Don’t Know How, But I Did It - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Don’t Know How, But I Did It

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon
63 Replies

I’m pleased to say I completed my first ever Half Marathon Race this morning.

It was a tough start, having been surviving on an average of 3.5 hours of sleep a night for the past three weeks (the problems of hot flushes in the night - oh if only I were allowed HRT) I was already apprehensive. Then last night, after I’d got my kit ready and overdosed on carbs making me feel 🤢 , I went to print off my race receipt and QAR code, and decided to quickly check the website for info about parking and directions... oh my Lord, complete meltdown... the website said the race was now starting at 11 and I’d got my whole morning planned around the 12.30 start they had advertised and put on my ticket. I then spent a good half hour panicking, not knowing which time to go for, and what to tell my stalwart group of supporters.if it was still at 12.30 I didn’t want everyone arriving an hour and a half earlier, on the other hand I didn’t want to drive from Luton to Windsor expecting to run at 12.30 and find I’d missed the race.

Thanks to roseabi who suggested I tweet and also found a Facebook link, we discovered that 11.00 was the new time for the race. Plans for an early night and attempt at a good night’s sleep were thrown into disarray as I then had to phone my friend, sister, niece and Dad who were all coming to support me. Once I eventually got to be just lay there muttering, “ Those bloody gremlins will go to any lengths to sabotage a race.” Mr Razouski decided I needed the best chance for a good night’s sleep -and was fed up with me having a melt down, (What difference does an hour and a half make?”)- and opted to sleep in the spare room. What a love.

Sleep was still elusive, gremlins whispering to me about having trained all my long runs at 12.30, “What will you do about breakfast now? Pre-run snack? Hydration?” But eventually I dropped off.

This morning Mr R was great, packed the tiffin I’d lovingly made for my fan club, and the blueberry lemon poke cake I’d made for a post run celebration into the car and we were off.

The fam were soon gathered, but my “friend” and self appointed coach, who had talked me into doing this particular run on a Saturday so that he could watch (he has church commitments every Sunday) was nowhere to be seen. I tried hard not to fume as we lined up for the race!

I’m guessing all my faffing before runs at home stood me in good stead for the rubbish race briefing, which had to be restarted 3 times because no one could hear. 🤦🏽‍♀️. And then eventually we were off.

I set off way too fast and did the first 5k at average of 5.15 per km ((30 seconds faster than my normal pace), but knew I needed to slow down or risk burn out. The next 5 were ok and at a better pace, but running 4 laps of Dorney Lake has to be THE most boring run ever. You can see the whole course stretched out in front of you, and it wasn’t long before the gremlins were whispering in my ear, about how much further it was, “Are we nearly there yet?” The whined. By the end of lap three I was willing to throw in the towel, but my coach, who’d appeared after lap 1, Mr R. and my dad, sister, brother in law and niece were there, cheering me onwards. I couldn’t let them down.

2 km from the end gremlins were telling me to walk. I was knackered and so tempted. “just a little walk.” They suggested. But I knew if I stopped now I would probably be unable to start again. The pace dropped and for the last km, I thought I’d been lapped by the world and his dog (ok not his dog as they weren’t allowed). I assumed I must be one of the last to finish.

And then the finish line was in my sights as I dragged my legs one in front of the other like some creature from a Hamer House of Horror movie 🧟‍♀️. But good old niece was there, urging me on, and started to run beside me. 🏃🏻‍♀️Who knows where I got the energy from, but I managed to pick up the pace (and my legs) and sprint over the finish line.

Knackered? Couldn’t talk... couldn’t breathe... couldn’t stand up...

But I’d done it and mapmyrun says I did it in 2 hours 3minutes. Whoop whoop.

And although I never want to run that boring course again, I was pleased that there were showers on site. Even more pleased that my dad was making a brew ☕️ in his camper van and we could all tuck into the post-run cake 🍰 and some tiffin 🍫 .

Now lounging in the bath with a glass of 🥂while Mr R. Is cooking steak. 😀

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Razouski profile image
Half Marathon
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63 Replies
linda9389 profile image

Huge congratulations. That's an amazing achievement in a fabulous time too. I spent much of my morning wondering how you were getting on, being as you were just down the road from me. I found 2 laps of Dorney pretty boring so extra kudos for hanging in there for four laps - not much distraction to be had there, the long straights just stretch out forever don't they.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, hopefully spent relaxing in your glow of success 😀

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon

Gosh what a rollercoaster and what a time Mrs Raz.

