Time out from Half Marathon training this morning..
I ran into the past, with a run from C25K... to do Week 5 Run 1. before running a few more Ks just for the fun of it. Ran this with one of our forum friends in my head and heart; he is running this today and I really hope he found it easier than me:)Phew...it was so, so humid and warm.
I ran the same route, I did way back in my Graduation year of 2015, and as that was in the November, it was much, much colder. The wood, fondly called by me, McFitty ' s wood is still there, but so much bigger and overgrown now. The path has long been closed off, but the rooks are still there, although they have moved their nest locations a few times. The route goes uphill gently and in 2015, it seemed like Everest...this morning...only Annapurna, ( so hot)!
Lots of thoughts in my head, twisting and turning like the ivy and brambles under the trees, hiding the trunks and branches in a tight tangled hold.
Turbulent times are creating issues for many of us and problems which, standing alone seem insurmountable, are made so much harder by this pandemic. I used this run, as I do many of my runs, to help me to sort my thoughts and worries as well as thinking of my friend here.
As ever it helped... full of happy memories of that Graduation year and the running years that have followed, full of old and new friendships. Familiar favourite views of the land and the sky, ease the soul and free the mind; sounds and smells... a skylark overhead, the hidden hedge roses, and the wild garlic, pungent and cleansing. I can feel the tension leave my body and I run like a child.
I reached home eventually, a lot pinker and having covered a lot further distance than did in 2015. I hope my friend found a little peace in his run too.
Happy, safe and peaceful runs everyone x