Weekly chat 10th – 16th July 2023: It... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Weekly chat 10th – 16th July 2023: It’s the little things! 📱🩳🦙🚴‍♂️🥰

Cmoi profile image
119 Replies

Bonjour from my meltingly hot little corner of France! How’s your running going? Better than mine, I hope. It was 41°C in full sun in our garden yesterday afternoon, still 28° at 10.30pm, and 19° when I took the 34kg training aid out for 5k this morning. Despite being grey and cloudy it was already 22° when we got back at 8.30. I hate both morning and hot weather running, so I’m doing a bare minimum, trying not to beat myself up about my lack of motivation.

So as I have no proper running news, I thought I’d share some random daft little things that have made me happy over the past few days:

• Finally setting up the phone I bought in February 2021

• Finding that the new phone, larger than the old one, fits in the back pocket of my trail shorts!

• Buying a pair of trail shorts from Vinted

• Buying a pale blue backpack with llamas on it from a discount store

• Spotting 20 Ben and Jerrys Salted Caramel Peace Pops for a bargainous €6.50 (same store as above)

• Hopefully going to watch Le Tour in real life tomorrow

• My 84 year old neighbour is going to come to Saturday’s outdoor meal and get-together for the residents of our hamlet and the two neighbouring ones (I’d call it a street party only we haven’t got any streets)

So go on, what little things, running-related or otherwise, have been cheering you up recently? And if you’re having a bad patch, please don’t feel excluded - let us know too, so we can send some support.

Here’s to a week of happy running for all VRBs!

The Marathon Team xxx


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Cmoi profile image
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119 Replies
Shake-and-run profile image
Shake-and-runHalf Marathon

No running for me as we’ve been busy on the roadside cheering on the Tour. I hope you enjoy your day tomorrow! It is hot here in SW France too and the running group were out seeking shady routes. I hope to be back with them later this week. Meanwhile fingers crossed for M. Orange today as he tried to connect us to the fibre for better wifi. Always a challenge when your house is old and the walls are over a metre thick.

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Shake-and-run

Hope you enjoyed Le Tour - where did you go? Stage 8 ? I was so upset for Cav.

I'm trying to work out my strategy for tomorrow - hoping that if I go via the back roads I'll be able to get close enough to walk or run to a spot on the final categorised climb.

I'm very familiar with the problem of internet and old houses with thick walls; hope that worked out for you. We've been promised fibre for years but it hasn't yet materialised. At the same time our mobile network is getting worse and worse - there's barely any signal in the house. I feel another exchange of views with Orange coming on!

Shake-and-run profile image
Shake-and-runHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

We were in Bordeaux for the finish of stage 7 (shouting for Cav ) and at the little town of Riberac for stage 8 (saw Cav before he crashed). Loved the atmosphere in the town, good view, a few goodies from the caravan and we 'liberated' a Tour sign as well (policeman said we could take it). We were lucky to be on a tight corner so the pelaton was spread out and slowing down for the bend. You should do well and have a great view if you can get up the climb, they still go like stink though! I'm trying to load up my photo of Bardet for you, but HU isn't having it at the moment.

RunWillie profile image

Hi Cmoi & other VRB’s,

I’ve just lost my longer reply as I added a photo I think. My little thing has been finding a cheaper daily trainer which I’m loving. I only bought them to travel in but I’ve already done 65 miles in them. My first Nike Pegasus ❤️🏃‍♀️

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to RunWillie

Hi  RunWillie , delighted to hear about your new shoes, and 65 miles already is serious mileage!

What a pain losing your longer reply though. It seems to be happening to quite a few people, and not just on the Marathon forum, so I've added a post in this thread advising people to contact HU if they're experiencing glitches. I would have edited my original post only the forum wouldn't let me, kept giving me an error message!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Hi Cmoi and friends. Very little running news to report with me either, although I was pleased that I worked out how to sync Spotify and my Apple Music library to NRC without throwing my phone down in a hissy fit. Not sure who else on here now has to authorise them each time NRC is fired up? It never used to happen, but now it’s every time. But like I said. I worked out the issue, thinking I’d be forever running in silence. 😳

Anyway, I’m trundling away with my HM plan like a happy thing (now on W4), and that’s it. 😀

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Happy for you that the HM plan is going well cheekychipmunks , very much hope it stays that way.

