t apply; you just did it, suffered for it and then you recovered. You are as tough as they come….🤗

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toBeachcomber66

I am glad that you thought the post showed how I felt , and that you understood from your own experience exactly how it felt!

How do our legs keep us upright... I am not sure... I know on my first HM that my legs were tired on the last K, but this was something else. I just kept, somehow, going.

Thank you so much for your reply... it really helps me incredibly. x

linda9389 profile image

That was smart in my book Floss. You took some time for you. You battled through all sorts of challenges, on half-empty. Did you give up? Not at all. You completed the challenge and notched up a massive achievement that was all yours. Take that into tomorrow and the next day and .... you can still win, even when it seems the world is against you and yours.Sending love and hugs - and congratulations on a difficult job that was very well done ❤️❤️❤️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply tolinda9389

You were there with me, make no mistake.... I mean it, when I say, my friends are with me and keep me going. You, as I know what the struggle can feel like..

It is the closest I have been to stopping the run...but somehow, I made it.

Thank you for your constant support, and I have taken heart from Sunday... which I know will help move me onwards; hugs gratefully received and sending some right back to you xxx

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply toOldfloss

I stopped in the finish funnel the other day! It’s dreadful in that instant but once snapped out of it we come good 😀

GoogleMe profile image

You needed this.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toGoogleMe

I did.... and I am glad, I did it x

drl212 profile image

Congratulations for your fortitude and continuing when this run seemed to throw everything and the kitchen sink at you!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply todrl212

Thank you... yes, it does feel a tad like that...but something like that run can really, usually after the event, focus you.

It encourages positivity and a determination not to be bowed down...we learn, all the time on our running, and as you know , not just about running... !

How are you doing... are you recovering well ? I am putting a new S and F post up today.... maybe I shall see you there later?

drl212 profile image
drl212 in reply toOldfloss

Hi! Seeing fracture clinic tomorrow! Hopefully will get some news then. Thanks for asking!

I will check out your post later!!! Looking into the chair exercises and keeping some of the stretching that I can still do…

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Thank you for your honesty Oldfloss . You are going through such tough times at the moment and that certainly sounds a tough run. But that run meant so much to you, and you felt you had to get it done, whatever. You certainly showed you are one tough cookie. You could have called time on that run at any time.

I also find that sometimes Coach Bennett’s words just drift by, but every now and then something attracts your attention. You held on to the word you needed to hear. Hope. Your friends also share the hope that you will get the help you need for MrOF and yourself.

We all know that not every run is a walk in the park on a sunny day, and I am glad that you put this post on the forum. You are a strong silver snail. 🐌

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toDexy5

Thank you Dexy5 ....your words are so kind and the runs just don't always turn out as wished are right.Learning experiences though...every run...and if we are sensible...we do take away something that will help us.

I learned a lot. Not just about running CB would say 😄

My snail is always with me...thanks you x

My Dexy snailx
cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Inspiring stuff OF, you absolute legend. ❤️ You were strong and you did it. Massive congratulations 👊🎉

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply tocheekychipmunks

Haha! Legend or myth?? I did it...better or worse...but am feeling the positive benefits now...helping me get a handle on things.

Thank you so much x

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

I am so glad you posted about this run. It shows that running is not always sunshine and roses and yet you started it, despite feeling as you did and, more importantly, you finished it. Of course you did. I had no doubt ❤️

I am sorry that the running gods played against you and gave you so much to contend with (I imagine the running gods as little demons sitting on a cloud in the sky and watching us as we run and wondering what they are going to throw today, good things or bad things🤣)

But you ignored all of them and finished 🥳👍👏💪🤩

A huge well done and congratulations xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toIrishprincess

Thank you, I love the idea of your little demons on clouds...wondering how to upend us...or not!I shall.look at the clouds a tad differently now!

Sunshine and roses this was not...but on reflection, there were moments....the tree from mu childhood days..when summers were always, long anf warm.. and pond dipping with my cousins and our chums.

I doubted myself...but myself was stronger it turns out!


Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toOldfloss

You certainly are! xxx

Lavender1962 profile image
Lavender1962Half Marathon

Congratulations on finishing such a challenging run! Having been on and off the forum for years I’m always inspired by your posts and how you get through everything that is thrown your way. As well, the way you express yourself in writing is beautiful.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toLavender1962

Thank you for those kind words... :)

Sharing my joy with all the forum friends is a privilege, and sharing my setbacks, too. Knowing that people know and understand the challenges can help so much.

Thank you x

Week7 profile image
Week7Half Marathon

I didn't know it was possible for such a tough run to be so beautiful. This post is inspiring. I am so grateful that you have shared with us .Sending you best wishes 💕

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toWeek7

Well ! Thank you... yes, it was a lovely familiar route, I know full of Autumn at its best, but Sunday was tinged with the colour of struggle.

It is good to share with folk who can understand the way we feel and it is a helpful and healing process too.

Thank you so much... the friendship and love from the replies here, have fueled a huge improvement in my mind set, since Sunday... x

Week7 profile image
Week7Half Marathon in reply toOldfloss

You provide so much support for all of us here too. It's a wonderful facility to have.Hope the next run is a little easier .

Shake-and-run profile image
Shake-and-runHalf Marathon

I was thinking about a Shakespeare quote for you but airplanes did not exist in Tudor times. This one from Midsummer Night’s Dream might do; ‘My soul is in the sky’ (although you might not want to dwell on the context, it is Bottom as Pyramus’s mock heroic dying speech).

I loved reading your report. I did the Spitfire 10k a few years ago at Cosford and felt very honoured to run in the name of an airman who lost his life in the war. I love it that denied the runway at Cosford you found the site of another airfield to run on, how fitting!

The run you had itself sounds terrible. Well done for battling on despite weather, hills and legs that do nothing but complain. Your grit and determination was very admirable, especially as running on your own there is no crowd or marshals to lift your spirits and keep you going.

Sorry that life is tough for you and Mr OF at the moment, here’s hoping things improve soon. Sending you best wishes xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toShake-and-run

Thank you so, so much for your words.. . I thought of the Bottom quote !!

It was blooming tough... and it would have been so great to have run it at Cosford again.. so atmospheric ! The area I ran was used as a training centre for many young airman and even now, on the green spaces, on a quiet morning, there is a real sense of the past.

Life is tough... but we have to move forward,,, and the run did, I realise now play a part in that moving forward...!

Maybe next year,,, a forum friend meet up at RAF Cosford, could be on the cards... why should Monsal have all the fun :) The though of us all zooming down the runway,,, now that would be a sight!

Thank you again x

Shake-and-run profile image
Shake-and-runHalf Marathon in reply toOldfloss

I remember it well!

Runner being an airplane
Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toShake-and-run

Me too !

TailChaser profile image

Sorry I’ve only just read your post Floss. It might have been tough but I bet you felt better for it? It sounds it, and it just shows how much you need it at the moment. Big hugs from all of us xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toTailChaser

I missed this too.. with the HU site being glitchy... I did feel better for it, but only a couple of days after... I was really wiped out, but so glad I finished it... my run yesterday... that was the healer. The legs still worked and I felt good.

Hugs grateully received...! Thank you xxx

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply toOldfloss


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