Too much sun? Weekly chat Aug 10th-16... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Too much sun? Weekly chat Aug 10th-16th πŸ₯΅πŸ˜ŽπŸŒž

linda9389 profile image
β€’42 Replies

Hi there lovely runners, how are you coping with this weather, is it as hot and muggy where you are as it is here in the South of England?

As more of my races are cancelled, and with little sign of events starting up again any time soon here in the UK, I've been looking for new challenges! At the weekend I tried my first ever group run - an 8k Intro to Trail Running with a leader and just four other runners including me. I loved it and hated it in equal measure! I loved the countryside (as per the photo), the mixed, undulating terrain and the stop-start of opening gates, admiring local landmarks etc. I even enjoyed the mini uphill speed challenge. But I think I hated running in a group! I have since realised that one of the things I love about my running is that it's all for me; I am in total control (even as I'm gasping for breath, arms flailing and feet dragging πŸ˜‚) and no one else is going to be affected by how or what I do. Just me .... So what did I do? I booked another one - a 10 mile group trail run, so twice as far, for twice as long!!! It just seemed wrong to dismiss group running on the basis of one outing. How about you? Do you run alone or with a running partner or in groups maybe? which do you prefer and why?

As always, if you're new here, or just taking a look and getting comfortable before posting, hello! This post is a great place to introduce yourself if you're ready to do so.

If you are interested, there are plenty of workouts you can do at home from the YouTube library over on Strength & Flex, why not take a look (especially if you are unfortunate enough to be lounging on the IC right now)!

Have a great week everyone, stay cool!

The Marathon Team xxx

If you are planning a virtual race, visit the post linked here to let us know about it and we'll try our best to give you a pom pom cheer:

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linda9389 profile image
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42 Replies
roseabi profile image

I think that's amazing of you to give it another try! I have never run in a group either and it doesn't appeal, like you I enjoy the me-time too much. Someone randomly invited me to a group 6k sea swim yesterday, and I said that was a bit far for me - but I did think to myself, hmmm maybe that would be OK! I think it was more the distance than the group that tempted me though - a good goal!

Hot!!!! Being in the sea is the best thing to do at the moment. It would have been my London Triathlon yesterday and I was SO glad it was cancelled, I'm sure it must have got up to the mid-30s in Central London yesterday!

And so I haven't been doing very much over the past week, although I am feeling quite pleased with my pull up progress 😊😊😊 My hat is off to all of you for getting on with your runs!!!

Happy staggering about, Linda and all πŸ˜„ xxx

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to roseabi

I thought about your triathlon when I was cycling yesterday - had a feeling it was this weekend - you dodged a bullet there I think! 6k in the sea? Wow, that'd be some goal, but in this weather I can see why you might be tempted. Pull-up progress sounds very impressive too! Have a great week 😊

Love this Linda, thank you. It made me happy reading it. Well done you on giving it another shot. The 10m distance will be a real challenge but one you'll complete and feel a huge sense of achievement after. I usually do all my runs alone, have never tried a Park Run or group running so maybe as I develop I could try these things out. I've very occasionally run with a friend but 90% alone which I am used and comfy with.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to

Running alone is definitely good. parkrun and races still allow you to run alone - surrounded by people yes, but you arenstill running for you and no one else is depending on you. You should give parkrun a try once it's an option again, to see if you like it if for no other reason 😊Running in a group is different though, I think it becomes more of a team sport ... and I was never very good at team sports πŸ˜†.

Kiwipie profile image
KiwipieHalf Marathon

Hello Linda, like you and roseabi, I’m down south and melting in the heat. Had a great day yesterday kayaking and swimming in the sea off Lancing beach, it’s the only way to keep cool 😎.

I only started running just before lockdown so I haven’t had the opportunity to run in a group. I occasionally go out with my partner, we start together run our agreed distance, then he waits for me to catch up and we do our cool down together. That works for me I get some me time head space and I’m motivated to finish. I’m not sure about running in a large group πŸ€”.