I have to confess to several hissy fits trying to transfer stuff from my old phone to my new one . The tech just wouldn't work and I ended up emailing myself a file to import my contacts. Also apps aren't in the same place as before so I keep opening and closing them accidentally by tapping the wrong part of the screen. D'oh!

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon

Hey Cmoi and everyone!

Still in the IC here after my spell in hospital with Cellulitis! Day 6 of being home 😁

Have an all over rash arrive 3 days ago, waiting to hear back from doc,maybe an antibiotics delayed reaction?!🤔

It's weird, since my George dog passed away back in February I've struggled with enthusiasm for my running , my craft making (which I've always loved) maybe the only thing that's kept me focused is gardening.

Since this illness and feeling myself improving, seeing what goes on in hospitals, and how people struggle with their health, I've found a new found appreciation for life and a mind focus to improve and a positivity that's really been missing for a while! Probably a year (since George was diagnosed with his cancer) .

I've got the unknown of an appointment this thurs, a referral for a stomach complaint so dont know what that will bring, and also been told I'm pre diabetic! So lots of good reasons to up the anti and sort myself out!

So my list for the week, of things to be grateful for!:

1. I have lovely friends, and lovely running friends, yourselves included of course!😁

2. I just received my missing chocolates that the running club sent,and also a 2nd bonus bunch of flowers too!

3. My family are kind and supportive

4. My plants are blooming

5. I have lots of chores to keep me busy, but also enforced rest time for puffy ankle (get to watch some more "The Messy Happy " on YouTube -thanks Sandraj39 for the link,love it!)

6. Am having fun buying pretty things on a budget on vinted (and some new very cheery running shorts for £2!)

7. Sure there is lots more too.

Have a good week everyone! Xxx

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon in reply to aliboo70

Glad you are home Ali. 🙂💐 You’re right - things like this do make us reflect and sometimes help us refocus on what’s important to us. Hope you continue to improve and enjoy This Messy Happy - definitely my favourite running YouTubers at the moment! x

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon in reply to Sandraj39

Thanks Sandraj39 ,they're great, I really enjoy watching them!Yes getting better, still have a fat foot though! Xxx 😫

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to aliboo70

What a great list Ali! I too get so much pleasure from watching my flowers bloom and my seeds grow.

I hope you get everything sorted quickly and you start to feel better soon xxx

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to aliboo70

You're doing well to be so positive despite everything aliboo70 , not sure I'd manage that, despite my happy list. Hope the medical stuff either sorts itself out or is easily treatable.

Vinted is a slippery slope! 😁 So far I've only bought on there, am thinking of selling at some point, once I've finally got my overflowing wardrobe sorted out. 🙄

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon in reply to Cmoi

I've sold a few things but mainly buying ! It's my (cheap!) retail therapy! 😁 get all my parcels sent to my Dad's as he has a porch,I think he's wondering what's going on!!! Xxx 😁🤣

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to aliboo70

I love cheap retail therapy! Lidl recently got Mondial Relay lockers outside. Now I can go to pick up Vinted parcels, then go into Lidl in search of one euro bargains! 🤣

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Sounds perfect 🥰 xxx

Cmoi profile image

Replying to myself as the system won't let me edit my original post! What I wanted to add was this:

A number of forum members, myself included, have been having difficulty posting and editing posts over the past couple of days. If you're experiencing posting glitches or other site problems please email support@healthunlocked.com to tell them what's happening.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Hello @Cmoi and fellow running buddies. I haven’t been running a lot since my race either, just enough to keep the wheels moving. On Saturday I did my 100th parkrun volunteer by tailwalking which ended in a torrential downpour. We had intended doing a RunWalkLocal 5k on Sunday morning but gave into the idea of a lie-in, having had a few early mornings recently.

So today we went to the wake park in the north of the city with the intention of a longer slow run. UpTheStanley and I went our separate ways, and I set up a NRC chat with Lopez Lomong, Olympian runner, who was one of the Lost Boys of Sudan. This was highly recommended by over61andstilltrying , and It comes in 3 x 30minute parts. Well I was absolutely captivated and wasn’t thinking about the run at all. I had my iTunes library on shuffle and music played in between the chats., and just ran at an even steady pace on autopilot. I played parts 1 and 2, running just over 7 km in an hour, and then walked until I saw UTS bearing rucksack and water. It was 19c and a strong southerly breeze, so thankfully not as hot as you are experiencing.

