I last posted about ‘hitting the wall’ so badly I could barely walk home, and was quite worried about it.
Well the next day the ‘silent’ abscess that had been developing under my lower left canine decided to let me know its presence- resulting in an emergency dental appointment over the Bank Holiday weekend. By Sunday my face had swollen up so much I was having difficulty swallowing, and was in terrible pain.
I’m now on Metronidazole, which doesn’t make me feel great, and really getting to know the staff at my dentist surgery better than I thought I ever would, with daily visits to drain the wicked abscess, so that eventually the root canal filling can be done.
Needless to say any thoughts of training, or even a long walk, are completely out of the window at the moment.
Has anyone else had a similar root canal experience, and if so how did it affect their training?