I’ve posted details of Lands End to John O’ Groats virtual challenge, that will keep you busy! Just signed up.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Kiwipie

Lucky you, I will be on Lancing beach today but yesterday was a work day

Kiwipie profile image
KiwipieHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Hope you have a great day, the breeze kept us cool yesterday.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Kiwipie

We swam and swam, just have to make the most of it as this sort of weather never lasts long

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Kiwipie

The kayaking photos looked gorgeous! I've never heard of Lancing beach and here's two HUers in this relative small forum, both going this week 😊. I think you have the best of both worlds - solo running but als someone to share running with. That sounds great . Good luck with the LE challenge and thanks for sharing the info 😍

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles

I’m not sure why I’m here apart from seeing a post from a VRB as I’m currently working on a plan to run 10k but thought I’d join in anyway and you can always show me the door if i’m not meant to be here

I run with Willow my partner, he runs faster and I run longer so we start off together and when he’s had enough he sits in the car smokes and listens to music while I plod on, sometimes i call out, i’ll run home put the kettle on and off he goes.

So to answer your question, we love to start together but it’s still a very solitary run for each of us with our music

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Hi, welcome to the Marathon Running and Race Support community! We're not just about marathons - everyone who wants to progress with their running is most welcome. In fact everyone is heartily welcome 😊😊😊

This is our Weekly Chat, where community members can share our adventures over the past week, and any thoughts or questions we may have xxx

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to roseabi

Thank you x

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Hi and welcome over here! Again, sounds like you have the best of both worlds - running by yourself but someone to share the whole running thing with. Perfect 😊

C3PO profile image
C3POMarathon in reply to SueAppleRun


Guinea70 profile image

Hi Linda, That's a lovely photo and I'd love to run somewhere like that, all open with great views. Good luck with your 10mile trail run I'm looking forward to seeing more photos if you're able to take some.

I'm more of a solo runner which 90% of the time I'm happy about but I often see people out running with a partner or running buddy and wish I had one. I realised a while ago that I don't like big group runs at all after running and volunteering at my local Parkrun a few times, it was friendly overall but all in their own social groups. I'm a bit of an introvert and find it really quite hard, it's even taken me quite a long time to feel happier about commenting and joining in more regularly with online groups I have to admit that I love it now especially the feeling of being part of a positive like minded group and being part of everyones running "journey" the good and not so wonderful parts :)

I'm not a heat lover too so I usually go out earlier in the morning if I can to avoid it but even that's been hot just lately hopefully the constant thunderstorms that we've got this morning in "sunny" Devon will clear the air a bit :D

Have a great week :)

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Guinea70

The photos were all taken by the run leaders, they were clearly well practised at getting shots (this photo must've been taken by the leader of one of the other groups). It's a shame parkrun hasn't worked out for you. I do know what you mean - our volunteers were a bit cliquey but I just kept going back and eventually you do become a familiar face and feel more included. I met up with an HUer and some of her friends after the trail run and I really liked taking part in the 'after run chat' with cup of tea and big slice of cake 😍. Hope your storms helped - we've to wait til at least Weds if the forecasters are right πŸ˜₯

acebiros profile image
acebirosHalf Marathon in reply to Guinea70

Fellow introvert here - I hear you! I find it really hard to cope in any group situation and rarely have the courage to post on here. I love parkrun, meeting up with a small group of people I know well but have not been brave enough to go along alone or join any group runs or clubs. I'm fortunate that my husband keeps me company on some of my runs but equally I love running alone as there's no pressure!

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to acebiros

It sounds like you're managing things perfectly to suit you, and that what's important isn't it. Joining a group on my own was definitely outside my comfort zone!

Never fear posting here though, the chances of anything other than a positive response are so, so remote they're negligible! We all have running in common so we have plenty to share. Great that you can share running with your husband though, I'm very envious πŸ™‚

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

The heat is my least favourite running weather and atm it’s so humid isn’t it? I just wilt like a delicate little flower πŸ™„ I’m back from Ireland where it was much cooler and I have to get acclimatised now to the heat here πŸ₯΅ haha

Back to training this week and I’ve got an 18K to do at the weekend. I keep looking at the weather forecast to see which day would be the coolest but I think they’re all the same ☹️ Careful planning required methinks πŸ€”

Your trail group sounds fab, I’d like to look into this once I do this HM. How did you find out about it Linda? I love the fact you admitted you hate group running but you signed up for a 10 mile group run anyway πŸ˜‚

I prefer to run alone. I joined a running club years ago and they were very friendly and I sort of enjoyed it but in the end I much prefer solo runs. Although I met a lovely fellow runner there and we’ve kept in touch since and sometimes run together. But mostly we meet for coffee and cake πŸ˜‹

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Ahh no, I don't like the sound of a wilted IP πŸ˜€. I heard about this trail run from Couchpotato2 who had done the first Intro run and sold it very well! The company is Run the Wild and I would highly recommend them. The problem was me not them, but I'm going to try harder to just relax for the 10 miler - just a new challenge πŸ˜€. I loved being part of the post-run group with tea, cake and chat ( there were even some aspects of running with a few other people that I liked - I learned a lot - but group running won't be a regular thing for me either; tea and cake though? now you're talking).