My wow factor today was seeing that the local swans still had all 7 cygnets, and they have grown so fast. That, plus a toastie and cappuccino at the cafe made it a perfect morning.

my photo is elsewhere!

Shake-and-run profile image
Shake-and-runHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

love you picture, it is great to see them grow.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Shake-and-run

yes I last saw them on 22 May and they were tiny. Sorry I can’t post a pic to compare.

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Dexy5

Glad your wheels are still moving Dexy5 - over 7k in an hour plus walking sounds pretty good to me. The Lopez Lomong thing sounds interesting, but being NRC it's almost certainly not available to me. I'm sure there'll be stuff elsewhere online.

Those cygnets are adorable. I was wondering what happens when they get older - do they swan off 😉 into their own new territory? - so I googled and found a site called Swanlife! 🦢 I spend too much of my time falling down internet rabbit-holes...🕳️

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Cmoi

ha ha, the internet is full of rabbit holes. I think they leave the parents after they are completely white as we have older swan families visit our canoe lake. It’s like A nursery school where they practice their flying skills once the wings have developed.

Lopez is an excellent talker so I’m sure there will be other interviews with him . I have just discovered he has a book Running for my Life.

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

Hello Dexy, Sounds like you appreciated the Lopez run. No surprise there!I think that I mentioned that cheekychipmunks chose the 3x30mins version, but I went for the 1 x 90minutes. Listening to the whole thing was simply amazing and I thought that Coach Bennett did a really good job as interviewer.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to over61andstilltrying

I couldn’t find the 90 mins version, which is probably just as well as I didn’t have a 90 min run in me. 😂. Thanks for the recommendation. I see he has also written a book.

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

60 minutes seems to have been just right for today. I do hope that you are planning to listen to part 3 some time.

I expect that the 90 minute version was under long runs somewhere.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to over61andstilltrying

I was hoping to listen to part 3 while walking, but UTS turned up earlier than expected having done 12k. 🤣

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Linked to my post

2 swans and 7 cygnets
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

So cute ❤️

Shake-and-run profile image
Shake-and-runHalf Marathon

Here he is Cmoi! On the far right, number 141 (you have to open the picture right up to see him!

Bardet .
Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Shake-and-run

Merci mille fois Shake-and-run and hopefully I'll get to see the real-life version tomorrow! I've just been going all fangirly again over this article: leparisien.fr/sports/cyclis...

Bardet's son Angus, aged 3 years and not-quite-5-months is riding up the Puy de Dôme - OK, not all of it - on a two-wheeler!

Shake-and-run profile image
Shake-and-runHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

sooo cute!!!

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Shake-and-run

Have you seen this one of mini-Bardet Shake-and-run ? Possibly even cuter! instagram.com/reel/CpiM2cnO...

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Not enough running from me over the last week, I’m afraid. I was unwell with a virus and this and work being busy sort of knocked me, I think.🤧😴 Back at it on Sunday however, just for a 5K on the trails - BUT that was just what I needed.

I have also promised myself that I will do more strength and conditioning, so started this at the weekend too.💪🙂t

The good news is that we are nearing the end of term, so I hope I can soon devote more time to my running etc without squeezing it in around other commitments. Here’s wishing for a cool summer!🤣🏃‍♀️

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Sandraj39

Sounds like a result to me Sandraj39 . I don't think I've run more than 5-ishk for weeks, plus I don't knowingly do anything that might be considered strength and conditioning. Don't even have work to justify my laziness either.

Although I love hot weather to laze around in, I struggle to run in it, and sleeping's difficult too. Météo France is suggesting it might drop to 16° tonight - that'd be bliss, as it was 27° in our bedroom at 11.00pm last night!

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon in reply to Cmoi


Hedgehogs123 profile image
Hedgehogs123Metric Marathon

wow that is hot!!😎

Well, Ive still got my groin strain, thought it had gone, but oh no, I went out for a gently 10 mile trail run and at 8 miles, it came back with a vengeance, just to remind me, its going nowhere. My arthritis flare up in my feet is still there and road running definately makes it worse, so Im really getting into my trail running, its kinder on my feet and just so more relaxing being in the middle of beautiful countryside rather than flat roads. Im hopefully going to a Theraplate clinic hopefully this week. Have you heard of this treatment? Its the same sort of therapy that they apparently treat race houses with. I know a couple of people who go for treatment and they say they had really success and its really helped, so we'll see, fingers crossed!

well done for finally getting that phone set up and what a bonus that it fits in your shorts👍😀 As for Vinted, well Im addicted, can't say more than that!! Just sold a pair of running shoes this morning. Only worn them twice but they're just too narrow. Back to my faithful Brooks!

