Weekly chat 4th - 10th December - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Weekly chat 4th - 10th December

ju-ju- profile image
41 Replies

Please feel free to share your runs here and chat about how it's all going,

Sometimes we don't feel like putting a whole post up but just want to share something small, so this is a great place for doing that during the week.

If youre a lurker it is a great place to say a little hi without the pressure of a full post.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy week,

Juju, Realfoodieclub and Oldfloss

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ju-ju- profile image
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41 Replies
roseabi profile image

I've had the worst week, bad side-effects with a 7-day course of antibiotics - felt like the hangover from hell - I was bedridden for two of the days! I went for a run on Tuesday which I shortened from 12k to 8, felt ok during the run but paid for it the next day, and haven't been out since. Now off the meds and feeling better if woozy, stomach is still not happy but no more nausea anyway, and no more blinding headache - yayy :)

So I'll take it easy this week, maybe run on Thursday - I've got a half-marathon on Sunday but I'll see how it goes. On the plus side my Achilles feels great :D

Happy running all!

C3PO profile image
C3POMarathon in reply to roseabi

Sorry to hear you've been so unwell, roseabi !

Last week started badly for me. I set out on an 18K run while it was snowing, and made an unfortunate shoe decision that led to me having to cut my run short at 9K as the conditions were much icier than I had expected. Things are really busy at work, so I was feeling low about my running, but I actually managed to get out and do several evening runs. So my mileage may still be done, but I managed 4 runs! And enjoyed them.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to C3PO

Thanks, 3PO x

You're doing amazingly!

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon in reply to roseabi

hope you are feeling better roseabi :)

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to aliboo70

Much better thanks Ali xx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Marathon in reply to roseabi

That’s a relief xxx

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to roseabi

That sounds really rough roseabi . Hope this all fully clears up soon. At least your Achilles is feeling good!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Marathon in reply to roseabi

I hope you feel better soon ☹️

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to ju-ju-

Thank you!

misswobble profile image

Sorry to hear you’ve been So poorly Roseabi 😫. I hope you’re back on it soon 🙂👍

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to misswobble

Thank you MW! I'm sure I will be :)

misswobble profile image

Running, yoga and strength stuff again. myasics plan in hand 10km race on Sunday after my jog cub Christmas party on Saturday night Note to self not to overdo the stodge

My running plan should keep me busy til spring 😃

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to misswobble

Yay for business and stodge :)

loveofclimbing profile image

Just found this website! I am training for a Marathon that is 15 weeks out and I'm already tired! I raced a half marathon on what was supposed to be week 2 (on week 4 now) of my training and my legs have been iffy ever since. I also switched shoes shortly after the race so I'm combatting achy legs plus breaking in shoes.

All in all, I am completing the mileage but I'm not thrilled with how my legs feel. I took 6 days off from running after the half but I'm afraid it wasn't enough. I am really excited though, this is my first full and I can't wait to cross the finish line!

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to loveofclimbing

Hi, and welcome! What marathon are you doing?

loveofclimbing profile image
loveofclimbing in reply to roseabi

Hi!! I am running the Publix Georgia Marathon in Atlanta, GA. Race is on March 18th

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to loveofclimbing

That looks like a beautiful event! Is it local to you? I love how they've indicated on the course map which foods will be at each aid station :)

It is frustrating to have to reduce your runs, but worth it to recover well. You'll get there - have fun! And yes, there's nothing like crossing that finishing line!! Looking forward to seeing how you get on.

loveofclimbing profile image
loveofclimbing in reply to roseabi

yes, I live about 20 minutes from the course so I will be able to do long runs around the course! I am looking forward to the cookies and pretzels on the course map :)

Thank you for the warm welcome!!

C3PO profile image
C3POMarathon in reply to loveofclimbing

Welcome! As scary as it sounds, you probably need to decrease your mileage for a week or two. I didn't spend enough time recovering from a half marathon race in early October, and it seriously threw me off.

loveofclimbing profile image
loveofclimbing in reply to C3PO

Agreed! I am going on vacation this Saturday and will be dropping a 3 mile run from this week and another run from next week so I can fit in my long runs before and after the trip. I'm hoping cutting these runs will help a bit.

