WEEKLY CHAT 3-9 APRIL 🫖🍰☕️🥐 - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

Fun Beyond 10K & Race Support

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Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon
64 Replies

Well! In case you missed it, we’ve just finished a rather epic weekend with no less than 19 …. YES 19!!!! runners racing events! We’re not sure but we think it might have been our biggest turnout ever. Just think of all those training miles and hard work as a total. With that energy we could power a small country ⚡️🙂 Well done every single one of you 👏👏👏👏👏 however it turned out. Good, bad or indifferent, you are all stars!

Understandably, this will be a recovery week for some VRBs but what about the rest of you? What are you up to? Tell us all your news and plans.  Have you been tempted to enter a race for the first time after reading your VRBs’ reports? 

My news is that my running is back on track after getting new shoes 🤗 I was having shin pain which I’ve not had before but I didn’t think it was my shoes as they had only done about 400K. Anyway, I needed an extra pair anyway and so went to my favourite running shop for a wee look and a check-up on my gait from the fab staff. Why do companies keep changing and tweaking shoes? Just when I get used to a particular model and have bought a few online to keep me going, they go and stop producing them and sometimes the newer models just don’t work for me anymore 🤬 

But I’ve stuck with Saucony and the Ride 16’s are doing just grand and the shin pain has disappeared. Which proves I did need new shoes 🙄

Is it time for you to check on your shoes? Apparently all this wet weather wears them out quicker …. so maybe an excuse for a nice shiny new pair…… just saying 😍

Whatever you’re doing this week, running, resting, buying shoes, have a great one.

From The Marathon Team xxx


🎽If you have an event coming up in April and want a pompom cheer or you just want to see what your VRBs are doing then click on this link:


🏅If you’ve achieved a milestone run: 10 miles/Half Marathon/Metric Marathon (26.2K)/Marathon/Ultra (50K and beyond) and want a shiny new badge, then head here:


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Irishprincess profile image
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64 Replies
SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles

Good morning IP, I just can't put it off any longer, I'm at the blocked nose dry mouth stage of my cold. Every day I have found a reason not to run, first it was rain, then it was wind and rain, then the sun shone and I got a cold, it's been a pants week.

New shoes 😁 long may they keep your aches away and you enjoy many miles in them. I bought Saucony back in autumn and they are full of bounce, mind you I haven't run much in them, they are in the corner squabbling with the gremlins as I write, it'll be interesting to see who wins today.

Back in New Year, when the world was dark and cold I read of an idea to put a pound in a pot for every run, I set up a little savings account because never seem to have a physical pound at the right time, so far this year I have only managed to add £10, my lowest running months for ever, but maybe now I don't have to go to work I'll get out more.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Morning lovely.

Oh no that’s the worst stage of a cold I think. When you need to stuff cotton wool up your nostrils 😂 But at least it’s the peak and afterwards will start to ease 🤞

That’s a great idea about putting the pound away. It’s probably amazing how quickly that adds up.

I love Saucony and their colours are fab too 😍 This is my latest pair.

I hope you're managing Sola. Lots of people here have you in their thoughts xxx

Saucony Ride 16
SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Irishprincess

OMG they are just beautiful, mine are black and muddy from my last river run, the gremlins gave them up and they are waiting to go on, my head's all over the place but a run will do me so much good and might even clear my nose a bit, and if I can't run I will walk.I appreciate your words, thank you xx. They don't look like they haven't run much

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

A walk sounds good, take it easy as a cold can linger xxx

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Irishprincess

I will do thanks, xx

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

I hope you’re feeling better and your cold is in retreat. I am forever having to blow my nose on the run but I figure better out than in 🙂🤧

It’s raining here today and I got drenched while out with the dog. I hope you had better luck 🙂

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to misswobble

Thank you, hope you are warm and dry now, I got less luck and have COVID

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Oh no! Hope it doesn't hang around for long x

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

take care! Lots of hot drinks, water, hot water bottles and sleep Bovril is good if you can’t eat 🙂

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Big hankies are compulsory. Those wispy tissues are hopeless 🤧

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

gotta be a big cotton hankie. Or maybe two 😀

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Sending a big hug to you x

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to RunWillie

Thank you x

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Just be kind to yourself Sola x

RunWillie profile image

Hi  Irishprincess & other VRB’s,

No need for any running shoes here. I’ve got a new pair waiting to be wrapped for Aussie Mother’s Day & three road shoes in current rotation with plenty of miles left.