I'll let you know how I get on with the TheraPlate treatment.🤞

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Hedgehogs123

Oh, that's not good that the groin strain is still there  Hedgehogs123 . Dare I say it - maybe you should dial things back for a while, or see a physio? Hopefully the Theraplate will help re the arthritis. I've just googled as I'd never heard of it , will be interesting to see how you get on. I've got arthritis in my hands and take Devil's Claw from time to time for it, which seems to help.

As for Vinted, I have way too many clothes so need to get organised re selling, instead of just buying. Maybe you could hold me to it?! 😉😇

Hedgehogs123 profile image
Hedgehogs123Metric Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Absolutely, I'll ask you how many clothes you've sold each week!!🤣

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles

Some running for me, bought new running shorts, ordered a Parkrun wrist band, thought about new shoes but not yet. Not much else is happening here, it's going to rain tomorrow.

Things are growing in my garden.

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

That all sounds wonderful SueAppleRun , not least the rain! Did it materialise? Our garden could use some nice drizzle, as opposed to alternating drought and downpours!

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Cmoi

No it didn't rain, the garden needs it, I use my bath water to water the garden but due to having to hurry I had a shower today instead.My parkrun wristband arrived, my new shorts will be here tomorrow and I have some bone conducting headphones ordered,

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

No bath here, only showers, so I've been using washing-up water on our sturdier, non-edible plants. We're lucky to have our own well - not the romantic wishing well kind, it's just a pump with a concrete cover - but when restrictions are in place we're not allowed to use it.

I nearly bought Shokz in the Prime Day sales but am not sure how I'd cope with different sound inputs so didn't bother. Let us know how you get on with yours!

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Cmoi

I will do, we had a well when I was a child, just covered in a concrete slab, but I was lucky enough to go look round a few years ago and the new owners had built a pretty wishing well type in its place.After reading many reviews I didn't go for Shokz in the end, some days I think, I really must stop buying running related things, then other days I can't resist.

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

"some days I think, I really must stop buying running related things, then other days I can't resist."

I've been telling myself that I'd be buying running shorts anyway so might as well pay 5 euros not 20!

Just found a pair of brand new Shokz Open Run on Vinted for 80 euros, posted two hours ago. Ugh. I really mustn't, I'm doing more running-related posting and shopping than actual running right now! 😨

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Cmoi

That's when we shop most, when we run least, it's the planning 🤣I'm having a lovely lazy day today, and only started looking at saxophones again 🤣🤣🤣

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Am resisting the Shokz for now. However am still browsing Vinted and have just failed to resist a worn-once black linen mix Uniqlo jumpsuit! Very tempted by some Saltwater sandals too. 😜

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Cmoi

Ha ha ha 😃 that sounds lovely

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

It's this one: tinyurl.com/mzhdfche

Will wear as is in hot weather and with t-shirt underneath when cooler (if it ever is)

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Cmoi

That's gorgeous 🤩

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to Cmoi

I’ve just checked vigieau to see if I can put the pool up but we are under “alerte renforcee” so that’ll be a no then 😭😭

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Sandie1961

You can swim in the sea Sunday 😄

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Brrr 🥶 I haven’t swum in UK waters for decades!

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Sandie1961

I've been in a few times this summer but the forecast isn't great for Saturday. Enjoy tomorrow.

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

It’s not great for tomorrow either, but we won’t let it spoil our day!

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Sandie1961

It'll be a great day whatever the weather, they keep promising rain but we've had very little

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Sandie1961

Oh no, that's a shame, even if it's understandable. We're not yet affected as we had weeks of downpours not so long ago, but if things continue as they are it won't be long before we're restricted too.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon

It’s been real muggy here today-sweating buckets on my run this morning. Currently properly raining so hopefully it’ll be fresher tomorrow.

