Race Report - British Masters Inter A... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Race Report - British Masters Inter Area Championships

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon
72 Replies

You will need a cuppa tea on standby as this has stretched out to be even longer than my last report. 😂

So, last Sunday was an unusual race in that in order to run you have to be invited by your Masters Area club. The British Masters Athletic Federation (BMAF) has 4 Regional Associations (England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland). This is then sub divided into the area clubs. There are 8 England Area clubs. The meeting had representation from all areas this year bar the Isle of Man. (You can find out more about the British Masters Athletics Federation here if you wish.


Anyone over the age of 35 can join. 👍)

I had been invited to run the individual 100m, and join the 4x100m relay team, for my area club, the Veterans Athletics Club (VAC) which represents the London City and home counties.

It was quite an honour to be selected, but it does put the pressure on to do well😅 The other added pressure is that this is only the second time this year that I’ve competed at national level against my peers. A true test of my current form if ever there was one.

Anyway, back to the report. The meeting was in Nuneaton and I live in Brighton meaning a 3.5-4 hour drive there and back in one day, or a stay over. I opted for the stay over in Coventry which was much, much better than the prospect of all that driving and running in one day.

The weather on Saturday was truly awful as many here will testify to (I was thinking of you all out there at parkruns etc) and I was grateful that at least Sunday’s weather forecast wasn’t looking so bad. Had a quick stop-off in Stratford upon Avon where I had dinner at a good pub with good pub grub.

I left the hotel early in the morning on race day after a fairly good night’s sleep. I didn’t bother with breakfast but knew I needed to eat something or I’d run out of energy, so scoffed a couple of flap jacks down with my coffee. I arrived at the Pingles stadium in Nuneaton in good spirits and in good time to collect my number and setup my little pop up tent and sort out my gear.

I was feeling quite relaxed and looking forward to my race which was in just over an hour’s time at 13.31 (yes, honestly that was the precise time 😅🤔🙄), and met up with my coach who was also running the 200 and 400, as well as a few other familiar old faces from my area club.

I headed back to my tent to chill out for a bit. It was at this point that I spotted a few of my competitors on the track warming up, and it was like a switch had been flicked.

Out of nowhere I went into a mild form of panic attack/anxiety. My heart rate shot up and, try as hard as I could, I just couldn’t control it. I went for a little walk but had to go back into my tent and try and calm down.

This used to happen a lot in the old days, even at parkruns, and I thought it was all behind me as I was really chilled at the last run in Brighton and certainly not had anything like it since March this year.

I eventually got onto the track for my warmup thinking it would help focus my mind and calm me down, but it just got worse. I was really annoyed with myself and tried to focus on my drills, but I couldn’t even remember what order they were in. I was in a mess.

My race was due off in 30 minutes so I just did what I could for the next 10 minutes, stretching, strides, couple of block start practises and then hang around waiting for the call.

By this time the ladies 100s were well underway and the other athletes were milling around waiting for their call. The atmosphere was friendly but you could sense the tension. Athletes stretching off; high knees, others puffing away as they tried to keep calm. None of this helped of course, and I now had a head full of gremlins, doubt and worry. Just get this over with. Please. I dashed to the loo for a quick visit and tried again to calm myself down. You can guess that didn’t work either. 😅

I returned to the track start area just as the men’s 100 metres were underway. I got out of my training warmup clothes and put my spikes back on.

Eventually we were called by the starter’s assistant and given our lane draws. I was in lane 7. There were 8 of us. All regions. To my right was the South Western area sprinter and to my left the Eastern Area sprinter, both excellent runners with comparable times to mine this year. There were at least 3 Team GB members from the world indoor championships in my race.

