Ran my 1st HM distance today...feelin... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Ran my 1st HM distance today...feeling miserable about it!

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathon
β€’47 Replies

I'm so frustrated with myself today...I started out deciding this morning that as the weather is supposed to be dreadful again this weekend, and I had a day off with no plans I'd do my long run today and aim for 21K.

I'm in the HU spring HM group so have been working up to it and after doing 11 miles a couple of weeks ago decided to go for it.

I had a couple of jelly babies and set off, and it felt like a bit of a slog from the get go but I ignored it and knuckled down.

After 15K it felt like a bit of a struggle, by 18K it felt like a lot of a struggle, and the usual slowing down seemed to make my legs feel heavier so I slogged on.

By 19K I had a fleeting thought that I felt like I could cry but with 2K to go I couldn't allow myself to stop.

At 20K I walked for a few steps but it didn't help, I felt a bit fuzzy headed/unsteady and my fingers felt stiff and a bit swollen as if there was too much blood pumping to them.

I ran again, thinking obviously I'd have to stop if I felt like I was going to keel over but otherwise I'd come too far not to finish.

I got to 21K on stubbornness alone, whether it was wise or not!

I'm fine now but felt a bit unwell and drained for a few hours after.

I think as I hadn't planned to run I hadn't prepared for it either...usually I'd carb load for tea the night before and drink even more water than usual.

I also think I may have been dehydrated heading out...I always wee after a run but had 200ml in the morning, 400ml during the run and a 500ml sports drink after and still didn't need the loo.

Lots of water, rest and a nap later I am now feeling better but it feels like a real let down when I'd so been looking forward to achieving it!

I swear I could still cry...and am looking forward to having a laugh at myself about it tomorrow when I'm fully rested!!

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Run46 profile image
Half Marathon
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47 Replies
misswobble profile image

Did you have breakfast?

Take some nutrition with you and start eating on the first hour (or before if you feel you need to). Better too early than too late Then repeat for each hour thereafter. You can drink Tailwind which supplies calories as you go I can’t afford it though so save it for Marathon day

You can’t run on empty It makes you feel like death πŸ™

You’ll be fine next time I bet. Don’t be disheartened. It’s a run. There’ll be another one along soon πŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ™‚

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply tomisswobble

That's why I was so frustrated with myself...I know this stuff, the HU HM spring group has been teaching me for months but I've never felt ill before so just went off willy nilly expecting to be fine...I've certainly learned a lesson! 😏

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathonβ€’ in reply toRun46

It’s a horrible feeling. It won’t happen to you again. We all learn the hard way

Granspeed profile image

Yes, but: you still ran your first HM distance! So πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ for that! Sounds like you figured out the horrid feeling and its underlying causes, so don’t laugh at yourself or grumble at yourself tomorrow. Celebrate that first HM distance & be glad you got all those nasty lessons over with on a training run. Now you need never go through that again!

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toGranspeed

Thanks Granspeed and you're right, I've certainly learned a lesson.

Rookie move, it won't happen again πŸ˜‰

Granspeed profile image
Granspeedβ€’ in reply toRun46

And some of us have noted things from your post, so you’ve even saved some other runners from problems. What a hero! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸΌ

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toGranspeed

Bless you 😘

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathonβ€’ in reply toGranspeed

Certainly have πŸ‘

ArthurJG profile image
ArthurJGHalf Marathon

Yes well done on completing the distance. Next time though definitely take water and nutrition with you. Two and a half hours is far too long to exercise without taking on carbs and water (no matter how well you carb loaded before) and that’ll be why you felt so light headed.

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toArthurJG

I know it Arthur, the HM spring group has been teaching me for months...it was a rookie mistake being blazΓ¨ and thinking I'll be fine, I've certainly learned a lesson πŸ‘

ArthurJG profile image
ArthurJGHalf Marathonβ€’ in reply toRun46

I’m more of a rookie than you are as I’ve also done the HM distance only once and in my case I was jeffing it so I’ve never run the whole way like you just have. I did 18 x 1km runs with 3 minute walks in between and it took me 3 hours. FWIW though I carried 500ml of Tailwind, the caffeinated version, and took a quarter of it during the walks after the 7th, 12th and 17th walks. So roughly after 8, 14 and 20km, saving the fourth quarter till the end. It worked just right for me but everybody is different and I don’t know if I’ll need more when I’m running all the way.

limberlou profile image
limberlouHalf Marathon

Haha at least you didn’t have to ring your daughter to collect you after it like I did. My first HM I took water and energy gel and dried apricots and it took me 3:18. I did run all the way albeit slowly but felt fine until I was walking on my warm down and I think I slowed too quickly. Think I should have slowed to a slow jog, then walked because I was about 5 minutes from home and I came over really light headed and had to sit down in the edge of the pavement and put my head between my knees.

Then I sort of seized up and every time I tried to get up my head swam and I ended up ringing my daughter to come and collect me. She drove round in my car to get me, laughing her head off at me, as I was so close to home. I felt a right nelly.

But it did take me a good 3 or 4 days to get back to normal, drinking plenty of water and using the foam roller.

