Just running, no plan : This is a plea... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Just running, no plan

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon
33 Replies

This is a plea from the heart. Does anyone or has anyone ever just run without a training plan? I was advised by a friend to take it one run at a time as I was struggling. The long runs required were beginning to freak me out (they still are a bit). I have 8-9 weeks until the Yorkshire Marathon and was panicking about getting enough distance and time on my feet. Being told that I am running out of time ⌚ was a fear. I have done 5 half marathons yet I am aware that the jump from half to full is different to doing two halves: people for various reasons don't manage to do big distances before their marathon and some choose to do less. Perhaps they are more experienced maybe or know to listen to their bodies. I felt more comfortable posting this on here rather than on Facebook. I don't know if I will end up doing the mileage before Cardiff Half but I will just go out and run, not stress about the distance. I really want to conquer the marathon don't get me wrong but I have to do it for me my way.

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Pippa49 profile image
Half Marathon
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33 Replies
GoGo_JoJo profile image

That's exactly what I do. I can't see when you graduated from c25k, I think I might have some additional months training on you currently.

Remind me how far your longest run has been thus far...

I've just found it, 14 outdoor, 18 indoor.

If it were me I'd be planning bi-weekly outdoor extending runs of 16/18/20 and even 22 if you want/ have time. In between I'd keep the "long run" at 14/15, with whatever you feel is good for you around those. Hopefully giving you the final week free-ish to back off ready to ramp up. But that's just me.

Personally I wouldn't worry about the half, slot it into training as you know you can do that distance.

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

I graduated from c25k a few years ago. I have done 2 9 mile runs before I went on holiday since I did Swansea Half on 23rd June.

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to Pippa49

So if I understand correctly 16/18 this week then 14/15 the week after?

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to Pippa49

Ok great. No, you have 8 weeks left to train so

16 for your long run this week, any easier long run next week

Then 18, then easier,

then 20, then easier,

That's 6 weeks of training.

Then up to you; if you want to do another 18 or 20 or if you'd feel better reaching 22 you have roughly 2 weeks to play with then take it easy in the final week.

I don't know if you have access to anyone but I also have a sports massage every 3 to 4 weeks. I would try, if you can, to fit 2 in during this 6 week period. That way you get valuable feedback about your body and muscles and you're helping your body achieve what you want but with support.

Please bear in mind this is just how I do things and I'm still a relative beginner. But I know how much you want this and for me, that's how I'd approach it 👍🏻

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Thanks for your support. I was planning to do 16 so possibly 2miles out and 2miles back x 4. May mix it up with a couple of circular 2 miles. You said an easy long run how far? 1/2 of this week's long run? Not worried about the half as know I am capable of doing it within the 4.5hr cut off., Swansea Half was 4:19:45 this year 6mins quicker than last year. Cardiff Half last year was 4:13:09, 13mins 24 seconds quicker Swansea Half last year.

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to Pippa49

See how you feel each week, somewhere around 8/9, with any other runs being around whatever distance you do in an hour or less if you need a reprieve.

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to Pippa49

How did it go? 🤞🏻

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

I managed to do 16miles by doing 2miles out and back four times, twice on the same route. Had to walk more than I wanted for the last few miles but I did it.

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to Pippa49

Brilliant! How did it feel? Awful? Ok? Just tiring or doable,

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Thanks. Tiring but doable even if one has to walk. Was going to do 18 then a shorter then 20. Week beginning 16th September will be away in Edinburgh so unable to do big runs but can do 22 week after then taper for Cardiff and the Yorkshire Marathon.

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Marathon in reply to Pippa49

Well done Pippa!

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to Pippa49

Well done! And now you know you can do it, you should be able to do the next on that knowledge 🤞🏻💪🏻😁

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Thanks sorry for the late reply. I know you said to have an easy run after each big run however I am thinking about doing 18miles either on Saturday as I have the Bank Holiday Monday as extra recovery also I want to capitalise on my achievement. If I do 18 on the Bank Holiday should I still do a short run on this Saturday?

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to Pippa49

Be careful, only you know how your body feels. Personally I'd say keep it to about 10 max. That still really helps build endurance...

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

OK do you mean 10 on the Saturday? Would that be too much if I did 18miles on the Bank Holiday Monday? If so then I will do the 18 on 31st August. Just didn't want to lose the momentum

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to Pippa49

Do 10 sat. If you feel fresh enough you could go for the 18 Monday or defer if you feel you need more time.

Have you got chance for any other runs before sat?

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Yes Tuesday after work and Thursday morning with my running group

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to Pippa49

Fab, just short ones though. Great 👍🏻

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Yes just short ones. Got a home and hubby says shall we go to our local wetherspoons so will wait 30 mins to an 1hr after I have eaten before going out for a short run around the block.