The numbers of athletes in the races ahead of me started to dwindle as the races got underway and it wasn’t long before the race prior to ours were called to their marks. I checked my watch to turn it on for the race and spotted that my hr was at 145. Heck. That’s high. 😬🙄

When I looked back up, I noticed that my blocks had gone! One of the runners in the race ahead had taken them thinking they were stadium blocks and was using them! He was over in lane 2. I wouldn’t have minded but he was now adjusting them and moving my carefully pre positioned foot blocks. 🤦‍♂️😭😳😱 Can I even remember what the measurements were? It’ll take ages to get them back to where they should be. I froze. What can I do? l couldn’t say anything as we’re not allowed to speak to others ahead of us. I asked the assistant but he said it’s too late and to keep them nearer to me next time. Of course, in my head I knew what the numbers should be on the blocks, but I was now doubting myself. I glanced across at the other athletes in my race. They were all super focused of course, as should I have been.

The race ahead of us had two false starts. I noticed that this starter was holding athletes in the set position for quite a time. The last thing I needed today was a false start and DQ especially after my near miss last week. I mustn’t let these nerves get the better of me! For God’s sake calm down Brian.

I wasn’t going to bottle out of this. I’m doing it. The starter’s assistant called us forward and I dashed across the track to grab my blocks and get them setup. Luckily it looked like he hadn’t fiddled with the footplate angles and I recalled that my front block was at the 13 cm mark but, just to check, I did a quick and dirty measurement with my foot length as a guide. 2 for the left and 3 roughly for the right side. No time for messing around with them now as the other guys were already on their practise start. They’ll do. I gave them a quick run out and walked slowly back to the start line.

The assistant called us to our start position where we stand in a line about 2 metres or so behind the blocks. He shows the starter a white card and we are now under his orders. I look at the empty lane in front of me and suddenly it seems so far to the end. Like a tunnel. We are called to our marks and we walk forward to settle into the blocks.

I can literally feel my heart pounding out of my chest. I take a series of very deep breaths as I step back into the blocks. It’s rather windy today and the breeze is catching the trees around and behind me. I can hear the other athletes as they slap their legs and face, and whatever else they fancy, in order to get in the zone. I don’t usually do this, but today I thought I’d give it a go and joined in the bouncing and thigh slapping around me. An image of Bavarian line dancers crossed my mind and made me giggle and the whole charade certainly helped to calm me down.

I finally got settled in, and looked up one final time at the finish line before bowing my head and waiting for the set command. Remember to tense up and explode out of the block Brian! Get those first 3 steps right!

He calls set and I take a deep breath and raise my hips slowly up and tense. Must stay perfectly still here. I wait for the bang. It takes longer than usual and, even though I knew this, I twitched ever so slightly but not enough to be seen. Too late to tense back up. BANG There it is! Go!

Of course the start was going to be bad. The nerves and twitch made sure of that, but I never expected to be running upright after just 3 steps! Where was my drive phase? Heck. Too late now, get on with it!

I could already see 3 runners ahead of me to my left along with the chap to my right and by 40 metres I was in 5th place and I had an awful lot of work to do to catch up, which is almost impossible in a 100 metre race.

If you have watched these events at any level, the 100m race is usually decided by 60 metres. I was NOT going to let this happen. Anyone who knows me, knows that I never give up and today was no exception. Did I have anymore to give? I dug deep and gritted my teeth and before I knew it I could feel my legs responding and I started to inch closer to the athletes each side of me who I overtook, I could sense the other two ahead of me to the left and I was closing in fast on them too. Can I dip them on the line? Come on! Do this. I dip my head and reach for the line.

Sadly not. The two runners to t gete left of me were celebrating wins and it took a photo before the final results were decided. I had looked up at the winners time ahead of me and saw 12.94. I’m faster than that, I thought straight away. I did 12.74 last week. Just how bad was my time? I was quite down tbh. I should have won that. That’s just typical me though. I hate letting myself down especially when I know I could do better.

Anyway, the photo finish (pictured) revealed that I was a LOT closer than I thought. My time was given at 12.99. Second place was 12.96. So I was just 5 one hundredths of a second from first place! That both cheered me up and upset me. But I was happy to go under 13 seconds again this year.

