Hello each! Am beginning to think that this space is no longer used?
Is anyone out there?: Hello each! Am beginning... - Making Space
Is anyone out there?

Hi, there is a lot of people on here the same, sometimes on other sites within Healthunlocked, there are loads, take care.
Hi lel1,
Good to hear you! I do hope that you have been doing OK. Sorry if you haven't seen me around on the Healthunlocked site recently. I've become an Ambassador on the Care Community section, so I'm usually posting within this group.
As you have discovered, we are still out here, but maybe your own group has been a little quiet recently.
Although our main aim is to help and support Carers, active or past, please be assured that everyone's welcome to pop in and join us for help or for a chat. This is a lively, supportive community, and we welcome everyone, so please feel free to come and join us when your own group of particular interest seems a bit too quiet.
Yes, we are still here, plodding on but making the most of what we have.OH now back to where he was before his fall thank goodness so making the most of,our travel passes to get out and about to,keep him used to different places. Also go to singing group which we both enjoy. Still find it difficult to deal with official agencies but not to worry.
Glad you guys are still plodding on as well as getting out. Those agencies are nothing but beaurocratic Rottweilers! They have the art of redirection off to a t! If you find you are entitled to something, then don't give up gal! Have you got a local carer's association or voluntary services? They might be able to lead the way? Can't get my dad to join groups! He goes a couple of times then says he's had enough!!
Are you getting some of that valuable 'me' time? Or, at least as close as we can get to that utopia??
Lell, I'm out here floating around looking for answers to the universe.
How are things with yiu, are you coping with this heat.
Coping ok but both finding it difficult so not going out when too hot. Have got cleaner for couple of hours once fortnight so that helps with the chores.
Haven’t heard from you for a while, is all well with you?
Sorry you been struggling, know the feeling. Was glad when Christmas was over, next time will follow my instincts and stay at home - just hope there is a next time for us both. Will be glad when it gets warmer and can get out for a day away, if we can manage. Begin to lose confidence in travelling. Finding that we have less and less visitors calling took, so feeling a little isolated and envious. Sorry to moan but hope things getting better with you. Glad to see you back on here.
Hey Cumbrialass, i guess we all feel that way sometimes huh? You went away for xmas? We defo need some warmer weather so that we can play outside! We need lots of mars bars...work, rest and play! It's horrid when visitors stop coming, just when you need them! Do you have family to visit? Mine don't bother, so nor do i! Silly really, but it does hurt when left to care for my dad who is also their dad!
Just come back on here after a few days. We went to close friends for Christmas only because hubby wanted to go (I would rather have been at home or on a short break for a change of scene), didn’t go well overnight so glad when home. Getting slower now and a little more forgetful but still enjoys company and going out (off the menu at moment with weather). We are lucky in that we have family visit but they always see the worst of any situation! One grandchild and family speak most weeks on phone and surprise surprise grandson in Holland spoke to us on Messenger on Sunday (still didn’t see his children though) but at least progress and Brian told him how much it meant to see him in person. Now have another great grandson but don’t know when we will get to see him. Thank goodness for this site. Saw my doctor this week who is very good to chat too and understands and interested in my wellbeing so that was good. Talking of Mars bars been wandering our way through Christmas chocolates but look forward to some warmer weather. A big hug and take care. Waiting for workmen changing bathroom shower, be glad when finished. Getting quite good at sorting bits of things.xx
Oh dear, such a disappointment huh? And again left feeling like some kind of pariah? Will nobody ever really understand the situation?? Alfie has a nephew to visit him today and they've said that they will stay with him if I'd like to go out! All the way from Stevenage (bout 100 miles) and his own son from 2 miles away has never been to see him for the best part of 3 years! I think I must be at the only gp surgery where all the doctors are deaf? They don't seem to hear anything I say to them?? We're still on Chrissy chocs and nuts! Hope your bathroom is finished and works fine? I have just put new flooring in ours and having new toilet and basin fitted next week...then decorate again!! You take care CUmbrialass, and stay warm....lots of duvet days gal!
No accounting for some people now, be interesting to be a fly on the wall when they are elderly! Bathroom almost finished but still batting head against brick wall to get to see Occupational Therapists and not Age UK, speaking to support worker tomorrow somprobably ruffle a few feathers. It past caring about that now. Best friends away to Australia for a month at weekend so will miss them as seem to be off radar with others. Happily we keep in touch with siblings (91 and 93) we are both the youngest in our families so lucky, my. Rather and I are the eldest and youngest of a family of five! Take care - hope yiu get out for a while, be a nice change for you. Have a hug from me.x
Why do people wish they were flies?? Dirty, bug carrying things! I think I'd rather be the wallpaper! I hope you do ruffle feathers gal! Not one of my (i thought they were friends) work colleagues are in touch, other firends disowned me when I went to uni (I was a late starter!) Oh my CUmbrialass, bet you guys look like a geriatric street gang! That's kinda spooky huh? Our bathroom has new handbasin/toilet and heated towel rail installed...but now we have no heating or hot water!! The nerd hid his stetson before showing up! He even managed to put a pipe on upside down and then tell me that it didn't fit...it came with the toilet!! Oh well, he can pay for the boiler engineers when they come tomorrow! The visit didn't work out as planned, so only got a couple of hours out with a friend. Cup of drink and a scone! Have been outside today and quite enjoyed the fresh air. Fancy going to australia with all that rain...and crocodiles, snakes and spiders!
Please take me with you, never had such a bad time, still waiting for OT and wish I had never decided to change bathroom but we can’t turn the clock back. Filthy day here matches the mood. Sorry your free time didn’t work out properly. Having coffee and hoping for better things today. Take care and sorry to moan. Have a hug from us. X
Hey, if we can't moan here where can we moan eh? Not really moaning, more sharing experiences CUmbrialass! OTs run on calendars not time schedules these days! Everything is overstretched. Got the heating and hot water back (no charge as under warrantee!) Downside is that I don't get to see the cowboy's blood rain from face when I would give hime the bill (around £500!) 😜 Weather foul here too but we only generally get the tailend of other people's bad weather. I have had 3 cups of hot chocolate today!! Sod the diabetes!!
Finally got OT visit after calling mental health unit directly as didn’t get call back. She called about half an hour later and was a good help. Had better weekend and younger daughter coming on Friday, hope things going well for you. Only electricity to sort out now. Our supplier very unhelpful so tried another company and was given a number to call for help but will leave that for the family to sort out on their next visit as fed up of trying to talk to officials. At least we are having some sunshine and neighbours took us to Morecambe yesterday for a ride out so lucky. Xx
Wow, sounds like you have fab neighbours Cumbrialass! Did you enjoy the time out? Any sandcastles to stomp on?? 😉 Sounds like it's a 'plus week' this week?? Utility suppliers are not helpful unless they are making money from you! Been trying on n off for a couple of years to get a smart meter...still waiting for an answer that is smart, never mind the meter! Have been struggling a bit with my dad's lack of motivation to do anything, so made up for it today by playing in the garden for an hour! Makes such a difference to my mood. Do you guys have a garden?
How are things with you? Finally got shower almost sorted out, electrician here today with plumber, we’re really helpful. Still waiting for third grab rail in shower, made my displeasure known to people who put it in and were supposed to order three - don’t usually lose my rag but had enough that day as man who came to put them on walked in shower with work boots on. Younger daughter came last weekend for a couple of nights and took us out and about and did some running around for us, other one coming in two weeks. Our friends are in Australia for a month so missing them and not seen others for a while so bit isolated. At least gone back to my swimming albeit just an hour a week. Going to be a sunny day tomorrow! Take care. Mary