I’ve loved reading everyone’s run reports today. A very well done to everyone ❤️🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️

Buying lots of chocolate 😍
Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to RunWillie

That photo is magnificent  RunWillie - chocs away! Is that a Cadburys creme egg version I spy in there?

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to Cmoi

Think there might be two of those in the cupboard 😋 ❤️

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie


Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to RunWillie

Enjoy, enjoy RunWillie !

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

You run lots of miles RW therefore you need lots of chocolate. Simple 😍

Cmoi profile image

Thanks for hosting this week's chat   Irishprincess , and Bonjour ! to you and all VRBs from a distinctly grey and soggy part of France.

I already have too many pairs of shoes. I thought I'd bagged a super-cheap used pair on Vinted, just to try out that model, until the seller apologetically mailed saying her husband had binned them so she had to refund me! Think that was a sign... 🤔

Having done five runs in a week two weeks ago, I only ran twice last week, mostly on trails, and totalling 594m elevation over 18.3km. I'd hoped to do a longer route on roads and tracks, but having driven along part of it the other day, I now know it's out until the farmer moves his sheep elsewhere. They're guarded by a very large dog that's exceptionally aggressive towards cars - it jumps over the fence to bark, lunge, and snap at them - and I don't fancy testing whether it responds the same way to runners!

So I'm just hoping to continue my plan-free scenic pootling this week, and as long as I can do that, I'll be happy.

Sending thoughts and good wishes to all my VRBs, especially those going through tough times at the moment for whatever reason. And safe, happy running to those who can!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

I don't like the sound of that dog Cmoi! Yikes 😱 but five runs in a week is pretty good going 💪

And as for that husband binning the shoes 🙀 I have no words. I wonder if they're still married….?

Freecloud profile image

It's great to read the posts about all the running adventures both good. I think it shows that not everything goes according to plan and that we are all normal people. I had my longest run in my marathon training plan yesterday, twenty miles. I was both anxious and excited to do it and as usual was awake most of the night before it. I mostly ran by feel, however the last few Kms were quiet hard and my heart rate as showed it. My knee is a bit sore today which is expected.

Next on my training plan is 2 16.5 k runs, an easy on Wednesday and marathon pace on Friday. I will also be running my 4th half marathon of the year on Easter Monday. It's a local one so no travelling for that 😁. I'll definitely do the HM but I may change the other 2 to shorter runs depending on how I feel. I'm weary of changing though because the full marathon is at the end of the month and time is flying.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Freecloud

You are an amazing runner Freecloud! 👏👏👏👏

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Freecloud

It just goes to show what you can do even when you’re tired with little sleep.

That tick off the training plan must be very satisfying 👍Good for you!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Freecloud

Wow, 2 x10 miles and a HM sounds a lot to me Freecloud . You are amazing.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Hi IP. What a transformation up here; the sun is shining, the Blackthorn and Gorse are in flower and the trails have dried up really quickly despite a weekend soaking. The trees are full of noisy birds and buzzards are soaring overhead. Just the day for a run.

Things didn’t start well though! I have been working hard at sorting out a lumpy calf, so there was a question mark over making the distance (15k) today. The anxiety spread into my preparation; several changes of mind on shirts, thicker or thinner jacket, and then I couldn’t find my water bottle and belt (not used since last year). It must have taken me half an hour to get out of the door. Once out, I decided on a route which offered the best scenery and least “out and back” elements, but included some significant hills towards the end of the run at the point when I knew that I would be longing for the end. It took me ages to settle into the run too, despite Coach Bennett’s encouraging words.

