Please advise me in any way possible he is 71 and I am 55 at this moment in time I find I am getting frustrated as no one seems to be bothering with us and I dont know where to turn
Hi my husband was diagnosed with mixed dement... - Making Space
Hi my husband was diagnosed with mixed dementia last june, he has slipped the net for a brain scan and we still have not got a date for this

Hello, how was your husband diagnosed then? Our Drs thought my husband had dementia, but was only confirmed with a brain scan and EEG..........he has vascular dementia, and and improved lots on the Exelon Patches.
Are you not getting help from your Drs? I would keep going and keep at them till they do something, the earlier medication is given, the better the results. I am in Liverpool and the help and support I have had has been wonderful.......both from our own Drs and Mossley Hill hospital......
Hope you get the help you need and soon.
I didn't think that a brain scan was a tool for diagnosis. My husband had one to rule out any other reason for his memory problems. In our area our local hospital has a memory clinic and we have yearly visits from a memory nurse, but they are also on the end of the phone should we need them. My husband also has not had a confirmed diagnosis other than he has memory problems but not yet Alzheimers. He wears Exelon patches, but although we have not noticed any difference, obviously we wouldn't know whether he had got worse without them. I would go back to your surgery and find out if there was a local memory clinic. My doctor did not refer us, we found out that it was available from a publicity campaign they had going in our local square. Anyway I hope you find help soon.
Hi and thankyou, my husband was diagnosed by our GP he noticed a great change in him, we have seen 2 different mental health doctors who concurred what our GP thought and said. I will ring the clinic again today to chase them up as we need help of some sort, we both get frustrated with what is going on with him and he does not comprehend everything, I find it hard to be patient with his new childish habits ie shoes hurt his feet, dont like the food I cook him, dragging his feet I know I shouldnt be like this but it hurts to watch the man you love and have been with for 36 years act like this. Many thanks again xx
i went to see my dr has i had a tia mini stroke and had a brain scan ive got Alzheimer and vascular demiture and at the moment cant drive awating answer from dvla
Hope you get the answer soon from the DVLA
Even if the DVLA ban you on medical grounds, they enclose a form and you can appeal.....and they will send you for a test.