Great South Run – (yet) another point... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Great South Run – (yet) another point of view!!

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon
47 Replies

Had a look and it seems that everyone had a great time. The weather conditions were ideal and the event was well organised.

This was my first experience of a run this size, however, and like others we had stayed in Portsmouth the night before to ensure we were at the event in good time (plus we had a lovely meal out the night before and made a bit of a weekend of it.) When we got to the hotel it seemed like pretty much everyone was there to either run or support. It gave it a nice feel, but it meant making last minute table reservations a bit trying. Not to worry you live and learn. We ate out at a nice restaurant in Port Solent. We had to walk as the hotel car park was overflowing and we would never have got another space when we returned. Another learning curve.

We opted for park and ride the next day and were lucky to get on a bus before the roads closed. Another timely lesson that we would need to get out earlier and allow more time to get to the event. I am used to just rocking up 10 minutes before the start and cracking on.

So, to the event itself, as others have said it is a pleasant journey around the streets of Portsmouth. Well attended for supporters and I did enjoy high fiving my way around. Its also worth noting that it is very a flat course, so good for those with an eye on a PB.

This is also the first event I have attended where energy snacks (other than jelly babies) were being handed out at the run. In this case either Clif gels or blocks. Having never tried and energy gels, etc before I didn’t try them here, but did pocket a couple for experimentation on future training runs. However, judging by themes in the road, plenty were enjoying the treats. As I said I have never tried these before, but judging by the fact there was no sudden surge of energised runners stampeding past me shortly afterwards, the jury remains still out.

One of the other things I noticed was the lack of space. Normally on local runs the field narrows out and you run in your own little space, but with a run this size there were always people to dodge and others dodging you – I did get penned in a few times even 8 miles in. However, whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, I’m not sure. All the ducking and diving around did keep me focussed on what was going on around me, rather than reverting to internal running struggles and what I think is a 10-mile PB (unverified as strava decided to pause at one point), it suggests that a larger pack may yield better results for me.

Normally, I am able to jump in the car and quickly get home to shower after the run, which I wasn’t able to do. Though a change of clothes and plenty of deodorant saved others suffering, meantime. But I did find this a bit uncomfortable.

However, all-in-all an enjoyable event, and plenty of lessons were learnt. I have no immediate plans to return to this particular event, but that’s no criticism of the day and more about me wanting to seek new runs/ places. In fact I would definitely recommend you try it, and I’m glad I did!

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Half Marathon
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47 Replies
backintime profile image
backintime10 Miles

The more I read about it the more I would like to try. You all make it sound wonderful.

Good idea to not try anything new on the day, let us know how they work out.

Congratulations on your (strava or not) pb and good luck finding another event : )

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to backintime

Thank you. Already got my next two events booked, with anoher (3day) event planned in May.

I got a few other things in the medal bag too, so its going to be fun giving them a try.

UpTheStanley profile image
UpTheStanleyHalf Marathon in reply to Whatsapp

Don't you need a horse for a 3-day event? :-)

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to UpTheStanley


Couchpotato2 profile image
Couchpotato2Marathon in reply to backintime

Same here, already checking out next year’s date

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon

Well done Dave! I watched it on the TV with my son - great to see Rachael Mulvey (Battle 10k 2019 winner) and Maisie Trafford (King's Head Canter 2019 joint winner) in the elite women starting line up. Still can't believe I get to participate in the same events as such class athletes 😮

It looks great but the size of the event and the distance from where I live does put me off a bit. Making a weekend of it does seem like the way to do it so I'm not going to totally discount it.

Did you see any of the junior races (I think they were on Saturday?)? Daniel's improving all the time and is keen to take part in stuff. He prefers fast and flat so I'm wondering if it could be a good one for him? x

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to pianoteacher

If I went again I would want a placve with either a later check out or an extra night, so I could shower afterwards.

Unfortunately, we didn't get to see the junior races. TBH they seemd a bit pricey when I looked for the girls. They did the Eastbourne HM junior events (vey flat) and the BBB10k does a good one, which is basically up and down the high street, so pretty flat too. Both much closer too.

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Whatsapp

Thanks for the info - I hadn't got as far as looking at the price. I would think he'll do the 10k at Battle next year as he turns 15 in January which is usually the minimum age. Thanks for the heads up about Eastbourne - the HM is a Club Championship race so I might give that a go and he can tag along. He did the mini run at Hastings HM this year and loved it - although he was very annoyed to get beaten by a boy who was jeffing 2k 🤣

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to pianoteacher

Don't underestimate the power of jeffing along 🤣🤣

I am doing the Bexhill Poppy run next month. Theres a 5k, 10k or HM event. Can be a bit blowy along the seafront but the minimum age for 5k is 13 - which annoyed Olivia as she is 12 and wanted to run this year.

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Whatsapp

I'd forgotten about the Poppy Run! I'm sure he'd love to do it but he always helps with his Dad at East Hoathly Carnival that weekend. He's a sucker for bling though so I'll mention it to him.

Shame your daughter can't do it - minimum ages seem a bit all over the place. Most 10ks seem to be 15 but some are 16 or 17??