Stripping away all of the inner angst and focusing on the result, things worked out ok in the end; calf behaved, 15k completed, target easy pace was 7:30/k, (thanks RunWillie )and I made 7:33 (including two short drinks stops). Throw in 120m total ascent and it wasn’t bad for an older geezer. I staggered home for a shower, ready for a rest, but Molly dragged me out to the cafe,Monday being sausage day. My AHR was down at 140 bpm too, so it looks as though that bug has finally gone. 7 weeks of the plan to go to make HM. 6 weeks to HUHM. Not far short. I just hope that nothing decides to go wrong in the meantime.🤞

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

That Molly just needs to have more discipline over the sausages BC 😂

You’re on fire though! That sounds a great run 👏 and I must say I’m impressed with your half hour before getting out the door. I can only dream of those times 🙂

Have a great week 😍

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Thanks IP. Molly and discipline are words never found in the same sentence if there is food involved. She has charmed all the cafe staff so that they ply her with biscuits too! Hopeless !

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

😂 I can imagine!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Beachcomber66

Well done on that 15k Beachcomber, that is brilliant. You are staying well on track for you next HM. Keep up the good work.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

Keeping to a steady pace Dexy5. Except for the calf problem in Portsmouth I am coming up to 12 months injury free 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞. Of course, if the niggles don’t get you, the bugs will….there is no escape! The two short and one long run pattern seems to be suiting me. I put in too many Ks last spring/summer when I was running with a friend who only likes running 8k plus. The weekly total became ridiculous when I added in the build up to the GSR. We do our own thing now.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Beachcomber66

Yep, JuJu trained. 2 short and 1 long for me too. Your body has to have time to repair at our age.

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

That’s great you’re back up to 15k 👏

Remember the Daniels’ training intensities have the easy/long run pace as a range. I’m certainly at the slower end of the range this week after Saturday’s HM 🤣

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

🙂 Thanks RW. The NRC plan seems to be designed to provide a foundation for lifting the long run pace to “race pace” from this point onwards. I have done 10 mile runs at 7:00/k as recently as last autumn , so I know that the scope is there. I just don’t want to blow it by pushing too hard.My short runs are speeding up of their own accord, so maybe that will wash through at some point. Just nice to able to run these distances again.

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

You’ll do great Beachcomber66 😍

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie


ForbiddenPlanet profile image
ForbiddenPlanetHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Excellent going BC - and good to read that your HR is settling down. 👍

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to ForbiddenPlanet

Thanks FP. To think that I was blaming my garmin🙄. I will know better if it happens in the future.

misswobble profile image

well done to all those racers! Fantastic work gang 🤗👏👏👏👊✊🏅Recover well everyone 🙂

Oooh new shoes IP 🤗🤗🤗. Have fun in them 😀🏃‍♀️

I’ll need another pair of Nike Peg Shields for my November marathon as my current pair will be worn out by then. I doubt I’ll be lucky enough to get my fave model 36’s for £50 though. I think the 38’s are all gone now. Which reminds me I’ve not entered yet! No races entered or run so far this year due to having a dodgy back but I’m back out there again and feeling much better. Onward and upward

Have a fab week everyone 🙂🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Backs can take ages to heal Missw but I’m really glad that you're out there again and doing your thing 🏃‍♀️

I’ve already missed a race in March and am missing my bling big time so I know how you feel. Fingers crossed for both of us that we’ll be picking up the shiny stuff soon 🏅

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

thanks shug 😘. I have to tackle a nasty weed problem in my garden so I’m doing that in short bursts 🙂. Got the dog today so walking him. It’s chucking it down so no weeding today.

I’m back to running and building distance slowly. I’m enjoying feeling stronger 💪🙂. I am off on holiday in July so need to check if it rules out my hill race. Mind you, if so, I can still run it virtually in Cornwall. Plenty of hills there 😀. I plan on returning to the east coast in September to re-run my last half marathon when I had a mare as I was well under par.