Well done on your HM and hope you feel much happier about it soon.

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply tolimberlou

Thanks limberlou, I'm started to realise it for what it was...a learning curve 😏

Gosh, sounds like though I had similar symptoms I got off lightly. It clearly takes more out of us than we imagine!

You say that was your 1st...I assume that means you've done more and survived to tell the tale 😊

limberlou profile image
limberlouHalf Marathonβ€’ in reply toRun46

Unfortunately no. ☹️that was end of last August, then I did a few shorter (5&10k) runs and then went back to work, picked up a virus there and had chest infection from October to January so was unable to run without getting breathless. I’m just getting back to it properly now ( wk6 of C25k again). I think I’m going to take it a bit more carefully this time and build up a bit more slowly.

I did do it gradually last time but got carried away and didn’t repeat runs. Eg I did 14k/5k/5k one week. Then 15.5/5/5 the next, then 16/5/5, then 18/6/10, then straight to 21.1 the week after. Think I need to build up more slowly and also do more strength stuff on rest days. I tend to get carried away 🀣🀣

linda9389 profile image

OK. Today I ran 22k for the first time since last year. I identify with all the misery of your run - we were on a parallel path I fear 🀣. To be fair I did take some tailwind (tho less than I used to) and a couple of gu chews (again less than I used to). I set out to run 22K but for some reason I was bored by 4K! Around 10K I lost the will to run - I felt tired and was lost so no longer had structure. From 18K I kept going through sheer pigheadedness and nothing more. I'd forgotten my post run chocolate milk, but did have water and peppermint tea. I got home at 4pm and still hadn't had lunch! I felt nauseous and a trip to the loo, with Miss W's pee colout test in mind I could see I was dehydrated. I was due to go out for dinner tonight for Valentine's so I had to sort myself out, but there was an hour or so where I thought 'i never want to feel like that again'.

Many glasses of water and a pint of Thai beer later, I'm feeling better!

You're not alone. We ... and others ... will learn from this, and we should both be pleased that today wasn't race day!

Now, we need to sort you a nice shiny Half Marathon badge - and you should feel great tomorrow. Huge congratulations on your achievement, nothing takes that away from you πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ₯‚πŸ’ͺ

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

God I love this forum...thanks Linda, is it wrong that it's cheered me up that you also had a bad time πŸ˜“...sorry πŸ˜‰

Glad that you perked up in time to enjoy your Valentine's meal 😘

And yes please, yay, I may have run my HM badly but I ran it! There's certainly something to be said for the pig headedness and stamina we runners develop πŸ‘

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toRun46

It's not wrong! I wasn't sure whether to write that - whether it would make you feel even worse about it! The point is, not all runs are great, but they definitely all move us forward. I hope they do anyway cos my next one needs to be more fun than today 🀣🀣🀣. I believe it will be, and in the meantime no one can take that distance away. Actually, come to think of it my first 21k training run was awful, with a migraine starting around 16k - but subsequent training runs were fine and my first HM event was just the best thing ever. Do not be disheartened, wear your hard earned badge with pride 😍

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

Thanks Linda, I'm glad you told me 😊

Cantstopmenow profile image
CantstopmenowHalf Marathon

Congratulations of running the half marathon distance and in a great time too. You're a star ⭐🌟

It must be disappointing that the feel good factor is missing, but you'll get that next time, or even tomorrow when you reflect on your achievement!! Xx

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toCantstopmenow

Thanks CSMN 😘, I'm feeling a bit better about it now I've heard from other runners that have had similar experiences...I certainly learned a lesson!

They're not all good runs, if I even run another I'll make sure I prepare better so that I can hopefully enjoy it!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Well done Run46. I did my HM on 750cl of Zero! I felt knackered for a week afterwards, and I couldn’t stop eating. All that matters now is that you made the distance in a very respectable time; maybe check that you have plenty of protein in?😊

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toBeachcomber66

Thanks BC, it's helped to hear I'm not the 1st to make this mistake...good lesson to learn!

I do seem to be craving protien so will go with that πŸ‘

And thank the Lord I have the weekend to recover 😁

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Marathonβ€’ in reply toBeachcomber66


I take loads of fuel! 3 gels on a half!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathonβ€’ in reply toTasha99

I ran it by accident really; I just felt good after 18k and kept going! Probably need to be a bit better prepared next time. πŸ™„

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Firstly, huge huge well done on your HM Run46. πŸ‘Š Even though you felt shocking and didn’t enjoy it, you still didn’t give up. That’s a big deal. πŸ˜€πŸ‘

Next time (and I’m sure there will be one!), you’ll know what to do to make it a more pleasurable experience. Maybe a race eventually? πŸ˜€ I’ve only run the distance once before (slower than you!) and I’m building up again ready for the Bath Half in 4 weeks (eek). Whether I run one again after that remains to be seen, but I absolutely can’t wait to savour the atmosphere of Bath and be one of those people I used to look at and wonder - just how?? πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ I still have to take stock and realise how far HU has taken us, along with these epic forums. ❀️

You’re awesome, you ran 13 miles. In my book that’s seriously special. Relax today and admire your beautiful badge. πŸ‘πŸ˜€

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply tocheekychipmunks

Thanks Cheeky, I have to say, that's one positive that was going through my head as I was finishing...it really was a physical and mental struggle for the last couple of miles, I didn't realise I had such perseverance! 🀨

I think that's something the programme has taught us from day one.