Just amazing you are and lovely pics.

Wow they will all be so proud of you.💥🏃‍♀️💥☄️☄️👏👏

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to Tbae

They were. And I was 129th out of 222 runners. 😀

AnnieW55 profile image

Congratulations 💐. Brilliant time too.

4 laps! You need an extra medal for that, I balk at 2😀.

Enjoy your celebrations, they are more than well earned.

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to AnnieW55

I so hate laps, especially when there is no variety in the scenery. I won’t be doing it again!

David_G profile image
David_GMetric Marathon

Congratulations, you got through it all despite all the problems you came across. 🙂👍What a great time too! 🏃‍♀️👏👏👏👏

Relax and enjoy your evening now. You thoroughly deserve it! 🥩🍗🍾🥂

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to David_G

Thanks, David. The 🥂is definitely going down a treat. 😀

David_G profile image
David_GMetric Marathon in reply to Razouski

Thanks Razouski, I did Croydon 10K earlier in 1:02:39 then went for a celebration lunch 🥩🍟🍾🥂

Nowhere near the length of your run but I’m pleased with my progress so far and looking forward to my next outing. 🙂👍

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to David_G

That’s a good time for 10k. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Tasha99 profile image

Fantastic! Well done! What an amazing time too!

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to Tasha99

I was pretty chuffed. And came 4th in the over 50s too. 😀

Lorijay profile image

Huge congratulations Razzi, fantastic time too!! Lovely pics. Enjoy what I hope is a fabulous afterglow and sense of achievement. :) :)

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to Lorijay

Definitely enjoy the afterglow morethan the run. 😂

Macmac profile image

Brilliant! An excellent result! You can do without last minute changes of time.. wow - a great result even without lack of sleep and last minute changes so a very well deserved well done! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to Macmac

Thanks Macmac. 😀

Flyingred profile image
Flyingred10 Miles

Congratulations! That's a very respectable time. I'm sure I'd do the same as you and set off way too fast.

At least it was a nice flat course – could have been worse. I was in Windsor this afternoon and absolutely no sign of a race having happened today.

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to Flyingred

I guess it could have been worse, but I was longing for a bit of variety. I’d love to do the proper Windsor Half it the Windsor River Trail.

SW16 profile image
SW16Half Marathon

Congratulations! And a great time too! Enjoy your evening and bask in the glow!

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to SW16

Thanks SW16, basking as instructed. 😀

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon

Well done Razouski! What a great time and definitely extra kudos for having to do laps. Enjoy your steak 😁

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to pianoteacher

Thanks piano teacher. Enjoyed dinner and strictly and a couple of 🥂of Prosecco. 😀

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Well done!🙂👏 That is an amazing time - you clearly function well on little sleep and stress!😉 I think I have looked at that HM in the past...and the 4 laps put me off, put you hung in there and did it...super speedy style!😀🏃🏽‍♀️🏅

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to Sandraj39

The only attraction was that it was on a Saturday. Never again though...

BlondeAmbition72 profile image
BlondeAmbition72Half Marathon

Congratulations! And what a fab time! 👍

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to BlondeAmbition72

Thank you. I was pleased. 😀🏃🏾‍♀️

Ah, fantastic run Razouski and a big cheer to all your supporters too. You were nowhere near last ! I am so impressed that you ran with so little sleep. The photos are fab. Enjoy the steak and goodies and sleep like a baby tonight.

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to

Thanks Paul. I will be sleeping like a Tiger Balm scented baby! 😀

in reply to Razouski

Oh mr R will be heading for the hills again 😆

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to


Decker profile image

Wow, well done Razouski! A superb time! Extra Prosecco for those horrid laps 😁!

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to Decker

Extra Prosecco and a week off running, possibly. Mind you we're off to Dubrovnik on Tuesday and I fancy running there...