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

Thanks Linda, I’ve had a look but all their runs are a bit far away for me. They appear to work solely in the Chilterns. But something to keep an eye on in this area for future adventures πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜Š

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Or the alps!!!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

Yes I did look at that one!

Just back from my first sports massage since March. She said I wasn’t too tight at all which I’m pleased about. All the foam rolling appears to have worked πŸ™‚

I didn’t even leave most of my mascara on the couch either this time πŸ™„

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Irishprincess


Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

I am definitely a lone runner, although Park Runs are an exception to the rule; they showed me that I was capable of running a bit quicker than I thought. I also picked up some tips on dodgy finish line tactics from Tasha99 but the less said about that the better! For the most part, I really enjoy the headspace which a lone run offers; de-stressing.

Today I managed my planned lone 8k at a steady 7:09/k pace...still being sensible pace wise and, touch wood, everything feels fine. I did forget to apply the hot water bottle to my knee before the am doing it now.... a phrase involving horse bolt and stable door springs to mind! I stuck to my easy tree lined route with a mini hill finish, so the heat didn't really trouble me; it is cooler up here anyway. Too late for the cafe though ☹️

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Despite all the people at parkrun, you can still run your own run which I like. I'd love to jear more about those 'dodgy finish line tactics' though 😍

Really pleased to hear you successfully (and safely) building up your running distance again. Your continued patience with pace is to be commmended πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Too late for the cafe? No coffee and brownie? That may be worse to bear than the hot weather ... 😱

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Well done for taking on a new challenge Linda - that run sounds fab, although I am another solo runner, I'm afraid! However, like many other 'lonely goats', I do love the shared camaraderie of an organised race (remember them! 😍😭) and I had a fab trail run with my husband recently which we both really enjoyed - in fact we're already plotting the route for our next one (when it cools down a little!)

I think it's great that you're taking on the 10 mile challenge next - look forward to reading about it!

Anyway, I'm off to do another rain dance πŸŒ§πŸ’ƒπŸΌ now, as I dream of cooler days! So glad I'm not having to work at the moment but the diy has come to a bit of a standstill!


linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Sandraj39

There were hills ! I thought of you and all your training πŸ˜€. How lovely to be able to share runs like that with your husband - I hope he likes tea and cake! Please keep practicing your rain dance - far more appropriate than DIY in this weather!!!.

Wimborne profile image
WimborneHalf Marathon

Your post made me smile. Love the fact you booked another one. I’ve never tried trail running which sounds quite intriguing. I run on my own too but did try park run once where I met very lovely VR buddies which was just the best bit although I lost them on the running bit. Think the meet up and cake afterwards was what made it so great. I haven’t been since and never entered a race either. Funny how we are all running in our own way and running our own race so to speak. I love the fact i can just run how I feel like running without expectation then I surprise myself at how far I can go without overthinking it beforehand but I do need to be better at this and try to plan longer runs. Can’t wait to hear about your next trail run. Hope it’s fun πŸ˜€ and not too hot... πŸ₯΅

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Wimborne

I agree, post run meet up and cake is definitely the best bit of group running πŸ‘, and the freedom to make your own choices is one of the best things about solo running too (although my freedom tends to be within the bounds of a plan as I'm hopeless at making decisions so I'd get nowhere πŸ˜…).

Decker profile image

Good for you on booking a second one Linda! I think I lean to solo or small groups of very casual runners (2-3people). I think its one of the reasons why I gravitated to trail in the first place. My run group is great and very supportive especially on race day, but often you just need to clear your head and get away on your own. Our group has grown so much its a bit overwhelming too. Also not many runners would put up with me constantly stopping to take pics of trees and flowers that come along 😁. Sometimes its good to have at least one other runner for longer solo runs through unfamiliar areas, from a navigational and safety perspective as I’ve discovered once or twice.