Looking back now I’m a lot more happy than I was at the time. Heck, I got under 13 again despite that dreadful first 40 metres. I have a lot of work to do in training before the UK, and hopefully, European championships to fix my nerves and first 20 meters where I effectively lost that race. But despite all this I’m still fit and most of all, I’m happy and healthy and for that I am very grateful. I can’t win them all and I will learn from this.

I could continue to write about the relay in detail but I won’t as I’m sure you’ve had enough now, but suffice to say that I took the anchor leg on a wonderful team performance. We not only won, but we also set a new Championship record for the M60 age group. I was of course delighted and completely relaxed by the time this race started.

Stopped off again in Stratford on the way home so that I could have a walk around this pretty town but, most of all, so that I could finally eat something. I ended up eating an entire Nandos chicken with 4 side dishes 🤤 Got home finally at 11.30pm and slept like a baby.

My next race is a home open meeting on the 19th here in Brighton and then it’s the UK championships in Derby on 1st September where I’ve entered the 100m.

Really well done if you made it this far. Here’s your medal 🏅 😀

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RunBrianRun profile image
Half Marathon
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72 Replies
Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

You keep turning out those performances Brian; great recovery from the phantom block snatcher! I really enjoyed your write up 👍

What is it with race officials…surely they don’t all view life with their vision obstructed by their own tonsils?

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Thanks BC. 😂 I think they all went to the same school for officials. It’s pretty consistent wherever I’ve raced. Athletics does have a rather patriarchal feel to it but at least standards are consistent at this level and you know what to expect. We are all subject to exactly the same rules as IAAF and UKA (which we have to be part of), and that includes the drug testing regime as well.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles

Oh my word, I had luck on my side as I'd just made a cup of tea so I settled down to read your report, and what a report it turned out to be! I was quite worried about your elevated heartrate and then when someone borrowed your blocks I felt quite cross on your behalf. I felt your nerves. A rough start Brian but you ran your best race and made up time and places, so proud of you. The relay too, won by your team, well done all of you. 👏👏👏

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

That was lucky Sue that you had a brew on the go. Glad you enjoyed it. I’m feeling very much more relaxed now. I’ll be training hard to rectify the start but it’s been a problem all season so I’m not sure how much better I can get it before the nationals. I’m off to the gym shortly for a short session. 48 hours is enough rest. Still a bit achy in my hip flexors but I will leave them alone today.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to RunBrianRun

😁 hope the gym went well 😀

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Yes, thanks Sue. Just an hour with very gentle aerobic effort and a few push and pulls.

RunWillie profile image

Great report RunBrianRun & awesome job🤩

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

Thank you RW. 😊 How is your running going down there?

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to RunBrianRun

All well here 👍🏻 Still trying to do my 80/20 running. I have to force myself out of that easy zone but I do want to get a little faster to make distance running more doable. . Respect to you runners who work so hard to get your times.

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

Good to hear that RW. 👍

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

I was absolutely gripped Brian! What a wonderful post and I really didn’t know how it would pan out. I was rooting for you all the way, and the way you kept your cool when your blocks disappeared was admirable. I’d have had a paddywhack in no uncertain terms! 😵‍💫

You were so soooooo close and I hope you’re proud of that. And the way you nonchalantly added that you won the relay AND set a championship record! Wonderful! ❤️

Can’t wait for the next instalment. Keep those long posts coming, please. Every detail! Love it. 👏👏👏😀

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

That’s lovely Cheeky, thank you. I am proud of myself to be honest and I’m looking forward to my next race here in Brighton in 10 days. Best of all, I’m still 3rd on the UK leaderboard after the race, so no harm done there at least 😅

I will continue to post my reports as it’s good fun, but also, I’m hoping to encourage others to get started in masters athletics. You don’t need to be the fastest. That’s just me. Mostly it’s just a load of old folk having fun at their very own grown up’s sports day. 😂 There’s a walking event too if you don’t fancy running!

