Could the macular society fund research into effective eye Anaesthesia for those of us who suffer severe pain And trauma of injections where current pain relief does not work. It really is a horror story for those of us in this situation. What is the use of treatment if you are too terrified to use it. U
Trauma of painful Injections: Could the... - Macular Society
Trauma of painful Injections

That would be wonderful. Nine times out of ten the anesthetic doesn’t work for me, therefore I dread the injections. I only have the injections to save my eyesight, which if I lose, my independence is gone.
Do you receive the lidocaine injection before the ocular injection? My surgeons do that and I feel absolutely nothing. Some surgeons only use numbing drops as they don't want to take the extra time and you can feel the injection.
Never heard of lidocaine. Will definitely ask. Thanks so much for your response. Really appreciate it. Another responder also suggested it so will insist next time. So good to get helpful suggestions.
I have learned if you don’t ask for it they won’t necessarily accommodate. So this is what works for me I’ve had horrible trams but my last injection was completely pain free. Always TELL them you want the numbing shot before the injection and make sure they wait 5 minutes for it to take affect (some rush it and you feel the needle) make sure they use the eyelid clamp and DO NOT let them remove it before they was out the betadine. I apologize in advance for my terminology and spelling but have learned they will rush me through and don’t give two hoots about my pain, if I don’t TELL (and I’m always polite but assertive)them in advance what I need. I had a DR who doesn’t give the numbing shots so I asked for another. Best of luck to you
Thank you very much for such a clear and comprehensive outline of what works for you. I did have a numbing shot once after really complaining re pain. The injection followed straight After which was probAbly why it didn’t help too much. It’s becoming clear to me that if you don’t know what works and insist on getting it it’s tough luck. Also, Ive had more help from people on this site than any advice from doctors. Really appreciate it. Injection Friday. Oh horror.
I have had lidocaine for last two injections. First was great, second one needed more time for numbing drops to work. MD offered it because after many years of injections, I started to jump a bit with injection. It was helpful. 🌷
I found the shots extremely painful even after 3 or 4 anesthesia drops administered before the shot. But with the addition of Akten Lidocaine Gel, the pain is MUCH reduced and tolerable. Good luck!
Hi mexliz. You are the second person to recommend lidocaine so will definitely insist next time. Thanks so much for taking the trouble to get back to me. Am really feeling desperate. Another injection next week. Thanks Again.
Hello againI'm so glad to hear that you're finding out about lidocaine. I'd never heard of it and shall try to find out more. It's an excellent idea to ask the Mac Soc to fund research into this. If you don't ask, you don't get. Very good wishes for your next poke in the eye.
I do not mind the injections too much as I know I have to have them. However, the pain I am in following them has been horrendous the last few times, my eyes stream, my nose streams. We have tried no iodine the last time but was exactly the same after, I end up in agony immediately after the numbing drops have worn off, can barely keep my eye open. Fine when I have just had it done but in an hour or so, horrendous, to the point of tears. Was not this bad originally but really suffer after the last few times.
Hi Millie, I'm so sorry your experiencing such awful pain.Have you mentioned this to your consultant ?...
I've been going to clinic for 6 years and found it was different injectors, thankfully the last year has been fine, except the odd couple who insist on rubbing my eyeball quite hard with their finger, which made my eye sore till next day, (strangely, they said it helps with pain after injection)...I'm quick to ask them not to do it now. I hope the consultant can help ..good luck x
Hi, I have got the doctor doing it next time as he did it once previously and I had no real pain after so hoping this might make a difference. I have an 8 week gap between this and my last one so that is keeping me happy for the minute, rather than have 1 done and dread the next, a bit of breathing space between them.
If your ok with Doc doing it do you think perhaps others are bit heavy ?....I found some heavy handed when they ' marked' the eye....just something to think about ..good luck .....also I use dry eye drops at least twice a day and especially injection day, worth thinking about x
Hi JJnan, saw your comment about doc rubbing the eye after inj. When I was having steroid implants they did this to me sometimes and explained it's to make the " tunnel" in white of the eye which the needle causes close back up if it doesn't do it itself quickly. But they did say also that it was the bigger needle used for implants due to the size of the implant that is pushed into the eye ( grain of rice) that makes an obvious tunnel. It needs to close up otherwise it's a route for infection.
In principle though any inj is going to make a hole albeit in a much more tiny way, but given we dont all get rubbed every time it can't be an issue- perhaps those docs do implants as well and so just rub anyway regardless, or maybe there was a bleed they were trying to stop?I think you're right to be sceptical of their comment and I suspect your docs just said what they did as they didn't want to go into a proper explanation. Personally I can't believe that docs rubbing immediately after an injection is anything to do with pain relief - if it was then everyone who complains of suffering painful inj would surely be given it?
I recall it was a horrible feeling and made me feel like vomiting lol.
Hi millieT, I used to have awful after effects but with me it was sensitivity to iodine. Have you tried clinitas jell. You can get a prescription from your optician. I also found the anaesthetic drops gave me very dry eyes afterwards. Usually it is dry eyes that cAuse all the tears. I use this gel now and it really helps. Hope it works for you.
I was hoping this was the case but clearly not, totally gutted. I will definitely look into this and see if I can get it next time. I just dread the after effects these days but on the odd occasion I have come home and had no pain which has been amazing, fingers crossed with the next one.
I do not get numbing dr. First injects a numbing solution....we wait five minutes, then I get the Eylea injection. I have NEVER felt pain for either injection.
Hi everybody. Last injection doc very sympathetic. Got drops and a licodIne injection but the jag still very painful. No after effects though Apart from a small bleed. Feel at the end of the road and dreading next jag in a months time. Just realised I may be replying to myself. Really get mixed up with all this string business. Not very computer savvy.
I have had this on two occasions down to the person injecting . I then always make sure I do not get that person injecting me again.