I have a cataract that i was told was not ready to have fixed yet that was blurry vision then 2 days later had eye stroke same eye. Vision is like looking through dirty window. I have had an eye injection but vision still the same...dirty window vision. I am wondering if no imorovement is Because of cataract?
Eye stroke with previous cataract - Macular Society
Eye stroke with previous cataract
sorry to hear this although not medically rrajned it does make sense that the cataract would not help things. Guidelines have changed now in the UK as to when a cataract can be done it used to be when they were ‘ripe’ but now they are done earlier rather than later as they are easier to remove at an early stage and harder later on.
Dear bassbaby,
The main function of the injections is to stabilise the eye, maintain vision, and prevent further damage. For some individuals there can be an improvement in vision, but this is variable. As long as the injections are managing to stabilise the eye, then they are doing their job.
Usually there is a loading dose of 3/4 injections, followed by more eye tests and a review with the ophthalmologist, when you can discuss how your eye has been responding to the injections. At this point, you could pose your cataract related questions.
Always contact the eye clinic straight away if you ever experience a deterioration in vision.
Kind regards,
Macular Society helpline
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