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

A big congratulations Brian, well done ✅✅👍

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to AlMorr

Much appreciated, Al 👍

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon in reply to RunBrianRun

Although I have now ran 42/10Ks and will run a 43rd before I run my first 10K event race with a chip timer I will also feel very nervous about running my 44th 10K surrounded by probably a thousand + runners, the race is on Sunday 3rd September, most of my 10K times are around 72 minutes, when. I was a spectator at this event last year there were pacers (those are the runners with a big type flag above them with pace times) from 45 to 75 minutes, I probably will follow the 75 minutes pacer although my PB for 10K is 1:08:44.

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to AlMorr

Good luck with that first chip timed 10k Al. Your times are very respectable indeed and I hope you manage to stick with the 75 minute pacer. 👍

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon in reply to RunBrianRun

I could follow the 70 minutes pacer, last year when I ran the London Vitality Virtual 10,000 my time was sub 70 minutes at 1:09:50, what I might do is follow the 75 minutes pacer for 7K then try to catch up with the 70 minutes pacer because the last 3K is around the same route as I run all my 5K and 10K runs every Wednesday, I will see how it goes on the day.

linda9389 profile image

Oh wow Brian! What a read!!! I just can't imagine how you do that. To fight back and recover from a bad start like that is amazing; what if you dug deep like that after one if your good starts? I sense there's more to come but in the meantime huge congratulations on another sub 13, not to mention the new record in the relay 😍

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

Thanks Linda. I honestly don’t know where that mid race boost comes from. I’ve sensed it in the last 2 races now. Something in my training is doing it but I can’t work out what bit. Helps to be bloody determined too of course. If I can nail that first 20 metres I should get close to sub 12.7/12.6 I think. There’s definitely more to come. 👍

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon

Thank you Brian for this superb race report. All just fascinating. I so appreciate reading each and every detail. Many, many congratulations for all you have achieved so far. Just wonderful. Seriously impressive. 👏💥🏃🏻‍♂️🎉🏅

And that you take time to give us insight into your race days. I appreciate that you enjoy writing them, but thank you all the same.

Is it normal for you to just eat two flapjacks prior to a 1:31 race? Intrigued to read that you have a pop up tent! Perhaps lots of folk do this and there is therefore an area that looks like a camp site! I would never have thought of that, but it seems an excellent idea to have your own space. How nerves can affect us. One day not at all and another time wham! I am sure you will learn loads from your experiences. Who'd have thought that you need to keep guard of your blocks!So many details to be aware of. I was surprised that you even wore a watch for the race. I think I assumed that sprinters rely on the official timekeeping, I have never thought to look at the wrists of athletes taking part in sprints, but fully aware of longer races where you see lots of fingers poised over running watches ready to press start.

Well congratulations again to you and also your phenomenal relay team. Here's to injury free running and all that training that you must do going brilliantly well.

PS Now wondering how the 200m and 400m went for your coach.

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

That’s very kind of you as usual O61. Thank you. I do enjoy writing them. I’m just glad that others enjoy reading them. I love motivating myself and others hopefully too without being too evangelical about it. My reports are my proxy.

In terms of eating, I judge it by the race time itself and try to allow at least 5 hours from the last bite to warmup. I wasn’t feeling very hungry that morning because I ate out, and a lot later than usual, which upset my tummy a little as I don’t like sleeping so soon after eating. Most important for me is hydration. That starts to get serious 2 days before the race. On race day I have at least 2 bottles of electrolyte water on hand.

My coach was brilliant and won both his races. Mind you he was world 400 metre champion last year in his age group. He’s a great mentor. My other coach is also excellent but he isn’t racing this year.