Recovery requires a lot of patience! I wasn't going to race hard on the half but got so excited to be in a big group and took off lol. That will be my biggest issue with my full. I'm trying to slow down my long runs so a slower pace feels more natural.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Marathon in reply to loveofclimbing

Hello and huge welcome... I hope the legs feel better soon. The high mileage for marathon training takes its toll...

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon

Bah - failing on my Asics plan already - on my first week! I did all the runs but it's chuntering about being off-piste.

It's going to be a long slog up to that HM :(

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Anniemurph

Aw :( Still, next week is another week - go Murph!! 🏃💪

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to Anniemurph

Ugh - I can sympathise Annie. I don't even listen to nagging Nancy any longer, just go by the watch and my music. Only use Asics for the calendar now :)

No worries - like roseabi says next week is another week - you've got this!

misswobble profile image

LOC. Do a bit of yoga! I have been suffering from a painful hip so bought a cheapo Tamal Dodge yoga dvd. Loving it! I did it post run yesters to help me loosen up 💪👍. if you’re struggling with marathon training slow the pace down. Maybe do more walk run

Murph you’re doing fine. Stop worrying! ☝️ That race has your name all over it 💪😁👍. Are you in the second phase or What? I’m still in the first phase doing 7k’s Mind you got a race on Sunday - Boza 10 🙂

Decker profile image

A regular week on the plan so far. Pushed my 10.5k forward to tomorrow as I went way too fast on the indoor track for the 5k yesterday and did not want to push my luck this morn - Don't know what it is about the indoor track but its hard to slow down :). It's kind of springy. Not that big a deal as I have no actual races to think about till March. Not sure what will happen in the bitter cold Jan/Feb months, but we'll see.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Decker

Well done!

Track running has never appealed to me, but I'm interested now... springy, you say? :)

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to roseabi

Yes, a bit springy. I think it has something to do with the underlay material they used. There are two indoor tracks nearby. This is the older one. The newer one is not nearly as nice though. It is more steeply banked and plays on your knees and shins over time.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Marathon in reply to Decker

Well done and just keep everything ticking over. My next race isn’t until October next year!!!

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to ju-ju-

oh that's a ways away! I bet you sign up for another one before then ;)

I missed Mondays run, too tired with funeral stuff on Tuesday. Absolutely chucked it down this morning and I was soaked walking to the doctors for bloods. Got home and waited out the rain until the sun emerged after lunch. I planned a 5 mile/8k run but i turned too early and it was 4.5 miles instead. I am struggling with being emotionally drained and sapped of energy so despite the same pace my distance is suffering at the moment. I hope this will improve soon.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to

It will!

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to

Good for you for getting out runfasterdoyle. You have been through a lot, so maybe give yourself some time to adjust back into your running routine.

in reply to Decker

I am just being impatient with myself. My head envisions lots of long runs clearing my mind but my body is saying no. I don't want to rest and lose my fitness so I feel this is a fine balancing act with going out for benefit and flogging myself.

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to

The conflict between your head and body makes complete sense. Just listen to your legs and adjust accordingly. The last thing you need is an injury taking you offline for months.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Marathon in reply to

Your body needs done let up by the sounds of it. Being emotionally drained is exhausting xxx

C3PO profile image

This is what I wrote:

"My goal for this week is four runs - with a long run on Tuesday. I have lots of baking planned, as I'm hosting a big party soon, so I need to counter it with plenty of exercise."

I seem to have got myself on a streak, so I'm doing well here. My long run on Tuesday was just slightly shorter than planned, at 16 K. Now I need to get going with my baking!

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to C3PO


Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to C3PO

Mmm baking! I’ve gone through my share of Christmas cookies 🍪🍪 this week and there are more to come 😁

C3PO profile image
C3POMarathon in reply to Decker

And this is just party baking - I'm baking 6 cakes and pies for a party I'm hosting next week. The regular Xmas baking will have to come later. Here in Norway you have to make 7 different kinds - I've done two so far.

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to C3PO

Oh my - 7 kinds of baking! I'd be more than happy with one or two. Now I'm hungry... :)

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