I’m shoe shopping online at the mo to find my next marathon day shoe. Fancying a Saucony Runshield. I’m pleased to see they’ve weatherised the endorphin speed. Good news as the regular one is like a flippin sponge 🙄

I’m disappointed that my two of my dead local races have been shelved. A ten mile road race, and a 10k trail race just down the road. Bah! ☹️

Yeah bring on the bling! 😀🏃‍♀️🏅👍

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

I think many race organisers are struggling. I’ve noticed that, previously, my local races were fully booked months in advance but now you can still usually enter a few days beforehand.

Such a shame about your local events. I remember your posts about these.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

I think road closure issues might have done for the ten miler. The other one maybe down to closure of a car park and a tree planting scheme putting paid to the overspill area 😕. The ten miler was a blast!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

I have started wearing an old pair of shoes to an event so I don’t walk too far in my running shoes. Garmin counts the run miles but it’s amazing how those walks add up.

I will be having a quiet week after the Monsal Trail as we are staying in Derbyshire and Cheshire for a bit longer. We will be back to parkrun on Saturday though.

Have a good week runny people.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

It’s interesting you say that Dexy because I was thinking that I walked loads in the old shoes last year after I hurt my back and couldn't run. I didn’t think to keep an eye on the total miles but, as you say, they all add up to the wear and tear on the shoe.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Irishprincess

Yes Brooks make it clear in their website that their shoes are designed for running and that walking ir even just standing in them can reduce their life. As I wear mainly Brooks, I thought I’d start taking note.

ForbiddenPlanet profile image
ForbiddenPlanetHalf Marathon

Hello IP, and thank your for holding court this week. 🙏

Good to hear your news on the shoe and running front!👍 I settled on Nike Invincible as my preferred option and have been stocking up before Nike "improves them". Three pairs in the current rotation have clocked up 1000 miles between them, and plenty more in the cupboard when those wear out.

I promised myself a reward for reaching a distance target in March. Foolishly I had included Saturday in my "last week in March" calculation, so didn't reach my target until 1st April.

However, I saw the Garmin HRM Pro Plus chest strap at a big discount in the Amazon spring sale and ... sprung for them.

Running to heartbeat has been my licence to run as much as I want the last couple of months, so I think it was inevitable I would buy this gadget sooner or later.

Straight away it gave me a new stat to focus on - "Vertical Ratio" - how much I lift my feet versus how much I move them across the ground. On this measure I was doing really badly. I had been lifting my feet thinking that they would stay in the air longer and so I would cover more ground! 😂

Yesterday was the second time out with this new toy, so I focussed on lifting my feet less and moving them across the ground more. This is how I move when running intervals and when hiking fast, so I should be able to adapt to it.

Early days but that ratio was much improved, and my cadence was up from high one sixties to mid seventies - pleased with that! Downside was that both my pace and heartbeat were a bit too fast, but I can work on that, as I hopefully adjust to this change in gait.

Sad news about distant friends waiting on the doormat when I got back from yesterday's run. I know I am at the time of life when these things happen, but still very down as a result. I know one thing guaranteed to lift my mood will be a run later today, so looking forward to that!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to ForbiddenPlanet

Sorry to hear about your friend FP. As you say, we reach a stage in life when these things happen more frequently. But running can be a great lifter of mood so here’s to your next run!

I use to wear Nike Zoom which I loved and then they changed the design and they didn't work for me anymore ☹️

It is a good idea to stock up on shoes that work for us but eventually these run out too and then it’s back to the drawing board. But it sounds as if you have several pairs “to go” so you’ll be fine for a while. Very sensible.

linda9389 profile image

So glad you have resolved the problem IP! That must be a big relief after all the progress you were making.

