Running on the South Coast: It’s been... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Running on the South Coast

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles
38 Replies

It’s been ages since I posted my local runs, so here I am again.

My first long run since the Great South Run was along the Hayling Island Billy Trail last week when UpTheStanley and I ran together at an easy pace for 7k. It was quite chilly and we had to dodge a lot of puddles ( I still can’t run through then) but it was nice to be back there for the first time since August according to my garmin records. It was a full moon last week and with high spring tide it meant the water level of Langston harbour was higher than we’d ever seen it on our runs before. We saw little egrets by the pond and Highland cattle grazing instead of the usual black Angus. You would have got a photo of the lovely beasts but on our return leg they’d disappeared to the other side of the field.

Then we had Saturday parkrun with my youngest niece and her boyfriend, while UTS volunteered before disappearing to London to play hockey. The boyfriend does duathlons and came in at 3rd, 2 seconds faster than when he last ran here coming 1st. He’s had a calf injury so says he’s not at peak condition yet 🤣🤣. I didn’t get a PB but I was pleased that I was faster than not only my friendly rival, but also his 2 daughters who are in their 40s.

My non-running niece and hubby arrived after we’d showered and we were able to enjoy a lovely weekend, which obviously included much eating and drinking.

Saturday afternoon had seen the new aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales sailing into Portsmouth harbour for the first time, which brought hundreds of visitors from far and wide to wave her in. Oldgirlruns posted a picture on the bridge forum.

So what a lovely morning it was today with bright blue sky and wall to wall sunshine. It was to be our weekly speed challenge so UTS and I walked to the prom throwing in a few dynamic stretches along the way and the intention of 3 gentle kms to get warmed up. Now 2 years ago I would have laughed at that statement as I couldn’t run further than the nearest lamp post. We saw several runners enjoying the quietness of the seafront after the busy weekend when families with dogs converged to enjoy the fresh air, often taking over the full width of the prom.

So, we ran 2 km eastwards and then 1km west at average times of 7:45, 7:32 and 7:22. We said hello to walkers and runners as we went along. UTS accelerated towards the end of that 3rd km , me increasing more gradually. I wasn’t going to go off too fast and end up crashing. So I started running at 6min/km and then increased bit by bit. During this time I waved and said hello to a smiling tot in a pram pushed by a running mum, which probably meant I wasn’t going at full capacity, but she was so sweet. I managed to run all the way and get a final km time of 5:53. It doesn’t beat my fastest time in this challenge of 5:40 when I had the wind behind me, or my fastest ever 1k in July of 5:36, but it was 2 seconds faster than my final parkrun km this weekend and felt controlled and good. I do think this exercise is helping me to feel what my body is capable of doing and understand what I can do to improve further. I am sure that after today I will be able to end the challenge on a high.

The great thing at the end was after catching my breath on a bench - jogging mum came up to us and said how amazing our running was and gave me a high five. We told her all about parkrun as she didn’t know she could run it with a pram. This was definitely a feel good run ending with a cappuccino in the Beach Cafe, of course, where water is delivered immediately we sit down. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️☀️

Happy running folks, and good luck with your personal challenges.

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Dexy5 profile image
10 Miles
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38 Replies
cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Nice to hear about your local runs Dexy. Like me, you’ve been round and about a bit recently. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ It’s good to be “home” sometimes isn’t it?

You’re doing well with the speed challenge. You guys obviously look the part getting high fives from random people! 👍

Happy running this week. I did my sploshy 10k this morning which was enjoyable. So nice to see the sunshine back. ☀️

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to cheekychipmunks

Yes I certainly felt the love of running again this week cheeky. I think after the Great South I was lacking in energy or enthusiasm , only running twice a week and not able to get the breathing right. I was so chuffed when the mum stopped to talk to us and said how well we ran. I think she was Canadian by her accent and it was a runners together chat. Isn’t this running thing great?

I’m glad you enjoyed your sploshy run in the sun. Fog to follow tomorrow so it’s great we got out there today.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

Yep, I weighed up both days and was glad I picked today. You too by the sounds of it. 😀

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to cheekychipmunks

And you were right to step away from the speed challenge- you’ve definitely got To be in the right frame of mind.

I hope you have framed your certificates and hung them up in the loo. 🤣🤣

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

I’m glad I stepped back too. You know me well enough to know that I don’t enjoy speed work, so I’d have stood no chance this last couple of weeks. Next time (maybe!) 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Good run and post Dexy5. I can’t get away from thoughts of my late father this week! Last week it was Oldfloss’ s verse and this week it is an aircraft carrier (He served on Venerable). I am putting an application for an Arctic Star for his service on Jamaica in the post today. Feels like a prod..

I did a quiet hilly 10k this morning. My legs felt a bit stiff after Saturday. Keeping an eye out for trouble 👀

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Beachcomber66

Oh yes do put in for that arctic star medal Beachcomber66 - I think the vets battled long and hard for that recognition. Was he alive when it was all agreed?

It’s a good idea to put some slow runs into the mix; we don’t want you on the IC. I’ve yet to get back to 10k again but I think I will in the next week or so.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

It was all agreed after his death. I am sure that he wouldn’t have given it much thought unprompted. It is more me thinking that there is a roll of comrades somewhere which should mention him. Commemoration really.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Beachcomber66

Well done you..

