yesterday I completed my 1st Ashby 20 mile road race ( 1,500 runners) which takes place in north west Leicestershire country roads. It’s very undulating to say the least. I believe the elevation is around 980 metered in total in the 2 laps . We arrived in the rain which stopped just as we started and finished in glorious sunshine.
a lot of people do this as there last long run before spring marathon particularly London.
I was a tad worried as there is a cut off at 10 miles (2.20 which is fairly generous but as I hadn’t done it before I wasn’t sure how much leyway I would have) but all good I PB at 10 miles HM and 20 miles .
it’s a great challenge if you are ever looking for a 20 miler . It’s a long way mind but so happy I did it .
At the end you get a fab hoodie!