I don't want to do it again right now, but I've done 10 miles 3 times and quite enjoyed that distance, I'd like to have a better experience and feel like that about the 13.1 one day. Even if I only do it once more.πŸ‘

Best of luck for your Bath HM, eeek indeed...will look forward to seeing your after run post and bling 😊

SlowLoris profile image

Bad runs are good for you. It gives you an idea of where your current limits are.

All those physical symptoms make the subconscious brain want us to stop. That creates an emotional response. Fatigue, nausea, etc. are very unpleasant but they are just physical. They are not a reason to be unhappy. Quite the opposite. Pushing through them is a sign of strength.

A hard run is a greater achievement than an easy one.

Well done on your HM.

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toSlowLoris

Thanks Loris, it's the 1st time I've had to push myself so hard and if there's one thing that surprised me it was how much perseverance I had...this programme has certainly made me realise I'm capable of more than I thought 🀨

A few days rest and I'll be back out there, enjoying a relaxing 5K...off out for a walk now to ease off my stiff legs πŸ™‚

Oldfloss profile image

You did it...you know why you felt crook...and you will take steps to make sure that does not happen again.... misswobble has given you great advice ...

You are going to be fine...! X

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toOldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss, you guys are great πŸ’•

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

So many wise words said here - and I can only echo them all! Sometimes we have bad runs and sometimes we make mistakes - but learn from them all and I suspect your next HM distance will be different because of it. I agree, that the "tough runs make us tougher!" πŸ’ͺπŸ™‚

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toSandraj39

Thanks Sandra, I've certainly learned a lesson...and thankfully have the weekend to recover.

I now know I have the ability to finish...next one I need to prepare better so it's also enjoyable πŸ˜πŸ‘

Fabulous450 profile image

That’s such an incredible achievement Run46!🀩 You didn’t give up and you found the fuel to get you over that line! I think you’re amazing! Massive well done to you! Enjoy the rest of the day and rest well. πŸ€—β€οΈ

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toFabulous450

Thanks Fab, I'm starting to see it that way too...but I posted when I was still feeling exhausted and a bit sorry for myself.

Lol, this experience can certainly be emotional πŸ˜‰

Fabulous450 profile image
Fabulous450β€’ in reply toRun46

I’m glad! πŸ˜ƒ That’s great Run46 and so are you. 🀩 I can only dream of running that far one day. Well done!πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ ❀️

Bluebirdrunner profile image

I think you are amazing too Run46. Huge Congratulations on achieving HM distance... you showed so much strength to get on and finish it, while feeling so bad. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Awesome...I hope you are beginning to realise just what you achieved. Your badge looks fantastic!🀩πŸ’ͺ😊xx

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toBluebirdrunner

Thanks BBR, at least I know I can do it...and next time with better preparation hopefully I can enjoy it too πŸ˜‰

Must admit, I do like the badge too 😊

Tasha99 profile image

Walk at fuel stops! No need for non stop!

Couchpotato2 profile image

So sorry you had a miserable time. I hope you can have a bit if tlc now ans some rest and then be proud of what you achieved despite having a hard time of it

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toCouchpotato2

Thanks Couchpotato2, it's certainly a learning curve! 😘

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Well Done Run46, I would highly recommend a hydration vest for those long runs. There’s lots of pockets to keep your goodies in as well as the water bladder.

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toDexy5

Thanks Dexy, I think dehydration was definitely an issue 😏

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Milesβ€’ in reply toRun46

But you still did it and that shiny badge looks great πŸ‘

sTrongFuse profile image
sTrongFuseHalf Marathon10 Miles

Even with that walking bit, you're still 2 minutes faster than me and 20 minutes faster than my first HM (I've done 2), so I'd say you've done really well and set yourself a great benchmark for your next outing.

Relax, then just allow yourself to back in what you've achieved.

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply tosTrongFuse

Thanks SF, bizarrely I felt like I was going really slow, when I realised I wasn't then I tried to slow down but my legs felt heavier that way...maybe the cold was getting to them when I ran slower.

So though it wasn't a happy run I was happy with my time...I feel like I've become a complicated creature since I've started running!

There was a time I would have been chuffed just to have got out and had some fresh air in the morning. Now I clearly expect to run 13 miles and jolly well like it πŸ˜‰

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Metric Marathon


hope you are feeling better now? and are feeling proud and very pleased with yourself!

Despite feeling a bit squiff you did it! YOU RAN 13 MILES

well done you . next time will be even better

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toDeals1

Thanks Deals1, I think I was just so tired I was feeling sorry for myself, lol!

I'm fine now, just been out for a 5K and my calves and ankles felt a little bit tight but apart from that I'm good to go πŸ‘

Defo need to so another one in a few weeks or so to prove to myself I can do it and enjoy it?! Assuming that's possible πŸ˜‰

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