I’ve had a few tough months. It’s a shame as I was training for the Yorkshire marathon and things were going great. I had a fabulous 20 mile run on September 1st. In fact, I wish I’d kept going to marathon distance as I would’ve got my sub 5 hours in but I decided to save myself for race day. Unfortunately, I drove myself into the ground in the summer holidays (I’m a primary school teacher) creating a website for my running club with my IT geek friend, and then going back to work was when the wheels finally fell off. I lasted three days and then went off on the sick. 💥 running form went and I didn’t do the race. Things are much better now. Work is good. I went back after 3 weeks. Running is on the way back. I’ve entered Manchester marathon but I’m not telling anyone about that ( you guys can know as we’re VRBs) as I feel too much pressure when others know. If I do it, then good. If I don’t, no one I know will know. We’ll see how the next 12 weeks pan out. I’m starting to up my distance again and working on decreasing the heart rate. I hope you’re all well Xx
I’m back again: I’ve had a few tough... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
I’m back again

You are inspirational and such a wonderful person. I'll cheer you all the way! So many on here are ready to back you, whatever happens, you will have us behind you 😊

Welcome back Tasha99 You’ve been missed. Sorry you’ve had a tough few months. Glad things are better. Cheering you on ❤️🏃♀️
Why that you RW! How are things with you? What’s going on on down under?
All well here 🥰We moved to Western Australia last year so I’ve been enjoying exploring new running routes. It’s pretty hot here in the Summer but beautiful 😎
I hear it might be 41 degrees in Perth on Xmas day! Fab photo 😍
Manchester here she comes you're brilliant, you'll be brilliant, Manchester will be a richer marathon for your involvement Tasha 👍🥳🎅

Great to see you back Tasha. I did wonder what had happened to you. Pressure, beyond the demands we place on ourselves, is something we don’t need. I am on the IC myself at the moment with a foot that keeps swelling every time I run. Rest and ice is the order of the day. Just going to plod on and wait for things to improve! 👍
BC! But the IC again 😕 Are you off to see Pippa? Maybe one day we’ll catch up over Albert parkrun again? Did Sandie ever come to visit yet? Hope you recover well soon 😊
As soon as I get this foot sorted I will be back to Albert Park. I have been to the physio, but the problem has got much worse to the point where walking is a problem …hence the rest and ice until after Christmas ; settle it down a bit and then let those steely fingers work their magic.Have a good Christmas 🙂

Hello, good to see you back and wishing you well on your marathon journey

Nice to see you back again Tasha99, I wish you a very happy Christmas and a great running 2022 🏃🏾👍🎄🤶

Hi Tasha, how lovely to see you back. You never know what life can throw at you, but the fact you felt so great at 20 miles last time (20 miles - in my dreams!!) means I have every confidence you’ll absolutely rock the Manchester Marathon. 😀 Your secret is safe with us! Happy training. 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️
Hey Tasha , great to see you back .And so pleased things are getting back on track .
You have been missed !
Hope you have a great Christmas !

Hello Tasha99 , I'm so pleased to see you back on here. Sorry you've been having tough times - I'd been wondering where you'd got to, didn't want to pry though - and glad things are now on the up.
Enjoy preparing for the Marathon-That-Must-Not-Be-Named, and be kind to yourself too. Happy running!

Welcome back! Good to see you're feeling better about things - enjoy your training! xxx

Hello Tasha! I was wondering how you were. Sorry to hear you had a few setbacks, but it’s great you’re back and training for Manchester (shhh I won’t tell anyone 🤣). All the best 🎄🌟🎁.

Good to see you back Tasha. So sorry to hear you've been through such a tough time, but great to hear you are more positive again and things are back on track. Good luck. No pressure. Enjoy the journey, one day at a time 🥰

It’s so good to see you back Tasha. Yes it’s been such a challenging year for so many and I hope you are stronger for it after your struggles. All the best for your training! 👊🙌
I’m really grateful for the support you offered me when I first got started with the C25k a year ago. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to repay your kindness when you were most in need, but I hope will share your highs and lows of the MM training on here so we can support you back. You’re such a valued member, Tasha, and everyone on here will be rooting for you! Good luck 🤞 ☺️
Wow what a lovely message! You’re so kind. It’s funny how people you’ve never met can be such an important part of your life. I will post regularly. Maybe it will motivate me more. I’m a bit scared and anxious I’ll drop out but we’ll see. I hope you are well. Have a lovely Christmas 🎄

Lovely to hear from you again Tasha.
Good luck with the training 🍀 and I look forward to reading about it 🙂
Hi IP! I hope you are well. It’s been lovely catching back up with people on here over the last day. I hope you are well and still enjoying your running All the best for Christmas 🎄

Welcome back Tasha - glad to hear things are on the up again.

Pleased to hear things are better for you. I'm with you on the secret event running-now pressure, but all of the glory!

Sorry to hear you’ve been through a tough time but great that you’re back running again. I’m sure you’ll do brilliantly if you decide to do Manchester. Happy Christmas 🎄

Hi Tasha
Glad to hear that things are getting better for you, I wondered what had happened.
I’ve missed the open entry for Manchester but I’m planning on trying again when it reopens on 10th Jan. If I do get in, I’m fine with remaining anonymous if that helps.
Also, Happy Christmas!

Great to see you back. Work and life have a dreadful habit of interrupting our running 🙈 if only we could make it our priority! Hope all goes to plan. You're right, pressure is just too much.

I didn’t see this before Tasha as I have been on a self imposed tech break for Christmas. I am sorry that you have been struggling but I’m so pleased you are back on the forum. I am sure you will find that all the support you need for your running is here, as shown in the comments from others.
We are living in strange times and this forum has been a great distraction.