It’s been a good week here. Back at 8 miles for my long run as of this morning. Stupidly decided I wanted to try going up a steep hill at 8km so it was a lot tougher than last week’s 10k but very pleased to tick that off. I did a couch to 5k repeat instead of the nrc recovery run which was a fun change. No official speed run-just a push it a bit up and down a hill while in a grump that my tech wouldn’t work. I’m counting that as a hard run! Physio review tomorrow. I think he’ll say I’m done. Feel like I’m mostly recovered now and I know what to do so I can just go back if I get issues.

Sort of have the fear that the Great North Run is eight weeks on Sunday and I might not be ready. I know that’s loads of time and I’ve already got to a decent distance. I think it’s a bit of paranoia that my IT band will start playing up again.

Looking at the Nike Run Club HM plan, they’ve got the long run at 15km next week which feels too fast a build for me this time around. Think I’ll sit down tomorrow and plot out how to increase the long runs more slowly and potentially including a lighter week or two.

Have a great week 🏃‍♀️

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

So good that things are back on track for you MissUnderstanding , and hope the physio was pleased with your progress. You've been working so hard at everything, you really deserve things to work out. Plenty of time for the GNR, even if it has crept up on you!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

I should have updated! I got multiple fist-bumps from the physio for my progress and he says I’m in a great place to have a great Great North Run. I’m done unless I need to go back if I get a bad flare up but that’s not expected. So pleased. I had such a lovely 6.5km run this afternoon where I felt like a weight had been lifted with the reassurance that everything is looking really positive now. Confidence is back at a high again.

I’ve had a look at the long runs on various half marathon plans and I’m happy that I’ve got a plan for a slower build and some cut back weeks. The strength work has made the difference. While I’d rather be running than ok the gym, it’s been totally worth it to get back to this position and I think I’ll be taking it much more seriously from now on.

So a super happy update from here. And since I didn’t get into the London marathon, I’ve spend my entry fee on new running shoes. Big smiles here!

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

Shoes pic please! (Sorry if you've already posted it elsewhere, I'm way behind on forum stuff owing to internet going awol...)

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

They haven’t arrived yet but it’s the Brooks Hyperion Tempo here…


I’ve got a pair of the Hyperion Tempo Max which have been really working for me. Hoping these will be a great second pair!

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

Those look lush😍, and I'm now browsing that site. Need saving from myself. 😬

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

They’re really light which I absolutely love. They also come in teal which would be my top choice but I don’t want to pay £15 more on the Brooks site! Plus free socks. I’ve bought from that site before and they’ve been great with quick delivery.

There’s a sale on at Decathlon. I haven’t dared look for fear of buying the whole site….

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

It's sale time here too, which isn't helping.

I feel there's a maths problem somewhere in this: If a woman saves 15 euros by buying a necessary item on Vinted rather than Decathlon, but spends an unplanned additional 35 euros on an unnecessary item, thereby saving a further 20 euros, how much is she really saving? For extra marks, explain whether it is reasonable to offset these savings against the new glasses which will cost 660 euros as her sight is horrendous.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

😂 They should definitely put that on the maths GCSE!

I’m overdue for an eye test too and I’m pretty sure I need new ones. Plus some prescription sunglasses. My eyesight is also dreadful-astigmatism and a chunky prescription means thin and light lenses or they’re like milk bottle bottoms. Sending sympathy your way! My husband is the same and also overdue for the opticians so just hoping we don’t both need new ones at the same time!

Cowladyrunning profile image

Love your happy things list 😄 Mine was missing a running weekend to go and stay in Cardiff and go to a gig with an after party with friends. Even though Cardiff isn't far it was lovely to have time to see it slowly - with new eyes of friends from far away. Architecture spotting 😄 and lots of beer 🍺= no long run til Monday!! I know you're not supposed to catch up with training but I was good to go yesterday so did.... Happy running all - cool week with rain here so far...

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Cowladyrunning

Sounds like a fab time Cowladyrunning !

When I was preparing for the trail marathon everything after the first four weeks was catching up! The schedule went to pot after four weeks as I just couldn't manage five runs a week. However I'd started early, so managed to complete all the training plan runs and a couple more over a period of five months rather than 16 weeks.

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon

I went out for my last run with my running club on Thursday evening before we head off to France on Sunday (by way of Goodwood Festival of Speed on Friday). Parkrun on Saturday was a disaster, just too hot. We had a house full over the weekend, which was lovely, barbecue with friends last night and I’ve got loads to do before we set off on Thursday (another load of raspberries, strawberries and broad beans to harvest, house to sort out). However, a meet up at Worthing parkrun beckons and then I will be back running with Shake-and-run and our French running group next week 😃😃

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Sandie1961

So much fun stuff there Sandie1961 ! Bonne route too. I'll pm if there's any chance I'm heading your way in the next few weeks.

