getting the jitters now : so im... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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getting the jitters now

secksy34 profile image
18 Replies

so im wondering if this is normal , ive followed my lovely half mara running plan to the tee , missed prob 3 short runs so not bad going , i have done all the long runs and was really confident , but now im on the last 2 weeks taper and im so nervous im going to forget how to run the long distance next sunday , i feel sick when i think of the race and doubt myself is this normal in the last few weeks before race day , ive never done this before !!

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secksy34 profile image
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18 Replies
Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

Not sure if it is normal, but thats how I felt. I did a HM a couple of weeks ago and my training was interrupted but a sprained ankle and never really recovered.

All I will say is that you will be glad of the taper by the finish line. You won't have lost any fitness but you will have lost fatigue from the long runs and therefore gained freshness.

You've got this!

secksy34 profile image
secksy34Marathon in reply to Whatsapp

thank you so much , its all very new to me hence the nerves ! and well done on your half mara ! :)

roseabi profile image

It's very normal! The taper thing feels weird because you've been used to those long runs, but it's really great because you are keeping your legs moving but resting more so you'll feel nice and fresh for the race. Best just to enjoy it! You've done your training, and really well by the sounds of it, so you have nothing to fear. It's normal to feel nervous, in fact it would be more worrying if you didn't because complacency can cause errors. It's a pity you feel sick though - maybe try visualising yourself crossing the finishing line with a big smile and a spring in your step. Always helps me, anyway :)

All the best to you! Would you like me to add you to our Events calendar, so we can send out cheers to you on race day?

secksy34 profile image
secksy34Marathon in reply to roseabi

that would be awesome I rely on the forum for motivation x its the Colchester half and is next Sunday 25th xx

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to secksy34

Done. Looks like a nice route!

misswobble profile image

Ooooooh now marvellous 😃👍. The frisson, the tension, the hope, the expectation, the nerves. It’s happening! Me too! I am on the first week of My two week half marathon taper. My race is on the 24th

Calm down. Relax. You’ve done the prep. The long runs are done. You know you can do them! You could make a list of stuff you need. Keep it Short! 😃👍

Make sure you savour every moment. Have fun! 👍😃🏃‍♀️ Ring back the bling!

secksy34 profile image
secksy34Marathon in reply to misswobble

you too :) i intend to bring back the bling , ... hopefully on the same day as i start the race lol ... im still very slow .. but bloody relentless lmao x

Lordi profile image

I wondered how tapering might affect us too and can understand the gremlins that might creep in about the full distance on race day etc. I got some good advice/suggestions about this from an experienced friend who mentioned swaping a long run just before taper week with a full 21.1 km but run as a 5k run, 1k walk x 4 plus 1.1km sort of thing. I might do it as it'll be a bit kinder than an 18k at pace run and will also give me a good gee-up knowing I've covered 21.1k running (plus 4k walking) and will dispel the distance gremlin.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Lordi

I always just do 18k in training. No more. I hate the idea of over-running 🙂

secksy34 profile image
secksy34Marathon in reply to misswobble

my longest was 19.3k / 12 miles , and i felt good :) all depends on the day i guess and whether i pop a gremlin in my bag :P

Madge50 profile image

Ohh yes! The taper always messes with your head, even though I had consistently run in excess of 10 miles on each long run for 6 weeks, I still wasn’t sure if I could manage it, then, i had panics about loos, and then on the morning of the event one of the hooks on my sports bra was pulled out of shape, I then had about a twenty minute conversation with myself, worrying about if my bra strap would break......definitely can’t run without a sports bra....should I change it? , no leave it, no change it....😂......and this was my third HM,

Still felt a bit sick beforehand, excitement too.....I had a blast, had a great time

Just take it easy, enjoy the atmosphere, you’ll be great, and you’ll have a good time too, I’m sure of it.

Go get that bling!


(And no I didn’t change the was fine...😂)

Eatcakeandrun profile image

Well done with such great preparation for you half marathon. You will be fine! Don't call it nerves - it's excitement! It's going to be fun and you will enjoy it! Harness the power of positive thinking and have a blast bringing back that bling. 😊

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Completely normal for me! Tapering messes with your head but you will run better for it. I hated the taper when I did a HM last year but my legs felt great on the day as a result. Sounds like your training has gone well - you have put in the hard work...go smash it!🙂

mistymtnhop333 profile image

You will be grand, trust in your abilities - sounds like you've put in the work, so you can look forward to enjoying the race! I was pretty nervous my first (and only) HM - especially the morning of! But I had a great time, my body did me well, and although I wasn't the fastest out there, am delighted to have done it. Enjoy!

I am so glad you posted this. I am on holiday abroad having got up to 10 or 12 mile long runs for several weeks I have only done 4 short runs in this heat, very much like tapering. It had me totally worried whether I will have lost the fitness and stamina for the distance. I guess I will find out when I resume my training plan with 5 weeks ish to go, eek!

C3PO profile image

Just wanted to add my two cents. I was terribly nervous before my Xmas marathon, even though I knew I wasn't going to push myself. I was in a state for days before.

Wizziewood profile image

Hi, I can't offer any advice from personal experience ... as you know I've still got to hit 10k but I know you'll be fine.

You have my total respect for what you've achieved in the last year (I think we started about the same time).

You've done all the work so you're well prepared. You CAN do this.

Good luck next week ... Go secksy Go!

ju-ju- profile image

This is entirely normal, taper time is hard as you feel you should be doing more, but just remember that you have put the training in and this is so you have super fresh legs on the day.

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