The pop up tent was a last minute idea and I’m glad I took it. I took a camp chair too. The only thing missing was the barbecue 😂

I like to wear the watch, as it’s my running companion and has been with me for so long now. It gives me some useful data and I get to record the event too. I do wonder now you mention it whether I shouldn’t bother with it on race days. Might even account for .001 of a second, and they all count. 🤔

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to RunBrianRun

Marginal gains, as I recollect the British Cycling team discussing. I really can't imagine that you have any time to start a watch in your astounding 100m races! Interesting that you need 5 hours last bite of food, I am not surprised. I so prefer to run before breakfast.

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

I usually start it in the call area but only if I remember to do it. It really is all about tiny margins. There was a study done by one cycling team that looked into the wind drag and effect on performance of hairy legs and beards 😂 I must look it up again as I believe that they were actually finding gains by shaving legs and beards. 😅

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to RunBrianRun

Shaving legs and beards!😂 Nothing really surprises me.

So that sounds like you start your watch well before the starter's bang. Now you have me thinking about the weight of your watch and come to that all items of clothing!!😂

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

I should add that I don’t shave my legs 😂 I was blessed by having very few hairs there to start with. I do wear the lightest gear I can find and I don’t wear socks in my spikes either.

Sulley101 profile image

Brilliant! I think my heart rate went up just reading your report! Good luck with your next race 💪😊👏👏👏 can’t wait to hear how you get on 😁

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Sulley101

Glad you enjoyed it Sulley101 👍 Thank you for the good luck wishes. My next race is on the 19th in Brighton but that’s another time trial event so I’ll be the old man running with young guns again on that day.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Oh my goodness Brian, I went through every stressful moment with you. That was so intense. I will look at the 100m on the TV with new eyes now!

Very very well done on such a close 3rd after all that worry. I dread to think what your HR went up to in the end.

And well done on your 1st place and record in the relay. Whoop whoop!

This is such a different experience of running than what most of us on the forum have. I enter races to be able to run on closed routes with a band of happy runny people and to have a T-shirt and medal guaranteed. I am under no illusion that I will ever be a winner or gain a record, but that is exactly what you are doing.

So proud that we have been able to follow you on this journey. Do keep the reports coming in.

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

I’m glad the tension came over and that you enjoyed reading it Dexy. 😊 I’ll keep posting my reports here for my virtual running buddies in my virtual running home. It’s been an interesting journey so far for sure and I’m glad to share it with everyone. It validates my efforts and I’m incredibly grateful for the support I get here. It truly motivates me. 😊😃

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathon

Goodness, I think I know that terrible feeling of nerves, but you conquered it, and did a grand job. Mega congratulations. xx

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Curlygurly2

Thank you Curlygurly2 It is quite debilitating isn’t it and I must try to find a way to stop it if it starts up again. Such a fine balance between having the necessary race nerves and out and out panic attacks. I wonder if anyone has any tips for me?

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathon in reply to RunBrianRun

I chew myself up over parkrun sometimes....it's not helpful is it? Mostly I don't put myself through things if I feel I'll be having a hard time. Mind you, I suffer before the dentist or important hospital appointments too, can't do much about those, meditation/breathing techniques don't help...

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

Gosh Brian. I am sitting with a cuppa and reading this was so exciting! You certainly took us all with you on this and I felt I was there beside you (you did the hard work obviously 🙂)

I did giggle too when you mentioned the thigh slapping, I can just imagine how that looked 😂

Really well done to you for getting to the start lines and for your results. You are a determined runner and I have no doubt you’ll achieve whatever goals you set yourself.

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Thanks IP, yes, the image of lederhosen clad runners certainly made me laugh and helped me relax a little. Perhaps I need to do more of that sort of imagery in the future 🤔

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunBrianRun


Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

What a fantastically written report Brian - I think my own heart rate increased with the tension, too!🤣 Seriously though - huge congratulations on this performance, despite the panic and the block stealing! I guess 100m more than any other distance, is a race where there is so little room for error - everything has to come together on the day - there is no time to rectify mistakes and such small margins separate positions at the finish line.