Also, I saw Wild Burrow raspberry and thyme gin in Lidl yesterday. Have you tried it? Really like the original so might give the flavoured one a whirl. 🍸

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to Cmoi

It would be lovely to meet up if you’re over our way. That gin sounds interesting. Worth a trip to Lidl!

linda9389 profile image

That's a great happy list Cmoi! I'm still not running on account of my leg niggle. Today I'm walking without niggle, so maybe I'll be able to give a local parkrun a go on Saturday (I'll choose one I haven't done before to make sure I don't run too fast!) and see how it is after that. I'm aware my half is looming and I need to get a move on, but I know my leg will take it's own sweet time!

After months of travelling and 'newly retired commitments' (all of the nice variety) I am now very happy to be faced with several weeks of nothing. Getting the house and garden back under control and dancing to my own tune are very much on my happy list right now. I'd love to be able to add 'starting my HM training plan', but for now I will continue to practice patience and hope.

Have a great week everyone, be happy 😊

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to linda9389

Oh boo to your niggle linda9389 , hope it takes its leave permanently soon. At least you know you can run HM distance, though I know you'll be interested in getting a decent time.

Several weeks of nothing must be glorious! I can so relate to "dancing to my own tune" - despite technically retiring 20 months ago I've rarely had a break, what with keeping on a bit of teaching and examining, and assorted voluntary stuff.

Was so lovely to go and see Le Tour two days ago - just me, as my husband would rather watch it on TV - and no responsibilities. We're planning to go to a book fair tomorrow as well - reckless hedonism! 🤭

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Cmoi

i'm so enjoying my tune 😍

- Oooh lovely! Enjoy 🥰

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

My smallest but best happy event of late has been my flat white on St Agnes Isles of Scilly. The best part of 500 miles of multi modal travel (1000 if you include the return trip) for a cup of coffee seems a bit excessive, and there were of course other benefits from our trip, but, if you ask me to single out one moment…..that was it. The flavour and texture, the aroma, and the perfect heart motif floating on the top…..that first sip which marked the start of the holiday ….sublime.

Maybe I need to get out more 😂

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66


Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

"Maybe I need to get out more"

You might very well think that  Beachcomber66 , I couldn't possibly comment. 🤣

Actually it's a perfect choice. However I don't think I could drink ☕ with a perfect ❤️ on it. I'd be traumatised by turning it into a 💔

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Think of it as absorbing love 🙂

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Now THAT is good! 😍

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

You are welcome 🙂

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

Wow, that is hot Cmoi! Those temperatures are for sitting in the shade and sipping a long cold drink 🍹😎👒

I love your list, little pleasures really are the best, especially the trail shorts ❤️ I love getting bargains * see below 😊

My running is still going well although I am sticking to 10K as my long run for a few weeks and am in a nice routine now so I don’t want to rock the boat.

Things that have brought me pleasure recently have been:

1. Spending time with friends and laughing about all sorts of silly stuff.

2. A gorgeous walk with one of the friends. It started as a “let’s walk down there and see where it goes” to a two hour trek. But it was all good 🙂 and hilarious too because I was wearing sparkly sandals and had a handbag as we hadn’t planned to go for a walk at all! 😂

3. Watching the seeds grow that I planted a while ago. This brings me so much pleasure I can’t tell you. To see dots of green and then watch them get bigger and develop leaves and then, hey presto, eventually a fully fledged plant. It’s just magic 💐

4. Sitting in my garden with a cup of coffee/tea/wine and just watching the bees and butterflies enjoy my flowers as much as I do. (I’ve noticed loads more butterflies this year too 🤗)

5. * Seeing a favourite plant in the sale for 50 pence and then getting to the till and being told by the lady that I could have it for free 🤗

6. Every run 😍

Have a great week Cmoi and everyone whatever simple pleasures you enjoy xxx

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

I’ve been tidying the garden today before we head to France and noticed a huge amount of insect life on the plum tree, including an amazing variety of ladybirds. Hopefully clearing it of aphids 🤞🏻🤞🏻Don’t seem to be able to add a photo ☹️

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Sandie1961

No I couldn't add a photo either.