I love my Hoka Cliftons and have several pairs - not sure I can justify a new pair just yet 😍 Having said that, I have two of the nastiest blisters you could imagine (I did post a photo right at the back on strava but I think it'd be too much to put the photo here, definitely x-rated!!!). It is usually the worst discomfort I feel in any event. I can run a slow HM in training and mostly get away without blisters, but a race is guaranteed to be worse. I think the camber on the Monsal trail made it even worse this time - runners were supposed to 'stay left' to keep out of the way of other trail users, so it was a somewhat lop-sided run. I've tried various makes of shoes, to no avail; I have anti-blister socks and I run with K-tape to try to protect the skin. I need some magic!!! Until I find that, I will just have to parade my blisters as scars of battle and try to be proud of them (along with the scrapes, bruises, grit and gravel of my minor bike tumble today)😍😍😍

Have a great week everyone, here's to some more signs of spring 🌞🌼🌸

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

I was mightily relieved Linda because if it wasn't the shoes then I had to wait until the end of April before the podiatrist could see me and in the meantime I wouldn’t have been able to run at all! So, all good so far 🤞

Well done on your race. I read that you won first in your category! Wow! That’s fabulous. Congratulations 👏⭐️

But a big boo to the blisters 🤬 I know you're prone to getting them but you’d think they would just bu**er off by now and not bother you. Have you ever seen a podiatrist about them? I’m only thinking that they specialise in all things feet-related …..might be worth an apppintment.

Ouch to the bike fall too 😫 you don’t do things by halves! Your poor body.

It sounds as if you definitely need a relaxing week with lots of TLC xxx

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

I have looked to try to find a sports podiatrist nearby. There are lots of chiropidists and I did find one VERY expensive foot clinic ... maybe I will treat myself to a visit there one day 🤔

misswobble profile image

love the shoes IP 🥰👍😀. Have fun getting em mucky 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Cowladyrunning profile image

Lovely new shoes IP!! I haven't run after my half yet, partly because of blisters (doing ok) and also because I went deaf in one ear again and am sloshy headed again - I fear its that horrible hang over from covid 🙄 I'm drinking lots of water (ok squash as I struggle with water in winter!) so hope I can get rid of it before it gets nasty.

I am continuing with strength training though and had a neighbour come and show me how to use weights / resistance bands etc. I asked her because she does calisthenics, but before that weights. It was good to try press ups etc and have her correct my form. She knows I'll always be too self conscious to go to the gym! Loved reading all the reports this week and also sent my report to our parish magazine, as we have a little running section in it as the editor runs!!!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cowladyrunning

Boo to the blisters and sympathy for the deafness. At least the deafness appeared after your HM and not before 🙀

I struggle to drink water in the winter too, it’s much too cold even when I leave the water to warm up to room temperature. This year it’s been cold even in our kitchen!

What a great neighbour to give you lessons ⭐️ Are you enjoying the weights? I’ve always “done” weights and have just got back to them after a year; my bingo wings were literally howling at me 😂 so I thought I’d better get to it again. You can see results pretty quickly though so I find them a great motivator to do more.

I hope your blisters aren’t so ouchy and your deafness disappears asap.

Cowladyrunning profile image
CowladyrunningMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Yes I am enjoying trying weights! Good to know about fast results 😀 Thank you, the deafness is on its way out after using ear drops but after I wrote this I could feel it moving to my throat / chest.... grr I'm determined not to let it get me.... I'm going to nip to the garden centre this afternoon.....for some time out from work and just to stop myself going near any trainer shops after your suggestion! 🤣

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cowladyrunning

Fingers crossed it isn’t moving to your chest and throat 🤞

Garden centres are as bad as running shops for me so I try to avoid as much as possible 😂 although I’ve just realised that two more plants have died in my garden as a result of the bad winter so perhaps I do need a little trip out …..oh dear….

Cowladyrunning profile image
CowladyrunningMarathon in reply to Irishprincess


Oldfloss profile image

Good morning, you temptress you!

I am actually thinking of examining my shoes now, to see if I do need new ones!!!

I am really glad it has sorted your running comfort out!

Well, as you say... what a weekend... ! 'Nuff said:)

Randomly, after that huge high of Sunday, which carried me right through Monday and my cool down, rest? day with small runner in training, I experienced something I have not ever experienced before.