I’m glad you can now see just how well you did - not only in this race but in the relay too, with a new Championship record!🏅🙂👍

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Sandraj39

Thank you Sandraj39 Glad you enjoyed the read. It’s a bit like a blog I suppose but just for my VRBs. 😃☺️

You are quite right, apart from the indoor 60 metre sprint there’s nothing else on the track that has such small margins for error.

Yes, I didn’t dwell too long in my misery once I saw the time and feeling altogether much better about the race now.

Katnap profile image

Thanks for the virtual medal! I'll wear it with virtual pride!

Sub 13 again 🎉

🐱 Katnap 🐱

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Katnap

Well done Katnap you made it to the end! 😁

misswobble profile image

thanks Brian for running that and for taking the time to write it up for our enjoyment 👍😀 I made a coffee, grabbed a biccy , and sat down - still in my running gear - to hear about your adventure 🙂

I was telling you to calm down, and to not not check your heart rate! 😁 My own heart rate shot up in consternation at the cheeky so and so who nicked your blocks 🤬

Congratulations! I know you weren’t completely pleased with your race but you have to be chuffed to finish in one piece under 13 seconds 💪👍✊👊

I hope you’re fully rested and recovered and ready for the next event. Good luck 🙂👍

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

You did tell me MW and I didn’t listen 😅 Definitely happy to get another sub 13 but I would love another 12.8 or less at my next race before the nationals. I shall try and rest properly before my next race but I can’t rest too much and risk losing the edge. I did an easy gym session today flirting around with the bikes, rowers and elliptical machines and some upper body stuff. Just conditioning really.

misswobble profile image

My cross training yesterday was a gardening session I ached like hell on my 11k run this morning.

I’ve got an old dog in tow for a week from this evening which is going to put a real crimp on my running plans. Mind you it might help my twanging Achilles 😁🐕. Best laid plans ey 🙄

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Well done on that 11k! Especially with aches and pains. I still have sore hip flexors from this event. I’ve never had them like this before. Getting better though this evening and definitely doing the aerobic work in the gym helped today.

Achilles are tricky. Hopefully the enforced rest will help.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to RunBrianRun

I’m slow walking the neighbour’s old dog til next Thursday so that should help. Tiring though as got me up at 5.30 am 😩

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

I miss dog walking. Hopefully not long till I get another. I dog sit for my son which I do enjoy. Early mornings though 😬 No chance 😂

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to RunBrianRun

My eyes are on stalks today 😩. We were wondering around my garden at 5.30 am again.

While we slowly perambulate I stretch my calves 😁🐕🏃‍♀️

As much as I love the old dawg I don’t want another one .

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

No way I could cope with that start 😳 Dogs can usually hang on for a while. Is he a puppy or old?

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to RunBrianRun

He’s old. So we walk slowly together. Short walks now but plenty of them. He’s quite doddery bless im 😍

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to misswobble

We were up even earlier this morning. While out the sun began to rise. The sky was an amazing deep pink 🥰. I took a pic but sadly it didn’t capture the gorgeous colour. I put my jacket over my nightie 😁

CBDB profile image

What a riveting read! Better than any thriller!

Huge congrats to you, and looking forward to reading about a race where everything goes perfect, and your nerves don’t go awry.


RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to CBDB

😂 Thanks CBDB I’m working on my journalism skills. It’s slow progress.

Mudita11 profile image
Mudita11Half Marathon

What a fabulous report Brian. So well written, I could feel your emotions and it raised my heart rate!

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Mudita11

Thank you Mudita glad you enjoyed it 😃

Cowladyrunning profile image

Wow! I felt nervous too! It's really interesting reading this as it is so different to anything I've ever done. Well done and I like how you made your whole journey a fun experience.

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Cowladyrunning

Thanks CLR it is so different to what we do here but it’s good fun despite the nerves.