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon

Wow!fantastic result!bet that cuppa tasted great too! you did so well you should be very proud! We all are!😊xxx

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to aliboo70

Thanks aliboo70 the cuppa was like nectar. :-)

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon

Brilliant! Well done you! Congratulations! 🥇🍾🥂🎉🎉🎉😊🏃🏻‍♀️⭐️👏🏻You look absolutely great! I can not imagine what a awful feeling it would give you realising the start time mess up! You are a star! ⭐️I wonder how long the glow will last! Sleep well💤

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

Thanks. Now enjoying my own personal cloud of Tiger Balm vapour. 😂

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon

Wow Raz! You're a speedy lady! Great job on a great race despite the gremlins working hard at trying to sabotage you. Huge kudos to you for running those laps! I'm also not a huge fan of laps and try to avoid them as much as possible.

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to SaskAlliecat

The gremlins worked hard, but at least they didn’t win SaskAlliecat. I shall definitely be avoiding laps in future. 😆

Irish-John profile image


Massive Congratulations :)

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to Irish-John

Thanks Irish-John , legs are still aching this morning, but at least I knew I did it. :-)

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnMarathon in reply to Razouski


CarolineLou71 profile image

Wow! Well done, Mrs R 😁

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to CarolineLou71

Thanks CarolineLou71

Madge50 profile image

Wow Mrs R, 4 laps 😱, that was like Groundhog Day! I’d have lost count after 2 🤪 (doing 5 laps for a 10k once nearly had me carted off....) Well done on your grit and determination, I’d have been on the floor crying...😂...a fantastic time, you weren’t hanging about!

Very well deserved Prosecco I say 🥂🏃‍♀️🏅


Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to Madge50

Funny you should say that, at one point towards the end of the third lap I actually thought I was going to cry. It just seemed to be going on forever. At least I know to avoid laps in future.

I may have had one too many glasses of Prosecco though as my head is in competition with my legs to see who can ache the most. 😂 😂 😂

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Razouski

You say that but I did a six lap marathon. I dithered about entering because of the dreaded, laps which I’d not actually ever experienced

Anyway I did it and it was all right I am doing it again soon Never say never 😁👍🏃‍♀️

siabod profile image
siabodHalf Marathon

Well done, great time and such an entertaining post! 😊

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to siabod

Thanks siabod. I think youenjoyed the post more than I enjoyed the run. 😂

roseabi profile image

No worries, and well done!!!!!

If you fancy fitting in a cheeky 2nd half marathon before the end of the year, I do recommend the Milton Keynes Winter Half in December - a lovely circular route 😊

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to roseabi

I was looking at MK, but not sure if my legs will forgive me if I do another Half Marathon this year! I’ll think about it though, thanks for the suggestion.

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Huge Congratulations are Awesome! Hope you recover well and enjoy your holiday. 👏👏👏👏👏🌟🌟xx

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to Bluebirdrunner

I'm looking forward to my holiday, just debating whether or not to take my running kit with me. I feel I should be resting my legs...

Well done, you are amazing 😊

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to

Thanks Flick. How did your 10k go? It was today, wasn’t it?

in reply to Razouski

Yes it was. Beautiful run but quite a bit slower than last time. I’ve written it up on both forums x

misswobble profile image

Well done Raz. Fabbo time 😃👍🏃‍♀️💪🏅

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Thanks Misswobble and thanks for your encouragement when I was dithering about signing up. 😀

misswobble profile image

Sign up then you can dither at leisure 💪👍😁 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😄

Mummycav profile image

Brilliant Razouski ...YOU DID IT!!!! Congratulations, that is amazing! I am so proud of you, what an absolute star!!! Those gremlins tried their best didn’t they, but they weren’t going to win!! I hope you drowned them in the bath after!!! Super run...after a bit of a wobbly start what with the time etc!! X

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to Mummycav

Thank you for you kind words Mummycav , yes I definitely drowned those wretched gremlins. Mostly with Prosecco ;-)

Mummycav profile image
Mummycav in reply to Razouski

My kinda girl xx

PashleyPedaller profile image

Congratulations on a huge achievement, Razouski - that's a brilliant time for a first-ever half marathon x

Razouski profile image
RazouskiHalf Marathon in reply to PashleyPedaller

Yes, I was pleased with the time PashleyPedaller , I really don't understand how those speed kings and queens manage to do it in an hour or so!!!

AntSharpe profile image
AntSharpeHalf Marathon

Great write up and fantastic time.... very well done you 👏👏🎉🎉

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