Since Sunday I have been up and down emotionally. Whilst I know that some of my friends are trying to give me tips to help me on race day. The reference to running outside and on the treadmill being different like I don't know this. I am sure that a lot of people on this group are more experienced than me yet not once has anyone said that I shouldn't do it. Everyone has been so encouraging.
Mojo in danger : Since Sunday I have... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
Mojo in danger

Running on the treadmill and running outside ARE different. Running on the treadmill is nowhere near as much fun - you're mojo is maybe on it's way outside waiting for you to take it to raceday 😀
You can definitely do this 🙂
Thanks quite possibly. However the negativity is beginning to spoil it for me
That's such a shame. Stay here. Surround yourself with positivity
Thanks. I am currently debating whether to go to my morning running group on Thursday. I love going to the group as a rule but this is the first time I am not sure if I want to go.
Tricky call if that's where the negativity is coming from. I can only say you must no listen to them! You can do this if you do it your way. It may not be their way, but it's not their race! We're all running our own way and it's just as valid as the next person's, but it's the one that suits us.
Thanks. They were just pointing out that running on the treadmill is different to outside, a fact I am well aware of but I felt it devalued my achievement. A lot of people have said that sometimes you have to do it on the treadmill and in some countries it is either not safe underfoot or too hot to train outside do these runs not count because they are outside. I wouldn't dare say anything of the sort so why is it acceptable to say it to me.
Sorry for the rant but it is getting rather annoying that people cannot choose how they do their mileage without negative comments.
I get very irritated with the negativity shown towards the treadmill, so you're not alone. Yes, it's different, but does your heart know? No. Your heart doesn't care. Is it softer than tarmac or paving? Yes. Is it more boring? It can be but that depends on your attitude and creativity. Is it character-building regarding mental strength? Absolutely.
Just effing do it and stuff what other people think. JUST DO IT!
Thanks so much for this. I don't have a treadmill at home so go to the gym when it's quiet so I can stay on for as long as I need. I have my mp3. I also believe that there is no guarantee that one will finish /not finish regardless of whether one does the training on the treadmill or outside. I do run outside that is what is the most annoying thing.
I certainly will do.

A while back, someone suggested that instead of - in view of the fact none of us lot will ever have to kill ourselves to be first instead of second in the Boston Marathon - that we use the descriptive "Event" instead of the more loaded "Race".
Pippa - enjoy your run in your Event And while the will to do 'well' is admirable - "fun" is not a bad thing to have either
Wishing you many happy miles in your future - treadmilled or outside

Hi Pippa, I think we all get ups and downs in training, I know I do, and sometimes, we’ll meaning though they are, comments made by friends can be taken maybe the wrong way depending on how you’re feeling at that point.
It is true, as you know, about it being different training on a treadmill and outside, and that fact won’t change - not least there will always be someone who reminds you of it...(as it seems they have)
Personally, I would be training on the road, as that is what the event is, plus I’ve always run outside anyway - but that’s just me. (Most I’ve ever managed on a treadmill is 30 minutes)
We’ll all have different opinions based on our experiences, however we all train how suits us best. It’s good to have advice and tips from others. Use what suits you.
I’d suggest remembering what it is that is driving you to reach this particular goal, why do you want to do it? focus on that, that will get you through. This current episode will pass.
I’d still go to your running group, there’s that social element that’s important for us all, and you can chose how much or how little you tell about your training for that week.......
Hope things settle down for you
The person who made the comment said they weren't trying to bring me down but they had. The marathon was one challenge to celebrate my 50th year. I may never do another assuming I finish it! I am going to try my best however I am being a realist and prepared to accept it if I don't. I have done three halves and there was no guarantee with either of them that I would finish but I did and have got quicker with the last two. I have three more half marathons booked this year with the next one in a week's time.
That’s like saying something with the opener of ‘with the greatest respect......’ which means with no respect ....e.g ‘I’m not trying to bring you down.....’ - which means I am.....that’s a real shame this person felt the need to say that you in that way, with perhaps no perception of the impact their words would have.
You go girl, doesn’t matter how you do it or how long you take, you do it your way, you’re amazing, I’m with Sqkr , it’s your journey, you’re in charge, you do it how it suits you
I look forward to reading the race reports, and of course the pics of the bling!
Thanks I don't think she did. Yes it's my life, my journey, my choice how I do it. I will definitely post a report
Hi I messaged my friend who is the run group leader and said I was going in the morning but the marathon was off topic discussion wise. My upcoming Half marathon however I am happy to talk about. She said that was fine. I should lead the discussion. Not sure how I will be as have not run since Sunday on purpose. I needed the rest after my epic run on the treadmill!

Many of those offering these opinions have probably not even run on a treadmill. Wait till you show them, they'll all be wanting one then!
Your run, your way!
Pippa, you are doing great!
Pick up your mojo and do the event your way! Enjoy!
Then you can go back to those naysayers and tell them...... yeap your training plan was different to that of many others...... but it got you there! 😉

A friend of mine Tomas did a huge amount of his training on a treadmill, it was cold and wet and windy, and he doesn't like that! He watched videos while he ran, and he smashed his marathon.
Our mojos are such delicate little creatures aren't they? All the more so when we have a big event looming. Personally, I'd do whatever I needed to protect it, stay away from people who distract you from your path, you know what you want or need to do. Enjoy your running and your event your way. xx

You run for you, not for anyone else 😊 The beauty of the forum here is we come to any post or new user without preconceptions; all advice and support is offered without prejudice. We've got a huge range of different sorts of runners here, running loads of different distances in loads of different ways. But every one journey is as valid as another. I can't cope with the idea of gyms and can't imagine doing anything on a treadmill, let alone the mileage you have, but believe me I'm in awe, not disparaging of it! That's some dedication I could really do with. Keep on doing what you enjoy, and what you are good at. And that appears to be running 😄

I’ve never run on a treadmill, nor run a full marathon yet, but I do believe running is intensely personal. My own family still don’t really get why I run, especially these longer distances, but I do because it feels good and right. I’d say just keep doing your thing and it will all fall together.
Hi Decker
Thanks for your reply. Sorry for my late response. My family are supportive and my husband accepts that I often go away for two nights to attend an event. Some people don't understand why they don't come with me but it doesn't bother me and it's less of a pressure. They are supportive by accepting that I do this. My mum did say be careful I don't do too much. I am doing the Brighton Marathon in 5 weeks or less but other than people on this forum and other running group pages noone else knows and that's how I want it. I can go do the event and if I don't finish the less that know the better, I'll give it my best shot to finish though. I may go out and run Saturday until I have done the distance (20miles) outside or dependant on the weather the treadmill but I will choose how I do the miles.
My family seem a bit like yours. They are supportive but they don’t get the whole running thing which is totally fine. They don’t really meet me at events apart from milestone runs, which is fine too and enables me to spend some extra time with my running mates. Before running I mostly worked and never left the house much so things are better now. I get your privacy on the marathon also. Such a thing as too much pressure. I saw your next post and happy you are able to move past this. I hope you get all the things you need from your runs and your races to come.