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Be interesting to see what HU say Irishprincess as they told me that the problems had been resolved 🤷‍♀️

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

I had a reply about the photo issue this morning…

“Our technical team are working on a fix and will be in touch as soon as we have an update.”

I think the photo issue is longer standing than the posting glitches from over the weekend ( which 🤞 seem resolved). It’s a pain.

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

Ah thanks MissUnderstanding . We're lucky to have a free forum, of course, but it's such a nuisance when things go pear-shaped.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi


Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

That they're aware of the problem and are fixing it…..

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

I hear the fix is now live…you may see a guinea pig if so!

Guinea pig
Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

Bonjour le cobaye ! 😍

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

Cute guinea pig 😍

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

No, not for me. I still can’t attach a photo to a reply…

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

oh what a pain! Perhaps it’s not working on all devices. It’s worth reporting if you get chance-support@healthunlocked.com is the email.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

Doesn’t work from my iPhone or iPad. I did contact HU and Brett said they were working on it and would let us know when it is fixed.

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Ah success 😃 My ladybirds!

Ladybirds on a plum tree
over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Very good to read that your running is going well. What was the favourite plant?

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

It was a white and lemon Aquilegia which I normally grow from seed anyway but I couldn't walk away from a 50 pence plant and then to get it free! 🤗 Happy days 😍

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Intrigued that any establishment should choose to give you a plant for free! trust it grows well for you.

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

Intrigued that any establishment should choose to give you a plant for free!

Tiny financial cost and efficient stock management for the business, plus great customer service, that's why! Same as Lidl and the one euro bargains. They need to restock with newer, fresher goods which will bring them higher margins, and they don't want to pay for storage space or disposal. So they offload the old stuff to customers at a nominal price.

That's also how I got 20 Peace Pops for €6.50, and the llama backpack. Liquidation! 😁

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

50p already seemed likely to make for a happy purchase to me 😊🌸

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

Sure, but that gesture is a perfect example of how to keep customers happy, and coming back and spending! Win-win. 👍

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Exactly what I’ve just explained Cmoi!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

She had already put other items through the till (not plants!) and when she came to the 50 pence item she just waved it through. A gift! I had the same thing recently with an on-line order of plants and they sent me an extra one. When I got in touch to tell them they told me it was because I was a first time customer. So another gift and great customer service. I’ll definitely shop again in both shops. (My cursor isn’t making paragraphs at the minute so sorry this is such a long sentence….!)

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

I’ll definitely shop again in both shops. Same attitude here!

Conversely I boycott shops that have treated me badly. Dust bin of a vacuum cleaner cracked and broke off as I was using it. Still under guarantee, so took it back, explained what had happened and the so-called customer service woman replied "You dropped it." Unbelievable. No offer of help, just the suggestion I was lying.

Somehow I remained polite and stood my ground. Long story short: took months of arguing to get it fixed free of charge. They also lost the charger! I made them replace that too. Will never, ever shop at BUT again.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Are they still in business?!

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Oh yes, they're still going! BUT is one of France's biggest furniture, white goods and and electrical appliances chains. Could potentially have spent thousands with them in future as they're our nearest branch and there's a dearth of such stores where we live. But nope, I'll spend my money elsewhere. 😇

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

I feel like this with John Lewis. I think they’ve just lost their customer service ethos and I’ve had a series of bad experiences with them so I don’t shop there any more. Such a shame…. and I’m not the only one.

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Liking for the kindred spirit not the bad experiences!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

It will. It looked very healthy even though the compost was bone dry. It’s much happier now 🙂

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Your list is wonderful too Irishprincess !

I got a bright pink moth orchid, complete with a decorative pot, for one euro in Lidl a couple of days ago. Gave it to my elderly neighbour 🥰

Have a theory that any plants or flowers that can survive neglect and end-of-range ignominy to reach the one euro shelf without dying 🥀 must be super-strong. So I rescue them! 🌹

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

What a lovely kind thing to do 😍 I hope your neighbour appreciated it.

Supermarkets are fab for great value plants. During lockdown, my husband was coming home regularly with plants (he’s every sales person’s dream 😂) from Morrisons which cost 79 pence and are thriving in the garden!

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Neighbour is the one who's coming to Saturday's get-together. She was delighted with her latest plant - she's been the recipient of assorted other one euro bargains. My husband's fed up with my rocking up with them so I quite often give a few away!

