Yep... there was an offer going on and if I could register by end of this month I would get 20% off the registration fee and given I am fairly cheap on this I register. Very early I must say... Number 159!!!
I have never been such a low number in a road race... very close to the elite
I also honestly hope that this can keep me going over the autumn (months in which usually I get stuck in house, without much running done as work creeps in and I get less time for outdoor...).
The plan is simple: interval and speed training with a fair amount of miles per week (30 to 40) until November. On the 6th I will go for my first 10k (PB is in order to start the winter well ) and then will train for a Half marathon to be run at the beginning of the year. The 16 weeks training pre-marathon will start around Christmas or new year's eve...
Hopefully there won't be many falls like the one of last week and if I manage to avoid colds and flues from February everything should fall into place
I'll keep you posted. It's a long way to go (and hopefully if I can keep focused, this should help getting a new PB on the day )