How to Get Motivated to Run in....Uns... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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How to Get Motivated to Run in....Unsavoury Weather?

mrrun profile image
30 Replies

BBC was blunt. 'Heavy rain showers and a moderate breeze.'

So the choice is right there, equally blunt. Stay in, or go out and run. But why would you? It's nice inside. There's stuff like warm radiators, sofa, various bits in the fridge. Why would you go out and get bashed by the wind whilst being drenched by January rain? 

What's the motivation?

Of course, you can dip into some brain busting existential questions: what exactly is the meaning of running, what is its greater purpose and what is the meaning of its existence? You may add - is the happiness through running just chemicals circulating through our bodies and can we as humans fathom the true depths of running's reality and existence? Or not? 🤪😂

In my case, however, it is very simple, forget about philosophy. In my calendar it just says, 'Saturday 10K/moderate tempo'. So unless there is a capital disaster or a loss of a limb, I simply have to go out and do it.

The thing is, I didn't really enjoy it. Rain I do not mind but I have issues with strong winds. They mess up my tempo, I can't relax and listen to the music, if it's a head wind it feels like resistance training, the whole session can be a massive chore. And yet, I did it. At a moderate tempo of just over an hour. And I'm feeling good now, glad I've done it, happy I keep it up regardless of life's obstacles. I drove to the park where I thought the high, dense trees would slow down the elements, and they did to an extent.

But the main motivation, the drive behind it all is my desire to stay fit and mobile. That can't guarantee a life free of illness, or a long and healthy lifespan, but it can certainly help me avoid many of the bad stuff that the wrong lifestyle can serve us with (particularly my previous lifestyle that certainly cannot guarantee a long and healthy lifespan). My diet, obsession with daily stretching and commitment to running and martial arts do require a bit of discipline, persistence and stubborn determination but when I compare myself with my friends (a bunch of whom are overweight smokers in their late fifties and early/mid sixties) I can see the positive difference on my part and that drives my motivation even harder.

If you have absolutely nothing else to do, and you want to read a bit more about how I feel about running excuses, running motivation and running in cold/wet weather (and lots more), you can visit my website

Happy running!

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mrrun profile image
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30 Replies
SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles

Yay 😀 you did it and that's all we need to do to have a better day, I too look around at others in my age group and although I'm nothing special I am fitter and stronger than most

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

I sometimes catch myself in the shop's window when running and it looks as if the older head is incorrectly stuck on the younger guy's body. Got all the hair intact which makes it look even crazier with large patches of grey. I'll take that deal though. 😉

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to mrrun

Me too, at work I walk towards a glass door and am always pleased to see me striding forwards rather than shuffling

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

The mantra being - 'Walking taller when older'

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to mrrun


linda9389 profile image

Oooh! I identify with so much of this (well, apart from the stretching ... although to be fair I did. Today.)!!!

Spot on. My driver and motivation right there: cos the plan says so and cos I want to stay fit 😊

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply to linda9389

Ah! Linda's famous reluctance to stretch! 😀

Nearly three years ago I came up with a trick that made stretching literally unavoidable. I don't sit on the sofa at home, I'm down there on the carpet. So, whatever I'm watching on the screen I will be watching it while I'm stretching. I could easily be there for several hours, resembling a crash test dummy. 😂

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to mrrun

Haha! Well I had to go there didn't I 😍

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon

I admire your will power mrrun 👍 Seriously well done for getting out in that today. 👍

I must admit to failing to go out today. I had hill sprints booked in the training diary at the local park, and I even bought 9mm spikes to gain extra purchase in what could potentially be quite a slippy hill. But in the end I convinced myself to do a home gym workout instead. Too risky was my excuse 😅 As punishment, I threw in a couple of extra sets and exercises. That’ll learn me 😂

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply to RunBrianRun

Ha, thank you! The key is not to analyse and think too much and simply go, go, go instead! My wife would step on the balcony, try to estimate the wind power, agonise over temperature vs clothing, and then stay home because 'the moment has passed'. Today I took extra tops, left the car, figured out wind/rain would require a different top, went back to the car, changed and carried on through some utterly miserable weather. 

The only time, literary, I will draw the line is running during gale storms. Too risky with all the bits flying around, especially in the parks. And for some reason, my absolute favourite running weather is the summer heat. I go on summer holidays and run in oppressive heat with gusto, as it's been well documented here over the years. Can't wait! 😀

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

I wish that I hadn’t read this post.

This morning it was hosing down; the trail, I knew, would be wet and claggy. For the first time ever I decided not to run 😬.