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to Pippa49

Super 👍🏻 don't know about you, but I'm hopeful this is gonna do the trick. Let me know how you're getting on after the weekend. You're not on Strava are you? ( I seem to remember you'd stopped using it or maybe I'm inventing that)

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Yes I will let you know. I am on Strava but my runs are private . It looks like I am not doing anything but I am. I am mainly using Runtastic and manually copying the info to Strava including the map.

What will do the trick by the way?

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to Pippa49

This extending training plan 👍🏻 😁

Irish-John profile image

I did the C25k as written.

However - for 10k, ten miles and the HM I more or less played it by ear. Maybe I'd be a "better" Runner today if I had followed plans, but after the 5k mark I just wanted less thinking :)

HOWEVER - I was not facing any deadline. That makes a big difference imho.

I didn't get to run a lot last winter due to lousy weather, the was off for six weeks with an illness very recently. I have a HM next month and I don't think it's going to go well - I haven't time to train at my "happy go lucky leisure" now.

Main thing - not to let stupid pride lead to injury.

Secondly - no more HMs. I don't have the enthusiasm, time and basic body type to train enjoyably for that distance. Ten miles is fun, 13.1 isn't.

Thirdly - I don't want to fall into the "events" versus "casual happy runs" trap. I like running without feeling I am "preparing" for something and all the attendant baggage that brings. I want to keep being AMAZED AND AWED that I am able to run AT All! like I felt when I realised the C25K plan actually worked! :)

Hope all this helps, it's just my experience and opinion. :)

Wishing you many happy miles in your future :)

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to Irish-John

Thanks. I have one half in February in Brighton as its the 30th anniversary of the race then Brighton Marathon and that is all. Not looked further. I may not do any and just run for fun.

Hillrunner2201 profile image

I don’t really follow plans. I’m doing the Yorkshire marathon too. I did 14-16 miles a few times in July, a half marathon last Sunday, with a long run planned tomorrow and gradually extending the distance most weeks from the end of August to the end of September then tapering. There isn’t a single right way to train for marathon; just follow the basic guidelines of building the distance up and train in way that’s right for you.

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Marathon in reply to Hillrunner2201

I’m doing it too!

Tasha99 profile image

I did 16 last week, 12 this week then my long runs are 18, 19, 13, 21, 23 and three weeks taper. Plan your runs Pippa and stick to them now as we’re running out of time. You can still do this 🤞🏽

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon

I am planning to do 16miles this week then a shorter one then 18. That is the key problem Tasha99 as I said in my post that the long runs are freaking me out a bit still but GoGo_JoJo suggested that I do the following:

you have 8 weeks left to train so

16 for your long run this week, any easier long run next week

Then 18, then easier,

then 20, then easier,

That's 6 weeks of training.

I know some would say that if the long runs are freaking me out why do it? Maybe you're not ready. I am not good at following plans The mere thought of saying that I have to do xyz brings me out in a cold sweat however I will do my best to do what Go_Go JoJo suggested as I want this.

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Marathon in reply to Pippa49

I think that’s normal - the long runs are freaking me out too. I’ve cried several times over it already. But there’s nothing else to do except do them if we want to succeed. I’m finding it very tough. You’re not alone there.

mrrun profile image

I followed Hal Higdon's marathon program, to an extent. Distances were increased according to plan but many runs in between were done my way. I made sure that landmark training runs of 21, 25, 28 and 32k were all done in full and l pushed myself so that l ran them all, without any walking or breaks. When the big one came along that was a different ball game but you can cross that bridge when you get there. The point is, you've got to train well and look after yourself to tackle it. I had to run/walk the final stretch from approx 35k to the end with all my preparations but the same preparations prevented me from injury and exhaustion. You will need to listen to your body to the full and that will help you cross the line.

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to mrrun

Thank you although I never run continuously just run/walk. Have done this for sometime.

Lordi profile image

With strict training plans you often don't want or feel like doing the specified run on the specified day. On other "short" days you might feel great and want to run longer. That's why I've had probs sticking to anything other than C25K. I simplified my marathon training down to 5km + 10km + long run (+10% each week) and run in any order so long as I didn't run 2 long runs one after the other. I only trained to a bit over 30km for my marathon. I just asked myself at 30km "Can you run/walk/crawl another 12km?" and I felt confiden(ish) that I could. If you can get to 30-32km/18-20m then you can walk the last 10km if need be. Lots of people are walking or run/walking in the last 1/4 of the marathon. No shame.

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to Lordi

Thank you. I run/walk all my runs. Admittedly not that fast. I have decided that once the Yorkshire Marathon is out of the way I will decide whether to withdraw from the Brighton marathon and London marathon which if I get in.

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