Cmoi profile image

Thanks for the write-up RunBrianRun , and particularly the medal, since there's no chance I'll ever be getting one any other way!

Very much hope the panic and anxiety go away for you. Great achievement to overcome that, re-focus and get a strong result.

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Thanks cmoi, can imagine it’ll be tricky controlling it at the nationals but between now and then I’m really going to focus on that start. That’ll give me the confidence I need at least.

Kevin41 profile image
Kevin41Half Marathon

Enjoyed that, thanks RunBrianRun also thanks for the medal and congratulations on yours - all things considered that’s a great result really isn’t it and bodes well for future races.

I guess a lot of the nerves/anxiety was based on whether you could compete and hopefully you’ve proved to yourself that not only can you compete, you are right up there with the best even when not at your best.

I imagine you may need a ‘run Brian run’ sticker on the blocks somehow to avoid repeat occurrences.

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Kevin41

Thank you for those wise words Kevin. Yes, I was 54th in the country just 2 seasons ago so the progress is very good. To be even competing at this level, as you say, even when not at my best, is very encouraging.

Stickers would be very useful! Great idea!

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon

Wow brilliant performance RunBrianRun ! I enjoyed your race report x😁

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to aliboo70

Hi Aliboo, thank you! ☺️ Hey, guess what?

I’m off to the Repair Shop this morning for the “Reveal”! Filming is from 10-12.30 (seems such a long time for such a short scene). I better get my skates on!

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to RunBrianRun

Enjoy the filming RunBrianRun , and please do reveal all to us (oo err Missus!) when you're allowed to!

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

😂 will do 😂

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon in reply to RunBrianRun

Oooh hope it went well,be great to see you on screen when it's aired! 😁xxx

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to aliboo70

To be honest, I’m dreading it. I couldn’t stop my leg shaking throughout and felt like a right berk. Friday was much better and I was far more relaxed. At least I think I was 😂😅

Week7 profile image
Week7Half Marathon

Well, that was so stressful to read that I took over 24 hours to reply! Read it before work yesterday and just about recovered. Another brilliant post. Looks like you really have a handle on those nerves now and can still get a good run in even when things don't go right before a race. So excited to see what happens at your next meet.

Congratulations on a race well run an a post well done!!

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Week7

Oh that made me laugh out loud Week7 🤣 I’m sorry to have caused you so much stress 😅

Yes, I need to just chill out and remember it’s just for fun! 👍☺️

Week7 profile image
Week7Half Marathon in reply to RunBrianRun

Don't be sorry-I enjoyed every word- such an exciting read.Showed the post to Mr Wk7 today-I'm always nattering on to him about this forum and wanted to show him why - he really enjoyed your post too!

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Week7

Fabulous! Glad he enjoyed it. 😀

Freecloud profile image

Wow! That was such a great read RBR. It was like I was actually there myself and felt the faster heart rate and all the tension / excitement. It's such a great achievement to be running at the level your at in your prime and all the extra training you need to do in order to keep it so high.

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to Freecloud

Thank you Freecloud for those words. 😊 It isn’t easy for sure, but it gives me such a lot of fun and as I am older I have more time to focus on it. Who knows where this will go? Have I reached my limit? Now that’s an interesting one as it’s inevitable.

Hedgehogs123 profile image
Hedgehogs123Metric Marathon

Blimey Brian, I could almost feel your nerves myself and I think I spoke out loud a couple of times, ' oh no' quite loudly, to the extent my other half wondered what on earth I was reading. I know I've said this before, but you have my full respect, that sort of running sounds sooooo nerve racking,! When I read about about your blocks I felt outraged and would have gone over and got them for you myself, although that probably would have got you disqualified!!🥴 Fantastic photo finish.

Have you identified what brings your nerves on like that? Sounds like you give yourself a good talking to, I do that to myself all the time, as I'm sure sometimes it's mind over matter!

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