Back again to the scene of my first HM last year, but this year I knew what to expect, and I had trained better. The only non-improvement was the weather, which somehow managed to be even worse than the year before.
So not a great start and a slow pen meant even the 2:30 pacers (whom I hoped to beat) were well ahead by the time we left the park. Never mind plenty of time to catch up. We ran straight into the wind and within a couple of miles we were climbing up the steep roads that lead to beachy head. They are tough and one-by-one all but the few succumbed to walking. My calves were screaming getting up that hill. Eventually a sharp turn at the top lead to a long, steep decline down the hill and the first water stop.
A nice run along the seaside - wind now pushing us on and we headed for sovereign harbour. Round this part is quite sheltered so the wind doesn't affect, but the bit where you run past the restaurants and the chip shop is quite tough mentally as the smell of food wafts over you.
After the harbour its back onto the seaside and it is here with a couple of mile to go that the wins really hits you. I fell in with a group running around a pacer and used them as both motivation and a human shield for the wind (any edge you can get, right). Back onto the main road and the wind died and so did my legs. I started to walk. The pacer caught me up, told me I was on for a sub 2:15 and there was only 500m metres left. It was all I needed and off I went again. Over the finish line and 10 minutes faster than last year.
I met up with my family and headed back to the car for a well-earned shower and lunch.