I constructed a plausible rationalisation. I did a long run on Thursday which was the “wrong day” for my long run. Monday is usually long run day, and I like to have two rest days after long runs. So I convinced myself that deciding to run tomorrow ( when the weather forecast is good) was just a matter of following usual practice!

It wasn’t though; I wimped out…..

Is this the beginning of the end……??😬

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Beachcomber66

Oh course it's not the beginning of the end, 2 days rest after a long run is entirely sensible,

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

If it had been good weather I know, deep down, that I would have run regardless!

We will call it a rare, maybe unique, lapse ….🫢

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Beachcomber66

A rare unique lapse is fine once in a while

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

It should strengthen my resolve should I be tempted again!! 👍

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

”A momentary lapse”! The phrase is etched into my brain. At college I was always having to apologise for them ☺️ I had to write a grovelling apology once for one particular misdemeanour and I came up with the phrase.

I used “temporary lapse” the next time 😬

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

You didn't wimp out. What you did was absolutely normal and sensible. I sometimes go out there when I simply shouldn't, just to avoid some pointless guilt trip. There were evening runs in the cold after a long day doing stuff that tired me, when I would literally come home, change clothes and go running. I trade it all for that after run feeling of achievement although there were runs where I questioned my sanity and the entire point of my being, runs that were hard and not really enjoyable. Don't blame yourself. You did something that many, with me as a ring leader, should also do every time when necessary.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to mrrun

🙂 I think in my case the “mustn’t give in to the elements” probably goes back to C25k where the “stick to the regime” driver is very strong. We just need to pinch ourselves sometimes and remember that we are experienced runners now.

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Exactly! During C25K I was an injury magnet, oblivious to everything and capable of little. Now it's a matter of how much we will enjoy ourselves. Again, you've done the right thing. The next run is soon anyway!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

I’m still in the mindset, “if it’s on the plan it gets done”

I unfurled a bran new week on my NRC HM plan. I managed just one run and crocked myself ☺️ Since then the plan sits there lonely and neglected. Till now.

The call of the wild is too strong to resist today so I’m off out. I’d bragged to Old Floss that it wasn’t raining. Naturally, the heavens opened just at that point in the convo 😏

I’m fed up of feeling unfit and fat. While I’ve been recuperating indoors I’ve had too much access to festive food. A steady supply of super sized Christmas puddings have been finding their way to my door of late, courtesy of a relative, and I’ve been overdosing ☺️ How far do I need to run off the gigantic portion I ate last night? Further than I’m prepared to go today methinks 🤔

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply to misswobble

My wife was confused as to how she managed to pile a few kgs over the festive period. Hmmmm...... She then remembers me going out and running first thing in the morning after those heavy evening meals. And doing all of the other active stuff. We quietly abandoned that topic.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

I need to shed a couple of Christmas kilos too. I am only two runs into my NRC plan. I will only do 3 runs per week; long run, intervals or fartleks and maybe the recovery run which is likely to be slightly shorter and slower long run. We still have an uneaten Christmas pud!! ☠️

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

I’ve got loads of the things. We’re having a taste off. M & S wreath one is winning by a whisker against the Tesco Black Forest gateau one. I had two portions of the Tesco one just to be sure ☺️ Two different Waitrose ones to compare next. It’s a tough life 😎

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Ours’ is an M&S 12 month matured collection; except it is 13 months old now of course. I was all set to heat it up on Christmas Day, but discovered that there was no rum for my signature rum sauce ☹️.

The moment seems to have passed!🙄

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

brandy sauce or butter ? I love either. Homemade though. I ignited my puds with brandy, after making a generous divot in the top🔥

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

I like Brandy butter, but Rum Sauce on Christmas Day, prepared by me, is a family tradition. The preference for rum probably reflects my Dad’s war time service in the Royal Navy. 😋

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to mrrun

I’d just rather get out there than spend all day coming up with reasons why I didn’t. The running is easier than the head stuff.

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply to misswobble

I used to overcook things a lot when I was younger but now I reside in 'time is precious' territory. Things get done. My tomorrow's run will have to be squeezed in between two solid schedules (haircut, and I am very high maintenance so that's non-negotiable, and martial arts class where if you don't practice you get punched in the lips). Lunch will have to be moved, probably merged with dinner at 9pm, which is not a bad thing anyway. A banana and supplements will replace it on the go.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to mrrun

I get too hungry for dinner at 8. If I don’t get fed at 5 I’m pacing about like a tiger. I’ll put anything off except mealtimes.

Having said that I missed my lunch today as my run cut across it. I made up for it at teatime though 🙂. I’ve not been running for a bit so my timetable’s been disrupted 🏃‍♀️

CicaDa profile image

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