From early evening, onwards, my mood seemed to plummet, I felt unbelievably low, and teetered on the brink of tears until bed time , which came as a welcome sanctuary. Whether the build up, post Covid and the ensuing bad weather hampering any running, the massive adrenaline rush of the day, had caused this, or the fact that Mr OF's ongoing Dementia issues are a tad worrying right now, I am not sure.

I was not fatigued from the run, quite the opposite, because we jeffed it, I finished it with energy to spare and feeling better than I had done for weeks!

I just know it was horrible. Fortunately, I slept really well, did some YWA, took a big breath and faced a new day. Weird eh?

So, after off-loading this here... what next?

Well, my plans for the next few weeks are based on working towards the Virtual Run that many of us are doing on May. I am only going for 10K, but I would like to make it a good one!

I intend trying out some different strategies for my runs, too, including some jeffed ones and being very kind to my body...and... surprisingly, I have started looking around to see if there might be any races, within my local or near area.. 10K no more:)

Watch this space:)

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

Feeling down after a big event is a thing Floss. I’ve read about it in the past and it’s quite normal to feel as you did after building up and looking forward to something for a long time. I’ve heard that some brides feel this way after the wedding! Then again perhaps that’s for another reason 😂

You have so much on your plate too so with this and the combination of everything you mentioned it’s no wonder you felt as you did! But a good night’s sleep can work wonders and I’m so glad you felt a lot better in the morning.

It’ll be such a fantastic event, so many of us running on the same day and thinking of our VRBs 😍 Another memorable day coming up.

You have a great plan! Good luck with your running and for your search for another race. More bling!!! 😃

Look after yourself and lots of xxx as usual.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you x It is just something that I have not experienced before... but this run was something very special, especially for Bluebirdrunner and myself... we had waited so long for it and then neither of us feeling fully prepared !

Now reading this and the reply form Beachcomber66 also, I feel even happier. I thought it was just me !

I am looking forward to running with all the VRBs and having fun again too. Yes, I shall be looking around and seeing where and when... I think there are one or two local ones... bling is always good.

Thank you !

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

🥰 🥰

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

I am so glad that you are feeling better Floss. I think IP is right (would I ever think otherwise); post adrenaline rush blues is a likely suspect. I was as high as a kite after my 15k on Monday. Beautiful weather, great run, surrounded by wonderful wildlife; an amazing day.

Yesterday I felt terrible. Ok we had to travel to a family event. Being imprisoned in the car for a long return journey was not what I needed. I felt really flat all evening, struggled to do a few relatively simple jobs, and when I tried to run this morning I felt as though I had no joints at the knees! I would have been for a swim yesterday in normal circumstances.

So, a pretty cranky start to my delayed recovery run today. Now, flat white and shower later, I feel fine again. Tasks for this afternoon include grooming Molly, an activity which has much in common with all in wrestling, except that my opponent has large teeth (not that she would use them on me). The plank legs have gone and I am up for the fight (sorry, grooming!). I guess it’s an example of Newton’s Law; what goes up …… Just be really kind to yourself.🤗

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Beachcomber66

Thanks for this, it has helped enormously... I could not think what was wrong with me, although I realise now that after about 6 o'clock I did feel very, very tired, almost as if I had run much, much further.

I managed a short and very sweet 2.5K... perfectly relaxed and with nature to heal the soul... :)

Gosh you did struggle too... and I am glad you are fighting fit today too! Hoping that the grooming went well too!

Thank you so much for the reassurance :)

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WEEKLY CHAT 10th - 16th April 🫖🍰☕️

Hello lovely VRBs. Just a quick one from me today as I have a race to run and then a family roast...


Hello running people. How are you? It’s that time to pull up a comfy chair, put the kettle on and...

Weekly chat 20th - 26th March: mind over matter chatter 😡💪👟

Hi lovely runny people. Sorry this is a bit late and tatty but I'm on a major garden clearance...


Hello fellow running people 👋 How’s it all going? Here we are at almost a third of the year...

Weekly chat November 7-13 🍰☕

Hello everyone, I hope this last week has been a good one. I don't have much new to share for...