TailChaser profile image

Very, very late to the party Cmoi, sorry. Back to work this week proper and having trouble getting back into routine.

41°???? 🥵🥵🥵 I don’t envy you Cmoi but a little bit of summer weather around here would be nice, it seems to have gone AWOL. We were supposed to have a pizza party on Sunday and the past 2 years I’ve done the Compton Verney HM on this same Sunday and it’s been sweltering, at least 30°. This Sunday we’re due to have unseasonal wind and rain - not the best for an outside pizza oven 🙄. And my hips have also seized up again but I fell asleep in front of the telly tonight instead of doing mobility exercises, so I’m not helping myself!! 🙄🙄

I’m sure I’ll sort myself out eventually but maybe having a pizza party shortly after a long distance holiday wasn’t the best idea if I can’t stay awake? It seemed a good idea 6 months ago…I think I gave the weather too much advanced notice…

My small win this week was to replace my Aftershokz in the Prime sale and use a Christmas voucher so they were effectively half price. My old ones broke just before I started last year’s marathon training and they’ve been held together with regular dollops of superglue ever since. I’d rather have nice weather for the pizzas though 😢

Cmoi profile image

My internet's been playing up all week TailChaser so you're really not late to the party!

I'll happily send you some summer weather. I do like a bit of warmth, honestly, but once it hits official heatwave temperatures it does me in. The forecast is that it'll break tomorrow, with storms, just in time for the street party! Hopefully the weather will behave for a few hours for both of us.

Sounds like a result with the Shokz. The Vinted ones sold almost immediately, so of course I looked at other results and found some new Openrun Pro Mini at a very good price. Am resisting for now...

Happy pizza party!

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Cmoi

Thanks Cmoi, I thought you’d been quiet as well. I guess your internet isn’t keen on heat?

I nearly went for the Pro’s but I decided there wasn’t enough of a difference for me to justify compromising on the bargain price. I resisted for as long as possible as I hate replacing things but sometimes it’s just got to be done hasn’t it?

I’ve just frozen at parkrun doing finish tokens and come home to the radio talking about your heatwave. I couldn’t see properly because my hair was flapping in my eyes due to the strong winds. It feels like you’re on a different planet over there on the continent at the moment. We both deserve a reasonable break in the weather just for a bit, please 🙏

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to TailChaser

Our internet has always been slow and seems to be getting even slower  TailChaser . For your entertainment I just ran Speedtest on my PC: 2.09 Mbps download, 0.64Mbps upload. The phone signal keeps going awol too. Combined with the recent HU forum issues it's a complete pain.

Not long back in from the neighbourhood get-together which was was great fun - the storms held off, was only about 31°, and there was an open-sided marquee to protect us from the heat too.

Also found a new use for my Garmin: entertaining an almost 2 year old. "Look, a little man running! And cycling! Walking!" She and I seem to have pretty much the same approach - press buttons randomly and see what happens! 🙃

Oh, and the elderly neighbour really enjoyed herself and has invited us to a barbecue with her son and his family on Friday evening. Killer social life in a hamlet where there are only four permanent residents!

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Cmoi

Omg, your internet is dial-up speed! Does it make that shlurping ding dong ding dong ding dong noise? Mind you, by the sounds of it, I’m amazed you have time with all that goes on there - sounds busier than our small town!

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to TailChaser

No, the shlurping ding dong ding dong ding dong noise is me, drinking wine and "encouraging" the technology!

There were probably 40 people there yesterday. Really lovely with three generations of families in some cases, though not everyone lives in the three hamlets.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Cmoi


What a lovely get together 😍

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to TailChaser

It was, and so typical of what happens around here: nobody arrives on time. Drink flows. Kids from toddlers to pre-teens are riding bikes and rushing round and bouncing in and out of a paddling pool and chucking water over one another and nobody bats an eyelid. The apéro part - everyone brought nibbles to share - would've made a generous lunch in itself. Not just crisps etc, but individual servings of pizza, quiche, smoked salmon, olive and traditonal pâté, nuts, savoury pastries, and much more. The main meal - melon, pork and herby potatoes baked in the communal bread oven, cheese, apple tart, bonus ice-creams and lollies - would've fed the 5000. We left early and we'd been there well over four hours!

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Cmoi

Oh you’re making me jealous - that is so chilled! Why can’t we be that chilled in the UK???

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