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

Well done Dexy, sounds just lovely. There was clearly a lot going on in your run and I can just imagine you whizzing along the seafront 🏃‍♀️

And how fab to inspire another person. Bet you’ll see her at parkrun 🙂

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Irishprincess

I expect people can hear me before they see me IP but my breathing was definitely better today.

Yes I hope we see that mum and her tot at parkrun. They looked liked they’d both enjoy it.

linda9389 profile image

Sounds like a very successful week there. Lovely photos to bring it to life too. You sound really contented with your running, which is a wonderful thing 😍. How nice that a busy young mum found time to admire your running, I would be sooo chuffed! Runners (most at least) are lovely folk 🙂

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to linda9389

Thanks Linda. Yes I was quite surprised by the mum too as I’m never really convinced that I look like a runner, especially when I see race photos. But she gave me a good boost.

Granspeed profile image

Lovely photos & a great report. Delightful to feel your running urge come back, isn’t it? I’m pretty sure the sunshine & rise in pressure helps us all - I know I hate that low pressure gloom. 😨 Only one little thing: if you keep going on this speed thing, you will soon be running twice as fast as I am! Then how will I ever even see you again, let alone catch you up in a year? 🤣 Seriously, well done. No more snail team for you! 👏🏼

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

if only I could keep up that speed for 5k Granspeed - sub 30 parkrun! 🤣 🤣 The challenge is fun, just to give you a target, but I could be more competitive.

I do like to take the snails with me on my long runs though; I'm not handing them back yet.

JonathanP profile image
JonathanP10 Miles

All 3 sound very enjoyable Dexy - great running weather over the last few days once the early chill has gone.🌞

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to JonathanP

Yes I even went down to my new Forest run T-shirt half way through today. So lovely. We are rarely out before 10 o’clock. 😂☀️

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon

Sounds like a great run Dexy and a rare fine day to enjoy it. I set off from my parents in Cumbria in frost, fog and -4c this morning, but arrived home in bright sunshine, so went off to do my latest bike ride (90 mins). Tonight was my village running group and I did my 4the fastest 5k (trying to keep up with the guy with the headtorch😂). Feeling suitably tired now!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Sandie1961

Wow what a busy day you’ve had today Sandie. I bet you are tired. Hope you had a lovely weekend with your parents too.

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon

That's such a lovely positive post😊 and those are speedy km stats ,congratulations 😊

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Thanks aliboo.

TailChaser profile image

Isn’t that the brilliant thing about running? Having random chats with other runners that you’ve never met about running? Nice piccies of sunny days. We’ll get you running through puddles eventually - you should see the state of my shoes recently 😂

Happy running you two x

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to TailChaser

I bet your shoes are lovely TailChaser. Has your Rec recovered from the flooding now?

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Dexy5

They are my badges of honour Dexy 😊

Yes, the river is back to it’s normal levels now. I suspect the football pitches are still a bit overly soggy though. I need to have an exploratory run again but hopefully Parkrun will be back on this Saturday if I don’t get there.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to TailChaser


Coddfish profile image
Coddfish10 Miles

Canoe lake is looking lovely on your photo.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Coddfish

The light was great. 22 swans counted yesterday; numbers are going up.

Coddfish profile image
Coddfish10 Miles in reply to Dexy5

Post GSR I have cut back down to 2 runs per week, at least for now. Parkrun plus one other, with the easier days to run being Monday or Wednesday. On Monday, I saw it was a lovely day and that the weather forecast for Wednesday was much worse, but I had my sailing club’s year end accounts to do. So today I was out in the bitter wind, battling to stay upright. I should have made myself go out on Monday!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Coddfish

Yes it was a really cold easterly today. Well done you though and you got your accounts done. 🏃‍♀️👏👏

BaddieThePirate profile image

Wow, so speedy. Sounds like a good plan. Well done👍

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to BaddieThePirate

Well, speedy for me Baddie. UTS disappears very quickly when he puts his foot on the accelerator 🏃‍♂️💥🌪

BaddieThePirate profile image
BaddieThePirate in reply to Dexy5

So you're both faster than me. I think that's a super time 👍👍

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Metric Marathon

high fives are fab!!

Speedy! great post and run :-)

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Thanks deals

Oldfloss profile image

Super post and super photographs... so sunny and so happy. You are doing really well and having such fun so many things to see around you and the weather looks wonderful. Freezing fog and rain up North!

Your speed challenge too... wow.. so interesting ... I am doing a 5K one this time... and that is not going wonderfully... !

Well done you... all of you!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss , it was the nicest day of the week . Your 5k time does looks great to me. I can do a 1k fast but at parkrun today I had positive splits where I went out a bit too fast and just couldn’t keep it up.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Dexy5

Well it has rained here at the coast since last night...but am hoping for a sunny or at least dry run tomorrow morning.

I am going to have to work on the 5K times...the best I have had..the sub 30 minutes...I wasn't even is a real learning though eh? X

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Oldfloss

Definitely 😃

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