The week has progressed nicely. All the injuries are quiet now and I got a longer 25 in on Friday before going away camping with the family. Hoping to get a 30 or so this coming weekend to keep building slowly. No cancellation yet, so still in β€œgo” mode. So hot here too. Having to do the runs early just to stay cool right now.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Decker

I think I'd dislike a run club/group; although I can see there would be lots of benefits, I can't see me joining one any time soon. I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to run trails on my own, but I may give it a go at some point - after a few more pointers from the group on the 10 miler hopefully πŸ˜…. Don't stop stopping to take photos - they're always excellent and we all love them 😍

Langley-Loper profile image
Langley-LoperHalf Marathon

I started as a solo runner. Went to Parkrun and hated it. Then I was forced to join a group (Sweatshop, became Runnersneed) as hubby said no more solo running in the dark in case I died. I was terrified to start but shouldn't have been as everyone was very friendly.

I have become friends with a subset of the running group (6-8) and we recently started meeting once a week for a socially distanced hilly trail run (good for the legs, breathing, mental strength apparently). It's a relaxed affair with stops so everyone catches up and plenty of chat when not struggling for breath.

I also revisited Parkrun and gradually grew to enjoy it.

Now I have a mix of group and solo and that suits me perfectly.

I don't think I would enjoy a paid-for running club as it all seems a bit serious.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Langley-Loper

That sounds amazing LL, you've got it all working for you, the best of both. Your hilly trail run sounds similar to what we did at the weekend, although noone knew each other on our run. We have a local club that seems full of smiley people of all ages and types, but I'm definitely not brave enough to try it πŸ™„πŸ˜…

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Half Marathon

Your trail run sounds brilliant Linda and great you're giving it another go. But I'm with you on the solo running. Ever since I started c25k nearly 2 years ago I love just lacing up earphones in and go. I see a lot of people love running in pairs or groups but I'm really happy on my own.

Good luck with your 10 mile trail run πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

As for the weather I don't mind the heat, but the humidity is really tiring. I love the pouring rain and really cold temperatures

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Buddy34

I agree, when I'm running I'm very happy with my own company! I just watched a short clip of a dog rolling in snow - so much envy for that dog! I agree the humidity is so, so tiring πŸ™„

Ah trails, love them or hate them! I did a 19 mile training run mostly on trails in the new forest on Saturday. It was an early start due to the forecasted 30 degC. Some of the trails were lovely wide paths, others were barely there paths amongst the Heather and shoulder height ferns. The terrain was tough at times and the sun hot with trees bringing welcome shade. Fortunately there was a tap on a golf course half way to refill my camelbak bladder. It took longer than planned with a few wrongs turns and the cafe was a welcome sight at the end.

Then we get the news that the new forest marathon has been cancelled due to exceptional numbers of people descending on the area. So what to do? I think we may taper now and do a virtual marathon in a couple of weeks. I have twinged my knee yesterday walking the dog which is annoying. I'm hoping to see how it feels tomorrow with a view to taper with a hm at the weekend.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to

Arrggghh, no! The late cancellation must be so disappointing, especially after having agonised over the decision to enter! That sounds like an amazing training run - I do hope you get to run the virtual marathon and that the knee niggle just quietly disappears. Everything crossed for you 🀞

in reply to linda9389

The organisers have been adamant it was going ahead. It is late to cancel with runners hitting those last couple of 18-20 mile runs before tapering. They have suggested moving some of the events to a different location and date but for marathoners that is hard. We trained for the terrain and date. Will find out more on Monday.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to

That's right. They've been so upbeat about how it was definitely going to go ahead πŸ˜₯

C3PO profile image

I'm another solo runner, except for parkrun and our weekly (not)parkruns with hubby and my 9-year-old. I wouldn't mind doing a group a few times to learn how to do a specific type of running - in my case mountain running. I'm not a very good trail runner, particularly as the trails in my neighborhood are really hilly. I've also come to the conclusion that I prefer open spaces like the fjord and the mountains to forests.

Anyway, I hope to fit in 3 runs this week. The warm weather has finally hit us as well, and I've done a few evening walks this week, and the only other people out there have been runners.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to C3PO

How lovely to run with your hubby and your son! The instruction from my group run was great - to date Laura and HU have been my only experience of coaching πŸ˜€. I love wooded runs and have opportunities quite close to home, but the vast open views of the weekend were new for me and I really enjoyed that space and 'freed' feeling. I'm sure your open spaces must be absolutely amazing to run in, beautiful views. Good luck with the heat and enjoy those three runs 😊

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