I have macular odema and for the last couple years my eye dr has mentioned have a surgery to remove the wrinkles one in each eye. I believe it’s called a virectomy or something like that. I am so scared to have it done but my eyesight is changing so I know it’s time. Has anyone had this procedure done and how did you keep from looking up for 4 days? Thanks so much
wrinkle surgery : I have macular odema and... - Macular Society
wrinkle surgery

hi there I have not have had that procedure done before but know plenty who have had. Have they given you much information about it ?
Hi thom3patty. I've had a vitrectomy but mine was for a detached retina in my left eye. My posturing had to be done by not sleeping on my back or towards the left side, although I could sleep facing the right but not completely lying down, but we're all different depending on what we've had done and why. The not looking up, I assume, is posturing and I've put a link below as to why this has to happens as it will explain it far better than I can.
Good luck with the procedure. x

Dear thom3patty,
You may have a condition called epiretinal membranes (ERM) which occurs when cells grow and form a translucent membrane along the surface of the retina over the macula, which can then thicken and contract, causing the retina surface to wrinkle. A vitrectomy procedure involves removing the jelly from the eye and then removing scar tissue from the retina. Sometimes an air bubble is inserted and you may be asked to keep your head face down after surgery, known as posturing.
You may find our webinar on "Macular holes and other surgically treated macular conditions" by Professor Tim Jackson of interest as it discusses ERM and the vitrectomy procedure in detail.
Kind regards,
Macular Society Advice and Information Service
I hah a vitrectomy and cataract surgery a couple of months ago for a macular hole. I had to do the posturing for a week. I hired a face down chair from Face Down Support which was really comfortable and I could watch to, listen to radio etc. I spent at least 6 hours a day on it and did doze off quite often.
I couldn’t sleep face down as it was really uncomfortable (stiff neck and shoulder) so I propped myself up with a pillow behind me and slept on my side with my head tilted over. The posturing was much easier than I thought. The gas bubble lasted 7 weeks and to be honest was not fun as you really can’t see very well.
Good luck!
Sorry to hear about your problems. I had macula Edema & an ERM diagnosed in April 2015. Once the Edema had been treated I had vitrectomy/pars plana surgery (Feb 2016) to remove the ERM. It was very successful, I had no problems whatsoever & didn’t have to posture or look up for four days. Everyone’s experience is slightly different, I had a very positive outcome & hope you do too. Good luck.
Get well soon.