Yes I finally got out the door and out for a run this morning! I didn't set a distance, I just wanted to get back into the groove of running for the enjoyment of it and I'm so glad I did.
One not so great thing - a came across a runner running the same direction as me, I was on the path and he was running in the middle of the road (we were more than 2 metres apart, I hasten to add). He then turned to me and said 'Keep your distance, you're making me run in the middle of the road'. I of course backed up a bit so he could run on the path but then afterwards I thought, there's a perfectly good path on the other side of the road, why didn't he just move over there? Wouldn't it be better to be as far away from each other as possible? Anyway so that annoyed me a bit and told myself just to keep on running, it's not worth getting annoyed at, just let it go.
So apart from that, a good run! I think I had built it up in my mind over the last 3 weeks, I was even dreaming about going for a run last night! My Dad asked me to watch my favourite film with him in the dream but I was like, no I must go for a run and I was gathering up all my running gear hahaha! I'm glad that the first hurdle has been cleared today.
And now I can enjoy a full day of arts and crafts on my day off! Thank you to everyone who encouraged me yesterday, I wouldn't have been able to get out the door if it wasn't for you! I may still need a bit more encouraging until I'm firmly back in my routine, maintaining it is the hardest part once make the first steps! I'm going to plan to run next on Monday. Right step in the right direction! π