He intends to run Hastings Half at 17 but he has to be accompanied and I'm pretty certain I won't keep up 😊

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to pianoteacher

Yes she is sure the same run was 12 last year. I'm not sure how she would fair as they don't run so much these days.

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Whatsapp

We haven't done junior parkrun in ages. I think Daniel started to feel a little self conscious as he was usually the oldest one there. He feels much more comfortable in adult races.

There seems to be a point at which girls stop running - there's lots of little ones in junior parkrun but very few of secondary school age. Olivia obviously still wants to run which is great x

Well done, it is a great event but as you say it is very busy. Last year I stayed on the saturday night and walked to the start, so nice and relaxing to travelling down. This year I drove to gosport and got the ferry over which worked well. I think I will be back next year hoping for the elusive sub 1hr.40.

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to

It is busy, which means plenty of support and thats great. If I was closer I would do it again definitely.

Well done. Great report. I think 19 miles would be a nice distance

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to

I don't know about 19 miles - hoping you mean 10?

Unfortunately, there aren't many 10 mile runs to choose from. It felt a much more comfortable distance for me.

in reply to Whatsapp

Lol, me and phone keyboards - yes ten. I wasn’t struggling at 10 miles.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

It was busy wasn’t it Whatsapp, but Dexy5 and I learned a lesson from the Bristol 10k and started further forward in our wave than we did there. At Bristol we had to dodge around loads of walkers - often walking astride - from the off, but not yesterday. Had to dodge lots of water bottle tops by one of the water stations though!

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

I quite like cutting round people and picking them off. I gives me something to aim for. But there was a few occasions where I was completely hemmed in with nowhere to go.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Whatsapp

Hmm, that’s not as much fun is it?

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks


uncle_wiggy profile image
uncle_wiggyHalf Marathon10 Miles

Sounds like a great event, just very busy but with a good vibe! Well done!

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to uncle_wiggy

Lovely event. Just have to allow yourself more time around the event. I normally don't like hanging around. Get in and get out, but thats not going to happen at an event like this where the elites were finishing before we had even set off!

linda9389 profile image

Well done on a great run. The logistics of non local, large events are a real headache and I find that's a major stress for me. I did the opposite at GSR last year - got every where way too early and had too much hanging around on my own. Where possible, local is the way to go 🙂

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

Yes. Definitely less stressful. I don't want to limit myself too much, but at the same time I want to enjoy the experience.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Whatsapp

At least you have a better understanding for the next away from home date 🙂

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Good on you! Yes, sounds like a lot of lessons to apply for future events. Well done and congrats on the PB 👍🏻😁

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Thank you. If only strava didn't go offline. Perhaps all those GPS's in one place was too much for it to bare 🤣🤣

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Glad you enjoyed the event Whatsapp and well done on a PB! I love this event (having done it twice) and although my back prevented me running it this year, I aim to be back in the fray next year! 🙂

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Sandraj39

Sorry your back didn’t heal in time Sandra ☹️ Fingers crossed for your next race 🤞

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to Sandraj39

Ah that infernal IC. Hope you are on the mend.

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon in reply to Whatsapp

Thanks - I hope to get out for a gentle 5k in the next couple of days🤞

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

Oh well done! Getting hemmed in is a pain, I always feel so frustrated but there’s not a lot you can do. But it doesn’t seem to have got in your way too much here 🙂

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

It made for a different challenge. Took my mind off the normal gremlins doubts.

Couchpotato2 profile image

Well done whatsapp! It seems that you did the opposite of me on my first park run where i was one hour early as no idea of the procedure :-)

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to Couchpotato2

Oh no. Now that it sheer commitment.

Coddfish profile image
Coddfish10 Miles

Large scale events (GSR is 20,000 entries) bring loads of challenges you don’t normally think about. The GSR is logistically easy for me as I live 5 minutes from the start line, but I certainly found the similarly sized London Vitality 10k a logistical challenge (particularly loo queues). And it stayed crowded right through.

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to Coddfish

Absolutely. I have done a fair few now, but they have all been smaller, or at least local enough that I have a good knowledge of the roads, routes in and out.

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon

Great running! I think I might return as a spectator next year! Congratulations and glad you had a good weekend!😊xxx

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to aliboo70

THe spectator were brilliant. There was not a section of that course that didn't have support.

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Metric Marathon

Well done!!! I'm loving reading all these reports. Does sound busy tho.

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to Deals1

It is the biggest 10 mile race in the world I believe they said (or at least the UK if not). Come to think of it I couldn't actually name anothe 10 mile run 🙂

I wish there were more though. I think it could easily become me favourite distance.

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Metric Marathon in reply to Whatsapp

Yeah I think u could be right don't tend to see many 10 miles.

misswobble profile image

Well done 😃👍💪🏃‍♂️🏅

Sounds like a huge event. I know what you mean about being hemmed in. Bah!

I hope you’re recovered and back out there 🙂

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Thanks miss w. Feeling good and will be back running tomorrow 🙂

misswobble profile image

Good! Gentle jog to test all is well 😃🏃‍♂️

I am still in pain but I had to turn out with the dog 🐕 I was applying Ibufren gel to my calves last night 😁. What a crock 🙄.

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

It was a nice run this morning actually. Not too fast. It felt like I was going fast though. Hope your calves get better soon.

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